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Why do BM and SS have to ruin everything??? Warning: Foul language to match my foul mood and long...

DaizyDuke's picture

So yesterday was BS1 1st birthday. We decided that DH, BS and I would go out to dinner. The skids (SD12 and SS11 who we've been stuck with all week) wanted to go to the mall to meet up with SS's 19 year old 1/2 brother (BM's son that she had when she was 16). So perfect! a nice dinner without skids acting like they're 3 and embarrassing the shit out of me.

DH was planning on taking skids skiing today but of course SS didn't think the bring his ski stuff with him! WTF? So DH has to call BM to see if she'll be home so he can pick it up, she says yes then tries to start dumb ass conversation about nothing... DH says gotta go, we'll stop later and get the stuff. So on the way to dinner BM calls twice (DH ignores the calls) then we no sooner sit down to dinner and she is texting.

BM Text: "Please be sure to keep an eye on SS and tell him to be careful. I worry about him getting hurt. Last time he went skiing he was really sore when he got home." (side note: WTF? Of course he was sore he actually got some exercise! I know that playing video games and texting on his cell phone are hard work, but skiing is a little tougher)

I told DH he better put an end to it because BS and I were not going to sit at dinner while he texts BM back and forth for her stupid shit. DH said "already sending her the text."

DH Text: "I can't keep an eye on SS, he is on a mile long ski slope, that is why I got him a helmet and lessons. Why don't you text HIM and tell him to be careful? It is BS1 birthday and I am trying to have dinner and don't have time for your stupid fucking text messages. If you are so concerned about SS then YOU can take him skiing and monitor him" (sidenote: BM taking SS skiing will NEVER happen, we tried that last year and she came up with every excuse in the book why she couldn't.. heaven forbid she participate in something that was not HER idea.)

Thankfully BM did not text back (I guess miracles DO happen) So after dinner we had to go to the mall and pick up skids. As we are walking in we see 19 year old half brother out front smoking with his friends... so wonderful...Where the fuck are SS and SD? Oh up in the arcade....UGH. DH calls them, they come down we leave and head to BM's to pick up SS ski stuff. DH tell him on the way that this is the last time he is doing this, that if SS forgets his stuff again, he will stay home. So we get to BM's send skids up to get stuff... 10 freeking minutes later, BM calls... "He can't find his Northface jacket" WTF??? that's a 100.00 jacket and he has no idea where it is?? Then she says, "so what should I send him with?" um how about a swimsuit? Is she THAT stupid?? DH starts to blow up, tells her to just send him with a freeking winter coat of some sort. So as we are headed back home, DH says" did you get your ski pass?" SS gets the deer in the headlights look... "um, I think so, um I had it in my hand, um I guess not." So we have to turn around and go back.....

So THIS is how we got to spend BS1 birthday. By the time we got home, he was sleeping so he didn't get to have his birthday cake/candle. I hate these fucking people! And this is not the first time this shit has happened. MY birthday got ruined a few years ago with BM/SS nonsense. I am just so tired of it all... I wish I could be like the kid in the Twilight Zone and wish them all into a cornfield.

swstepmom's picture

I can totally see this being my life if we lived closer because stupid shit like this happens all the time when we have my ss10. He acts like he is 3 and expects everyone to wait on him hand and foot. He absolutely ruins everything when he is around because he sulks up if all the attention is not on him. If anyone says anything about my bd1 then he sulks up. What I have found to be helpful is not let him around during the important things such as her birthday party,Christmas etc....I know it seems so mean and selfish but I just know things would be horrible if he was here during those times. Of course it does help that he lives 4 hours away from us! But we will be getting this brat tomorrow for the weekend/holiday break....oh great....another new year with this kid! Yah! Last year I got out of if because we just had our new baby girl in the house and my husband wasn't about to leave us to go pick him up thankfully! This year I talked my husband out of having him for Christmas because he has 1/2 siblings,step siblings and ex step siblings that he celebrates Christmas with so I got out of Christmas again this year! I hope there will be another few Christmas' ss free....wouldn't be so bad if every time it was a huge ordeal....also my ss bm used to call my dh all the time....I put an end to it after I was pregnant because I just couldn't handle it anymore....the last time she pulled that crap was when I was 6 months pregnant and she called his cell at 7 in the morning to talk to him about ss getting new clothes then she called againt to tell my dh that my ss used a bow and arrow at camp then she called again that evening and told us that he ate a grasshopper at camp!!!I was beyond mad so I called her up and let her have it.....that was pretty much the end of all of that crap! She now has to call my cell to talk to us.....make things much easier because now she won't tell me how her and my dh were talking the other day about yada yada yada! Helped our relationship a lot....and she got remarried so that may have helped some...poor guy.

DaizyDuke's picture

As for the jacket.... I bought the most obnoxious pink parka. SS knows if he's ever lacking a warm coat - he has to wear mine
LOVE this idea!!! I may tell DH to do this! Bet SS will find his NorthFace faster than the speed of light!

StephH77's picture

We just had our third Christmas in a row ruined due to BM's bullshit and inability to get anywhere on time. I feel your pain. Keep working on getting your DH to stand up to her and set boundaries. It took me a long time to get DH to do it. He was still guilty for the divorce and BM is quite manipulative and intimidating and she terrorized him for the 9 years they were married. He was finally able to work past the guilt and stand up to her (with my help). But we still have the scheduling drama, so we are going to try and alter the divorce agreement/custody schedule to minimize this as much as possible. We also have the forgetting issues (although since sd is only 8 it is usually BM forgetting to pack soemthing we asked for). We have tried our best to get around all of these situations (borrowing stuff from friends, having spare clothes here in case, etc). Good luck.

ddakan's picture

i'm seeing your point. cool thing is, your baby can have cake tomorrow and never know the difference. be sure not to be dealing with the fuckers on your babies birthday next year because you know the shit they'll pull!!!

just quit trying to go out of your way for the skids, they are stupid and they take and they have a mother to get all their b.s. from!!!

damn step kids and bm. i hope they all get transported to a corn field FAR THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!

DaizyDuke's picture

Yes, I think the ONLY reason that I didn't completely lose a gasket was that BS was turning 1, not like he is going to remember that his birthday got ruined by these freaks of nature, so I let it go for the most part with DH and just vented here. BS actual b-day party is next weekend and there better not be any drama from any of them and I'm pretty sure DH knows this and will see to it that SS and BM are under control (as much as he can)

Serenity now!

starfish's picture

i think skids "forget" shit they have to have on purpose. like they enjoy the extra "attention" and "effort" geared just for them. my ss has medicine he takes every frickin' night, but still has to be reminded to bring it with him here and take it home the next morning. i can't tell you how many times dh had to make an extra 1.5 hr round trip b/c the dumb fuck forgot his medicine, but said he had it when he got into the truck. now he has to show the medicine.