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How would you handle the adult SD who continuously steals and destroys your personal property...

nuttybear27's picture

I need some advice on husband says he is tired of being put in the middle of it. However, he has yet to do anything about it! Well, once. She had taken 20.00 out of my wallet. Then she stole a watch from me that her father bought for me, she is very sneaky . We were moving, I didn't really think to 'hide' anything, I just put all my valuables in one spot, I don't have much. Well, she found them, and took the watch when I wasn't watching carried in a box and said well I have to go! I searched everywhere for that watch until I realized that sd must have taken it. Well, a month later, big sd brought it back and snuck it in a backpack that I had just emptied a day before! Two weeks ago I went to see what condition it was in, it's a good watch, and it was all beaten up, it won't wind and either the battery is dead or the winder or whatever it's called is broken. HELP

I need some advice on husband says he is tired of being put in the middle of it. However, he has yet to do anything about it! Well, once. She had taken 20.00 out of my wallet. Then she stole a watch from me that her father bought for me, she is very sneaky Dirol . We were moving, I didn't really think to 'hide' anything, I just put all my valuables in one spot, I don't have much. Well, she found them, and took the watch when I wasn't watching carried in a box and said well I have to go! I searched everywhere for that watch until I realized that sd must have taken it. Well, a month later, big sd brought it back and snuck it in a backpack that I had just emptied a day before! Two weeks ago I went to see what condition it was in, it's a good watch, and it was all beaten up, it won't wind and either the battery is dead or the winder or whatever it's called :? is broken. HELP!

LizzieA's picture

Say, OK, then next time something is missing I'm calling the cops. I'll put them in the middle. That is not acceptable at all. Your DH is a wimp. You are not two kids fighting on the playground so his response is inappropriate.

Just thought of my experience--my friend and I had a babysitter years ago who stole my shirt from my bag while she was babysitting. I came home and it was gone so I knew it was her. I went to her parents' house and called her out on it. She gave it back.

nuttybear27's picture

She won't come in anymore because her POOR feelings were hurt and she is tired of being ACCUSED of stealing. I made the mistake of agreeing to move next door to the ex and sd! MY BAD big time. I was sooo mad one day because sd stole my gps right out of my car...but to be honest I am not sure if it was her, I did leave my windows open; but come on I am the only one who seems to constantly get thieved and she is always the one doing it! So, who do you blame HER! I went to her grandparents and told the mamaw what happened and slowly went into overdrive; she told me the sd would never do anything like that and i was wrong.
I went to pawn shop after pawnshop to find out if she had been to any of them and they said the same thing, NO, but two of them told me that if she was their daughter, they would have her butt in jail in no time. Her actions are inconcionable. Her mom probably did the dirty work for her. So, now she is destroying my flower bed in the yard, doing small picayune things that are irritating me, this woman is 25 yrs. old! She takes the dog's bandana off and throws it in the neighbors yard, takes my cat's collar off and throws it in the yard. I have bought 3 collars for her already because two of them were missing and I found one in the yard, anyway. So, finally, I had enough and went to the police station without the dh's knowledge and filed a report with the ex's name and both sd's...since they know many of the police officers. I told the sgt. I spoke to that I didn't want to have anything done yet, but I wanted it filed in case something else came up missing or went wrong, then her name would be there. I also told him about an incident where I went balistic because of something that happened and the police were called and older sd found out because a police friend told her. I am afraid that this will be used against me in the future.