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Quick ? - Need Advice

hbell0428's picture

So... I have tried SEVERAL times to approach dad about letting SD13 have toooooo much freedom already. Quick examples; High School dance midnight curfew; boys over when we aren't home; sneaking out window - hardly grounded for that; phone in room all night on school nights; Speaks disrespectful to ALL fam members; called her grandmother dude the other day. Dad asked me to die her her black last night; which is not the worst thing. I am sure you all get the point.

You know it is bad when MIL and Ex's Mom approaches and asks what the hell is going on over at our house; and why is the 13 year old running wild?

AAHHHH; can you belive it - so my question is; How do I get dad to realize it isn't a joke and he needs to buckle down??

(Thus far, I have had NO say in anything related to her)

hbell0428's picture

I know; I know; but it is embarrassing - I don't let my bio kids act like that!! To be honest; he doesn't allow his other 3 to act like that either!!!!!!!!

aggravated1's picture

What do you tell your in-laws when they ask you that? I would be putting that ball right back in DH's court!!

oneoffour's picture

You tell him he can dye it himself. She is an embarrassment and he is heading for grandparenthood inside 2 yrs.

Then you make arrangements to leave for a while. Let him deal with the drama. I often think that the SM is like a buffer. The B/Dad doesn't have to REALLY make an effort esp. with his daughters because the SM is a woman, right? And she will make sure nothing REALLY bad happens, right?

Oh and the phone thing? Hell and NO!
The boys over? HEll and HELL NO!

Move out for a while and let him handle it on his own. It won't be so funny when you aren't there and he is actually wholey responsible for her.

no fairytale's picture

Are his other bio kids boys?? My FH lets his only daughter have her own rules and excuses everything she does.. But my bio boys very different story.
For some reason they think their daughters can do no wrong..
I feel your pain

Orange County Ca's picture

Have you reminded him that she is fertile?

If she's not on birth control he better move quickly.

Meanwhile give him a box of condoms to give to her for the moment. Maybe it'll shock him into reality.

VAStepMom's picture

Fathers of a young girl hide in the sand.
1). She has no business dying her hair BLACK. That is a sign of rebellion.
2). Cell phone at night? NO way. Go to ATT and pay $4.99 for parental controls and shut the phone off at night. You can even restrict her calls during school. It's awesome!
3). Talk to DH and explain the situation is getting out of control and reflecting on him as a parent and YOU. Once the rules are laid out.... write them down.
4). Conduct a family meeting and lay out the rules. Make DH explain the rules and make sure he stands firm.

Good Luck!

hbell0428's picture

the bio kids are 1 girl; 2 boys... I LOVE the rule thing. We were supposed to during the week she went wild; but then she kept it "low key" during the next - so he hasn't fulfilled the promise of this rule book (Which I want!!)

I wish he would see; but if NE 1 talks to him this way - he gives an attitude right back... I am not sure what I am going to do. I DO NOT want to wait for something bad to happen for him to see it; but I have a feeling this is what it is going to take; I just wish it would happen soon because my BD11 is thinking this behavior is OKAY!!