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Funny FB pic

MadeMyBed's picture

So, DH and I are DEFINITELY not "friends" with BM on Facebook. There is no "friendship" between any of us and she would spy like crazy on us if there was. So I decide to search her on FB just to see her profile pic (her profile is private so thats all I can see). Man! what a weird/disturbing pic! Ok, try to wrap your brain around this: for her profile pic SHE TOOK A PICTURE OF ANOTHER PICTURE! Lol! So the picture she chooses is blurry and has a flash from taking a pictur of it! Not to mention looks 10 years old! Pretty sad its the best she could do! Totally unphotogenic AND stupid with technology! She has a Smartphone, turn the thing around and take a picture of yourself-DUH!

CrystalRE's picture

Our BM has a picture of herself making our with her boyfriend as her profile pic :sick:

Jouma's picture

Our BM had a pic like that... making out with her boyfriend, in the snow. It was only 3 or 4 months later when she told the judge "I've had no transitional dating partners since the separation". Go figure.

stormabruin's picture

Our BM's pic is her in an ultra-mini skirt & a black tank with fruit on it on her bed. She has one foot on the floor & her other leg is kneeling on the bed with her legs spread. She's wearing a long curly-haired wig & sporting what looks like is supposed to be a "come & get some" facial expression.

stormabruin's picture

It is. Really...the effort in the facial expression is the most disturbing part. Well, it's between that & the wig. LOL!

Mominator's picture

Our BM has a pic that was probably taken 10 years ago, which actually looks pretty decent. But, go into her photo albums and she is one haggard lookin bitch. Kinda funny to see the contrasts. It would be obvious to any observer.

caregiver1127's picture

My BM has a picture from about 10 years ago as well and her hair is covering half of her face - her first picture on FB was just of her eye in a sephia type of photo - she thinks she is very artistic and that her photo is a work of art meanwhile she is a piece of S____!

Bradybunchmom's picture

Ours has a nice current picture of her face...and believe me that is scary enough!

Facebook is a sore spot with us though because she has added all my fiance's family on her page and yet wont add her own children who keep begging her to play the facebook games with her. And she has no pictures of her kids up at all.

RB's picture

Get this, the BM has a picture of herself, sitting on the ground with a pig and having the pig smoke a cigarette. Weird, yes!

SillyGilly's picture

BM changes her pic regularly. I feel it is an indicator of her change in mood. When it is a photo of herself she is being her typical narcissistic self. When it is a photo of something abstract she is on fire and going to be picking a fight with someone, so stay away. When it is a pic of one of her other kids she is on her "I'm a mom, I'm a martyr" trip. It's actually very informative but always spooktacular! Blum 3

skylarksms's picture

Our BM just got married so is changing her photo every other day or so to another picture of her wedding. She also had her ultrasound pix up there for a while...BUT she told my skids not to tell me or DH that she is pregnant or got married. What a stupid....

ANYway, what bothers me MORE is that my SD17 who is a single mom with a 6 month old baby and still trying to finish high school (which is GREAT) is posing in a LOW cut shirt and saying she is 20!!! :jawdrop:

AND BM is a "friend" of hers so she KNOWS this girl is doing that?!?!?!!!!!