SD and DH Went At It - Wow!!
Yes folks - believe it or not - DH really reamed his 19yo spoiled, manipulative 'adult' daughter.
I tried to get ya'll some footage for You Tube but there was so much excitement going on that I couldn't get good sound... }:)
I know I'm making fun here - but you know?? I don't care! I have HAD it with her bratty ways.
Long story short - she just had a baby 2 weeks getting married very soon. Is spoiled, manipulative, irrational, controlling, a liar....need I go on? Nope! You all get the jist, I'm very sure.
She pulled a fast one here over a month ago and DH has asked her to fix it...she's let a situation get so out of control that there are hurt feelings between my DH, her, my 18SS, and her has spiraled so out of control that she began lying bold faced last week as to how this situation was going to be taken care of. BOLD FACED and never batted an eye lash. DH was taking it with more patience than I would have..I watched him get slowly angry about it starting about last Wednesday.
Well...TODAY was the end all be all. Her lies stretched so far that it involved the BM showing up at our house, bringing my SS18 home after being with her all weekend.
SD lied once again to everyone involved and it got ugly REAL FAST. DH blew sky high and got on the phone with SD who tried to turn the whole situation around on horrible he was as a a a husband..and even a GRANDFATHER. Told him he was not going to see his 2 week old grandson again...threw that trump card right in there. Said she was going to persuade her mother to talk her brother - SS18 - into moving in with him. Said DH makes him MISERABLE. Said he has ruined his life. Really drug my DH thru the mud.
As all this was going on, we had several friends over of my SS...they witnessed all of it. It was actually very embarrassing but I was soooooooooooooooo glad he let her have it..I almost got up and did a cheer!! YEE HAW!!!!
He even asked me how to block her whether or not this truly happens remains to be seen, but he says what she said to him was totally unforgivable. For her to threaten him about his grandson made him so livid.
While all this was going on, all I could think was how she has treated me...I wanted to shout out how now he was seeing what I've dealt with out of this bitch. The same girl that told him how some 'girl' came along and took her 'daddy' from I've made her lose her 'daddy'.
Well sorry honey.....but your fucked up behavior has made you lose your daddy..if indeed you HAVE lost your daddy! I mean - do your lies ever stop??? I have never seen a person lie so much in my entire life!! He said today she has turned EXACTLY into her the core! for the serious stuff...ladies...we all know this may be over tomorrow and he'll be back to being the ass-kissing passive father that we all know and love...
He's sad..angry...and very hurt she would be this way to him. As to what he expected is beyond me. She does not fall too far from her sorry assed mother's tree.
He's even said he was not attending her wedding....well...we'll see. That may be going too their argument did get very intense and lots of hard words came from her.
Not sure what's gonna happen to be truthful...
Wow.......... Way to go DH.
Way to go DH. Hope he can keep it up.
What was the fast one the SD pulled off that caused all the rukus?
Well...let me tell you all
Well...let me tell you all how last night ensued..then you can all tell me what you think...
When all this happened, DH was VERY upset...and upset isn't even the word. To have his daughter threaten this crap was too much.
So I tried to call him when he left for work and he never answered.
Here's why...he called the BM. The very woman that is the main problem here..the woman that SD has turned into. Said he felt desperate and felt his relationship with his daughter was on the verge of being done and he needed help....??? he was talking to his ex wife when I was trying to call him to find out if he was okay. Is there anything wrong with this picture here?
Why in the hell would you call the woman that is condoning SD's behavior and the same woman you have had all this trouble with? He says he couldn't have called his family - who is VERY loving - and talk to them about the situation. And why is that? Because his family is like me - they tell it like it is about his daughter. They tell him she's just like her mother. They tell him to DEAL with his daughter - especially his mother.
Instead of dealing with his adult daughter, he calls his worthless ex wife.
I tell you all what - I'm almost ready to walk out the front door.
Yep..his mess. Hope he learns
Yep..his mess. Hope he learns to clean it up someday - for his sake. Don't see it happening soon, but hopefully one day that happens.
I'm guess I'm
I'm guess I'm just sick of the drama, you know?? Endless bullshit.
It also just happened to be my SS's 18th birthday...when all this fighting ensued - RIGHT AFTER he had his talk with the BM - she got on SS's facebook and said she was sorry his father had ruined his usual. Just put my DH down right to the ground. And he had JUST gotten off the phone with her where supposedly she was sympathizing with my DH over their daughter's lies...?? And she puts my DH down publicly - this is the person he felt he had to confide in?
I think he literally handed BM his balls right back on a silver platter...and I told him so. Told him he had a huge knife in his back and his daughter and his ex twist him like a huge fiddle.
I'm just sick of seeing it...sick of it! I'm sick of seeing him, his son, and the BM act like waterbugs that scatter when the lights get turned on...they run around like lunatics when SD is mad or wants control. God forbid - she's mad and isn't getting her out!!! She's gonna talk horrible to you and treat you like shit..threaten to take away your grandson. Tell you you're a terrible person that makes people miserable. Tell you you don't do enough or don't come to her beck and call...
I'm tired and irritated...and not at all understanding why my DH is not seeing the light here..and just about done.
You said it - it's crushing.
You said it - it's crushing. To know he has a great family that backs him up - and to know he confided and sought help from that piece of trash just eats me alive. It's crushing to watch the man I love get treated like shit...and I told him that VERY LOUDLY. To watch him buckle and chase after her like she's some sort of Pied Piper. Sick!
His ex wife ate this up for breakfast. Literally. She loves to know there's trouble with the kids and he sought her out for 'help'. What happened after that phone call was her calling her daughter, telling the master manipulator how upset and hurt my DH was..and my SD sat back and chalked another one up on the board.
I'm just so tired of all this crap.
My SD also dealt us the 'can
My SD also dealt us the 'can never see the grandkids again' card. It's been almost 4 months and I miss them terribly. It's pretty common for the manipulative SDs to do that. My skids are clones of their worthless BM but my DH would NEVER call the bitch! And I would be plenty pissed if he did instead of leaning on the family that backed him up. Sounds like you need to talk it thru and find out why he did.