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Holding on strong to my convictions and seeing RESULTS!!

mindy2010's picture

I have recently distanced myself from SD12 over this past week and a half and its WWORKING! My fiancee sent her over to her grandmothers last night!! She is with us full time so it was nice to get a break. My panic attacks are getting worse, and even though she is being really "sweet" right now, the sight of her gives me the anxiety attacks. I feel bad because she is being so nice to me but I'm not ready to fix things. Ive tried to be the mother, she doesnt want it so Im done trying until I see some consistency in her actions. So, HERES TO HOLDING ON STRONG FOR ONE MORE DAY, REMEMBER... JUST ONE DAY AT A TIME!!

Timetogiveup's picture

Good for you!

I get anxiety attacks from my SS too. I am in therapy because of what goes on here.Sometime that just makes me want to cry. I have dealt with wild horse, rabid animals, I train large breed dogs for Schutzhund...I have been biten, kicked, stomped on, dragged (drugged, whatever it is), pinned against walls and never had a problem. But, there are days where the sight of this 16 YO brat, just ruins me....I even have to take Xanax when it gets really bad.

His BM has little to do with him, Grandma lives out of state, we have no local family and the kid doesn't have any friends....there is no escape!

Don't believe anyone that tells you it gets better, it gets worse as they age.

luvenlife's picture

so i'm not the only one out there that can't stand the sight of my ss same situation his mother has washed here hands of him due to all of the trouble this 23yr old has been in he has no friends cause he's ripped them all off. the only friend he has is his father but thats because dad enables him and dad thinks everybody is picking on his son (NOT) your right it doesn't get better the older they get have been dealing with my stepson from the age of 15 i have been the one going to visit him in rehab or going to court with him not his mother and for the last 2 years it's been only me going into court with him not even his father cause his father travels due to his job my stepson hates me cause i tell him like it is instead of his parents stepping up to the plate they would want to be his friend. i've tried so hard to hold on to my covictions but then i get shit from my husband because i'm suposively being a bitch to his son. the way i see it his father has no clue what goes on in the house because he's gone on the road 9 months out of the year.

Orange County Ca's picture

That's absolutely great Mindy. I advocate your approach for everyone. Billions of kids grew up just fine without your (or my) help and turned out just fine. This one will also and if s/he doesn't it won't be your fault. Of course if they turn out great you'll get none of the credit - but who cares?

Eliminate that work "until" from your statement. You stick to this policy forever and react only when she turns to you which may be never.