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New's threatening to kill my unborn baby once it's here...

junebug's picture

I have come to this site for months and it's kept me sane as I journey down this road of a blended family. This might be a long post, but I need to vent! My DH and I met at work well after his ex kicked him out to be with a man she married one year to the date she kicked my DH out. She doesn't work, has been raised to live off of a man and is teaching her kids the same thing. Her new hubby has a son that he doesn't have anything to do with so she has no idea what it's like to have your life interrupted every other weekend and deal with the crazy ex-wife either. The ex and I got along decent in the beginning until she realized he was serious about me. She figured she'd kick him out, see how things went and he'd lie there waiting like a sad puppy for her to come back. She actually begged him to come back and got my twin SDs all worked up and they too asked their Dad to come back-all two weeks before her wedding. It was sad. I lost respect for her at that point, and that was about 1 1/2 yrs ago. Fast forward to now my DH and I are expecting a baby boy due on Christmas Day. He had to have a vasectomy reversal to make this happen and we're excited especially since it's a boy (I have a 7yr old BD, his twin girls are 11). The BM started taking one of the twins to counseling recently because she wanted to come live with us. I guess BM thought she must have something wrong with her. BM lives in a trailer park, doesn't work, and is a HS dropout. My DH and I are college grads who work for the govt and have for about 15 years, we value education and have a nice home in a nice neighborhood. Anyway, it's kinda backfired cuz the counselor has seen the ex's issues and has brought the other twin in as well as the ex. My DH has gone by himself as well and also with both SDs. He has asked me to consider going with the girls too. I am all for this since I reported to CPS over a year ago that the girls had obvious coping issues with their parents divorces and subsequent remarriages...but a part of me could care less too. Now I've found out that the one who wants to live with us told my DH that she wants nothing to do with the baby and wishes it would die. THe other one told my BD that she would get up in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping and kill the baby. I know they're upset about the lack of control they have over their parents' choices and that they don't want to share their Dad. But, it's getting really hard for me to be an adult and overlook things especially when they may eventually act on these seemingly harmless comments now. The BM is the real problem, as she is just crazy over the fact we're having a child. She thought he'd never share such a thing again after her. THe other day she told my DH that they all felt replaced. He told her that when she kicked him out, she was out of his mind forever, but that the kids were a different story. He kinda blames the kids for their feelings, but I blame her. He generally will support me on stepparenting issues, but he did say that he knew BM for years and she isn't evil like I think. COulda fooled me! I could write for hours about the psychological abuse she's put her girls through. I care about them and their future and it's frustrating that I can't fix them or have an influence on them because they aren't here often enough and also being of all the negative things implanted in their heads by BM. I have to fight my inner urge to hate them too though. THe things they say and the way they act drive me batty. I only care about DH's feelings and that keeps me from being a 12 year old myself most of the time. I have disengaged in the past and that upsets my I shouldn't have to be a prisoner in my own home while they're here. THey're immature for their age b/c BM has cottled them forever and wants to keep them babies. My 7 yr old BD is more mature and independent. ANyway, I just wanted to vent, I'm not sure what I'm looking for...advice...empathy...or just to get it all off my chest! THey just got taken back home and I couldn't be happier. I am having to take their bedroom for the nursery and ordered triple bunks for my BDs room. Even though there's an extra room above the garage, the don't wanna have a room up there b/c it scares them. So now my BD has to share a room. I'm just looking at it like my BD will have more space for friends that come over later in life. Otherwise, I'd just say screw it and they could sleep upstairs or on the dang couch. I try to make them welcome here and give them their own space, but I still struggle with really liking them. I feel so fake most of the time. I think my feelings are just hurt b/c they don't like me so much b/c of guilt issues with their BM.

starfish1012's picture

ok i think most of the things you've talked about happen a lot. like the psychological abuse. my SS4's BM exercises it along with physical abuse so i'm telling you, the BM issues will never cease.

however, what the two SDs said about your baby (congrats, by the way! i'm so happy for you!) is terrifying. i'd be scared to leave it in a room alone while they're in the house. i would bring these comments to EVERYONE'S attention (especially the therapist!) prior to anything fishy happening.

i want to say, though, that you can't fix everything. i tried. i doesn't work. but YOU need to take care of YOU and your growing baby. i miscarried once from too much stress so PLEASE take care of yourself, and maybe let your hubby take care of you a little too?


Tx mommy of 3's picture

Why don't you fix the room above the garage for them anyway & tell them they have to stay there since they keep dating they want to kill the baby. Tell them you don't want them to be too tempted because if they did hurt the baby then you would have to call the police on them and no one wants that. Ok, so not seriously speaking... Well kind of. Are they serious about it or just talking nonsense like kids do sometimes.

junebug's picture

I plan on calling the therapist in the morning cuz they see her on Mondays. Of course, she'll probably want me to come in and I guess that's fine, I've kinda been putting that off too. DH wants me to be honest and I told him I can't do that considering my feelings, and he just says to not go in there and tell SDs that I hate them, but come to a happy medium. So..I will have to let you know how that goes.
I think they're just venting themselves and aren't serious, but on the other hand, these girls come from a crazy mother. They exhibit signs that also make me worry that it could escalate and become serious. The one is obsessed with her dad and the other is just so up her mom's butt that she feels what BM feels and that is pure hatred toward the baby. I plan on installing the camera and a lock that I will have to unlock to get into the room. I'm sure the baby will sleep with us for the first few months anyway, and that will illeviate some worry. I'm hoping once the baby comes that they will see we love them no less and maybe they'll try to be a part of thier brother's life.
I appreciate the feedback. I've learned from this site that alot of the BM abuse is normal and it's all very sad how helpless we SM's are. I ordered a book called The Smart Stepmom and I am hoping it will also help me destress. I refuse to let this situation endanger my baby.

zuzieq611's picture

SD is probably just venting but you just can't take any chances. See the therapist. Look at the bright least you don't have the little darlin's everyday!!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

From my limited experience, the better a kid adjusts to the idea if a new baby before the baby is born the better it will be when the baby comes. Step and bio kids included. So PLEASE go to the therapist, be honest an try to resolve this beforehand. Even if the skids weren't serious, getting things resolved beforehand can help with the jealousy issues that may come once the baby is born.

quippers01's picture

Congrats! I have a SD5 who I have to worry about around my BD4 due to SD's violent streak when she doesn't get her way during play. My H always insists these incidents are accidents but that's another rant for another day. Your SD probably is just venting but you can't be too careful. Like starfish1012 said, bring these comments to everyone's attention and make sure your SD's know who will be blamed if anything happens to your son. The lock is a great idea, along with having him sleep with you for a while. It will keep him safe and give your SD's a chance to bond with him and possibly taking some of their hostility towards him away. Good luck and enjoy your new son.

junebug's picture

Well, some time has passed and I appreciate all the comments. I called the counselor and apparently interrupted her personal doc appt by doing so (she uses a cell # as her business #). In any event, she told me she'd get back to me once she was in the office and never did. I had just told her that there were some issues that needed brought up. It wasn't until my DH called her and left a message about her incorrect billing (cause we provide the medical insurance too)did she call back. She asked why his wife had called and he told her that I wanted to come and see her if it was best for the girls, then he told her about what they'd said. She thought it was very serious and could see how my motherly instinct would be upset...but she's still never bothered to call me. I happen to have a social work (although I've never used it) degree and maybe she thinks like I do, which is me coming in with the girls wouldn't do much good unless it was long term. I think it would actually make them feel put on the spot and maybe even betrayed. But, my problem is that when the little darlings came over this weekend, they asked their Dad if he knew that I'd called their counselor during her doc appt and was just trying to start trouble??? Now, I hope the counselor just slipped and said something to the girls about me calling, but I feel she said something to the BM, who then added her own two cents about it being to cause trouble. Either way, it was unprofessional of the counselor and I've lost some respect. I guess I shouldn't care as long as the subject was brought up and addressed, but I haven't heard about that yet. It wasn't a beed weekend. I've been reading a book, "The Smart Stepmom" and it's helping me cope with this ordeal and try to control my own reactions. If I don't give them fuel, they can't have anything to work with in trying to cause trouble. I was proud of me for not reacting to their comments this weekend about having to give up their room for the baby. I ordered a triple bunkbed set and put it in my BD's room. They all thought it was pretty cool, but my BD complained that they don't appreciate her for her sacrifice, which was giving up her space so they wouldn't have to go upstairs. I still have a contractor coming to enclose the bonus room stairs as part of the house, so if this attitude continues, maybe they'll end up upstairs any dang way. But, I have stripped their old room and am ready to paint the nursery so they'll just have to get over it. I'm trying to just not get upset about anything and be calm for me and the baby!

skylarksms's picture

Too bad you couldn't remodel the upstairs room into a master suite with an attached nursery!