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How have you all survived this for years?

quippers01's picture

New step-mom here, how do you all do this year after year? I’m so glad I found this site, I thought I was a horrible person for feelin the way I do about my SD but it’s nice to know there are others out there who didn’t take to step parenting easily either.

I have 2 bio kids BS, 9 and BD, 4. They are not angels by any means but compared to my SD, 5 they are not demons either. I don’t blame the child so much as I do my H. I would like to say his parenting is the result of GPS but he has always catered to her every whim even before the divorce. He tries to do this with me as well but 1) I am a grown woman who has always taken care of myself and have no desire to be catered to and 2) even if I wanted to be catered to by him, at my age it is very unlikely I would develop the princess ego his kid has. He never says no to her and does everything for her and is constantly trying to make sure she is happy and comfortable. God forbid this child suffer a moment of discomfort.

Right now the visitation is EOW and 2 weeks in the summer. When she is here I stay out of the way so she and her dad can spend time together. On the rare occaision she has managed to entertain herself for 5 minutes or so I will take the oppritunity to have a private moment with my H. The second she notices us alone together she stops what she is doing and intrudes on us. After the first few weekends of this I just gave up and stayed away from them both completely. My H is hurt by this and is often trying to force a bond. He even asked me once if I would like her to call me Mom. I said dear God NO! Not realizing how bad it sounded until it was already out of my mouth but there are days when I don't even want my own kids to call me mom so why would I want his spoiled brat to do it? Not to mention the sh^tstorm this would start with BM. I wouldn't want my kids forced to call someone else mom. If they choose to I'm ok with that but even if SD decided to do it on her own I still wouldn't like it.

She’s whiney, spoiled, pampered, coddled and super needy and it annoys me to no end. I honestly think she is this way mostly only around her dad because he caters to it. Since they don’t get much time together I don’t want to force her to spend any of her time with just me (get to know each other) because it just seems cruel. I have been alone with her for very short periods of time however and she seems perfectly normal when my H isn’t around.
My concern right now is not for the here and now, I can deal with it EOW but at some point she will likely come live with us (why wouldn’t she choose to be catered to 24/7) and I’m certain my marriage will not survive on the 5 minutes of alone time between her bedtime and us passing out exhausted from the day. Even if we are in our bedroom she will stand outside the door whining daddy, daddy, I need you daddy. My first glimipse of what her living with us will be like was during her first 1 week visit right after my husband and I got married and we took all the kids to Ga. so I could introduce him to the rest of my family. She was up his butt the entire time, the only alone time we had was when she was in bed (I swear the kid only sleeps about 6 hours a day). Anytime we had a moment alone she would intrude on it and he never stopped her. She whined and complained the entire trip (we drove from Ct. to Ga.)because she has never had to be uncomfortable before and she couldn’t handle it. My BK kids were fine other than the occaisional “are we there yet”. I was so disgusted with my H and SD by the end of the trip that I now dread her every visit and am certain, had we taken that trip before the wedding, I would never have married him.

I have talked with him about all this and more and he says he will work on it but I have not seen it yet. I spend half the month depressed because of her visits. 3 or 4 days before she comes I get in a bad mood and start dreading it, I exhaust myself trying to time everything so I don’t have to be around them while she is here, and it takes 2 or 3 days to get out of my funk after she is gone. Like I said I can deal with things the way they are because it’s EOW but I keep wondering if I should just cut my losses and walk away now because as things are now, our marriage has an approx 2 month shelf life when she moves in with him. He says she understands that they spend so much time together during her visits because they don’t get to see each other a lot of the time. How does a 5 year old really understand that? And, how will it matter in the end when, understanding or not, she will still want and expect the same kind of attention when she moves in?

I came looking for advice and found this place. I think it is so great that someone started this for all the people out there like myself. On the other hand I am very discouraged because after reading literallly hundreds of all your stories the one thing that seems constant is that it only gets worse as the SK gets older. Any advice or happy endings would be greatly appreciated.

Willow2010's picture

I hate to say it but it is way too late for my advice.

I met my DH about 9-10 years ago. His son was about 9 years old at the time. It only took me about 3-4 months to notice how he was with his kid. Guilty daddy syndrome. It was gross. He asked me to marry him after we were together about 6-7 months. I told him no. One because we did not know each other long enough and two, because of the way he was with his son and all the baggage he carried along with that. We raise kids VERY differently.

So for about 8 years we “dated”. We did not live together or get married during that time. I told him that we would divorce over the kids if we married before his son was off to college.

When SS was 16, he and his mother moved about 2 hours away. I thought it was safe then to get married and live together. I WAS WRONG!!! A few months after we married, BM and SS decided that SS needed to live with his dad. GRRRR.

You think every other weekend sucks. Try full time. I have come along way, but disengagement is the best thing EVER. I only have 1 more year, and he is SUPPOSED to go into the Army.

My advice would have been to not get married yet. Now it is to disengage ASAP.

quippers01's picture

We had been together for a year when we married. During that time I had not had many chances to observe him interacting with his kid due to BM witholding visitation during their custody dispute. He said he parented her the way he parented my children which was a little harsher than I but still agreeable and not unreasonable.

After visitation through the courts were set BM threatened to take him back to court if he brought SD around me and H fell for it out of fear of another year of not being allowed to see her. He had visits at their mutual friends house until he finally grew a pair and stood up to her. Once she realized the threats were no longer working they stopped. By this time we were 2 months from our wedding and I contributed his parenting to how much he had missed his kid. Once I saw that it was just the way it was, it was already too late. I also put a stop to him parenting my kids because I'll be damned if he's going to tell my 4 yo BD to pick up after herself if he can't make his 5 yo do it. I will tell my kid myself.

So, we agreed he would parent his kid and I would parent mine. This is all well and good except for one big difference...he can spend time with me and not have to spend it all with my kids at the same time. My kids are capable of entertaining themselves and I encourage them to do so. However, when his kid is visiting there is no time alone with my H because she is always up his butt and he is constantly catering to her.

I figured it was because of how little time they had together and let it go until we had her for 9 days during our trip and it was like that every single day. I realized that is how it would be if she lived with us and now I can't stand to be around them together when she is here and constantly worried about the day she comes to live with us...and I know eventually she will.

We have another week long visit coming up next month and I am just stomach sick over it. The only good thing about it is my H will be working so 1) I will get to spend time alone getting to know her better and seeing if she is a full time spoiled brat or if her dad just brings it out in her and 2)I won't have to be around them both at the same time nearly as much as during our trip.

I'm not even going to get into how she lies all the time and tries to blame my 4 yo BD for everything. My BD is not an angel but there is no way she's responsible for EVERYTHING that happens during SD visit. She's also occaisionally violent towards my BD and her dad will exscuse it with "I'm sure it was just anaccident". Sure, she jabbed a stick towards her until she finally actually hit her...sounds like an accident to me. She has gotten in trouble at school repeatedly for hitting other kids because she wasn't getting her way.

I know I'm long winded here but I've been holding so much in for a while now becacause these are the kinds of things you just aren't supposed to say out loud unless you are fond of angry mobs who think you are a horrible person for not liking a 5 yo child. Thank you all for listening to me rant Smile

Jsmom's picture

I agree, try 50/50 and you will realize you have it pretty good now. My advice is defnitely too late as well. Now, you just have to keep trying with you DH and do things that make you happy. For me, it is still a work in progress. But, now that SD14 went to live with her mom, my life is calmer. I still dread every other week with SS12, but he is easier. My drama now is worrying about BM and saying or doing the wrong thing and it gets back to her. We are in a court case and that has become our lives.

quippers01's picture

I know I am very lucky I only have to deal with this EOW but there will come a time when she will decide she wants to live with her dad full time. I know this because most children would choose to live with the parent who treats them like royalty 24/7. It's just a matter of time. That bleak future is my concern. Right now we have just barely merged our lives financially and I can't help but think that maybe I should just leave now before things get more complicated. Unless something changes in his relationship with his kid our marriage will not make it through her living with us. I love this man more than I ever thought I could love anyone, he is wonderful to me and it would be devestating to give that up but all I can see is how it will eventually fall apart anyway because of SD.

I really feel for all of you who have to deal with their SK more often than I. My only saving grace is that SD and BM live about 2 hours away. Otherwise I'm sure we would be watching her while BM works or parties now that the fighting between BM and H has finally settled down. He wants to move closer and there was a time I was all for it but now the idea of having her here more often than we already do makes me stomach sick.

quippers01's picture

I had not thought about the toll it might take on my health but you make a very good point. I love my H so very much and want to at least enjoy the calm before the storm (her living with us full time) but I can't even seem to be able to do that because I'm always dreading the day the storm rolls in. If I had it all to do over again I would have waited to see if he is capable of changing how he interacts with her and lets her run the show while she is here before marrying him.

And, I'm glad to hear you have found a way to cope. That's what I'm trying to figure out for myself right now and I really hope it doesn't cost me wasted years and my health. Thank you for your insight.

quippers01's picture

It's been proven that stress has a huge effect on the immune system so I can see how SK's and all the stress that comes with them would have definately contributed to that. I am so sorry to hear that happened to you and very much hope it is in remission now. It sounds like you have a pretty good handle on looking out for yourself now. I hope it doesn't take something like that for me to figure it out.

DaizyDuke's picture

I totally feel for you... I do the same thing... I get depressed and annoyed when i know the Skids are coming and then it takes me a day to get out of my funk when they go home. It really is NOT good for your health and I know that my health suffers... I usually get sick to my stomach and don't eat much for those days and then end up losing weight (which i really don't need to do) and I just feel like crap.. anxious, depressed etc. My hubby too has the guilty father syndrome and WILL NOT TELL THEM NO... he is so afraid that if he rocks their boat that they won't want to come see him or they will run to mommy and cause drama, so they basically do and get whatever they want. Here is a great example of this.... we took the Skids to dinner one nite... SD12 ordered a steak and sat there and drank like 2 glasses of choco milk before her dinner came and then when her steak came she ate like 2 bites and then sat there licking her steak, laughing,and basically acting like a total moron... I was mortified I do not disclipline the Skids so I just sat there waiting for my hubby to tell her to knock it off and he never did! When we talked about it later he said he "didn't want to upset her" because then he wouldn't see her for weeks....while he is right and i feel sorry for him that he is caught in that "what else can I do vortex" it is just so frustrating that we are always at the mercy of BM and Skids because he's so afraid of their ridiculous repercussions AND THEY ALL KNOW IT AND USE TO THEIR ADVANTAGE (our disadvantage)

Willow2010's picture

I also put a stop to him parenting my kids because I'll be damned if he's going to tell my 4 yo BD to pick up after herself if he can't make his 5 yo do it. I will tell my kid myself.

That is a great start. DH and I do not parent each others kids. He wanted to also at first but I knew how it would be. He would be a hard ass on my kids and a softy on his. No way. We parnet very different.

Does your DH know you feel that he is a bad parent?

quippers01's picture

After her last visit we had a talk and I explained how I saw our future if she were to move in with us with the way he handles things now. I told him our marriage would not last because I need more than a 5-minutes-a-day-after-she-goes-to-bed relationship. I also told him I would never had married him if we had taken that trip before the wedding. And, I pointed out some of the things that bother me the most, like how she intrudes everytime we have a couple of minutes to ourselves, how she is so needy and clingy because he does everything for her so she has no self confidence, and how has no problem calling my kids on their short comings but chooses to ignore hers. He has tried to use the exscue of "she's like that because I'm not around anymore". I say that's bull because my kids' dad sees them as much as he sees his kid and my BD 4 is way more self sufficiant than SD 5. I told him that I plan my time during her visits so I have to spend as little time as possible around them because I can't stand to watch their little freak show. I was a little less blunt but I made my point. He reluctantly said he would work on it. She will be back this coming weekend so I guess we will see if he took me seriously.

quippers01's picture

It's still nice to know I'm not alone even if you have no advice. Good luck figuring it out and if you do please, for the love of all that is holy...SHARE THE WISDOM! lol

quippers01's picture

"But still everytime i hear that little voice say "daaaaadddddyyyyyyyyyyyy" I just want to vomit."

I could not have said it better myself. I'd be less disturbed by nails on a chalkboard than I am by this kids whiney voice.

Anna2's picture

I am in the same situation. Fiance has a 5 year old that misbehaves and is pretty nasty to other kids (at school and to my daughter who is 6). Can't help to wonder if it will ever work and we should still get married. I love him and want to be with him but don't want us to be doomed either. We are really happy together when she is not around or an issue. She just brings so much chaos into the house and becomes everyone's concentration (negative or positive). Does anyone make this work successfully????

quippers01's picture

Actually, it helps just to know someone gets it. It's not SD or H, it's what they are when they are together. It's disgusting, irritating, annoying, and literally makes me ill. I just can't tolerate being around them when she is here and for my own mental stability I avoid it like the plague. It bothers my H too but in my mind, if it bothers him so much he should do something about it because I've explained the problem and it's an easy fix and will benefit the kid in the long run. He's not making the effort so why should I?

quippers01's picture

I've only been a step for a couple of months now and have not spent very much time around her. I figure if it's this bad now, by the end of a year I'll be bald from pulling out my hair. We talked after her last visit. It went better than I had thought but this weekend will be the real test I guess. Unfortunately he's the type to put on a show to make me happy and do what he wants anyway when he thinks I'm not of course I'll be looking }:)

As for the princess thing...omg really? Do men really think they are doing their daughters any favors with that crap? They are going to grow up and life is going to punch them in the face and that's when they will finally realize that they are no more special than anyone else. It's going to hurt like hell too. I'm glad I was taught better but I've watched some people learn the hard way and it wasn't pretty. If there are any BF's reading this...think: selling their goods for their next fix to numb the pain of realizing that unlike what daddy told you, the rest of the world really doesn't give a crap about you, you did not hang the moon, you are not the center of the universe, and you are most definately NOT A PRINCESS!

mx4's picture

I feel exactly the same way about my stepdaughter who will be turning 5 in 6 weeks. I can't stand being around her when she is interacting with my husband. She is so needy, it drives me crazy! She is polite and well-mannered, but all I hear is, "can you please help me?", "can you please play with me?" "can I have a treat?" She doesn't eat normal food, only snacks and sweets. She can't entertain herself for even 2 minutes. When I tell her to go play, she always says "I want somebody to play with me!" My kids all like her, so they play with her, but it is just annoying that an-almost-5-year-old can't do ANYTHING by herself! She asks for help with EVERYTHING! And her dad does everything for her, I don't think he's ever said No to her...
I also get depressed before she comes over...

quippers01's picture

Seriously, where are all these deadbeat dads I keep hearing about and why can'y my H be one? Just kidding...sort of. One of the things that I can't help but think about when SD is here is after my divorce I immediatly fell in love with my H. I mean head over heels, tarded bliss, in love. During that year before we got married we had some big ups and downs but I was so in love and truely believe he was as well so I hung in there. that time, I had 3 seperate chances to date men who did not have a fraction of the baggage my H has. All very nice, likeable men who would have probably been quite good to me as well. I can't help but wonder when SD is here, if I should have said screw the hard love and taken the easy like. Once she's gone so is the thought. I'm a stepkid too and "was" one of the ones we are all writing about on here. I asked my SF (who I now consider my dad) how he survived. He beat around the bush and never really gave me an answer. I htink he didn't want to hurt my feelings by telling me how aweful it was for him but I'm glad he stuck it out because I don't know where I'd be today without him. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm quite that strong.

MrsFrustrated's picture

Gee, sure sounds like we all have the SAME

My SD does the sames things, whispers to her dad when I am in the room. So rude.

Hangs all over him when I am around. The first few months after we were living together DH told me the his daughter always slept with him and her mother because she was afraid of the dark and storms. I told him that wasn't happening in our house. Kids had no business sleeping with their parents every night and she needed to overcome her fears. The bedroom was ours and the bed was OUR bed. So after the first few weekends of SD pleading to fall asleep in our bed and 3-4 times a night coming into our bedroom asking to sleep with her dad, he would give in and she would crawl in bed with us. Pissed me off. I slept in the nude and she had no business crawling into bed with us. I would storm out of bed and make sure DH knew I was mad. DH learned quickly that the daughter needed to grow up and sleep in her own bed. Surprisingly enough, after 2 weekends the SD stopped asking to sleep with us.

bribaby1105's picture

This all sounds like exactly what I dealt with when my SD10 was around that age. EVERYTHING was a whine or a cry...even "I'mmmmm huuuunnnggggrrryyy..." ugh...She would cry over everything, if she couldn't get her shoes on, if she was thirsty, if daddy took too long to answer her..list goes on and first my husband didn't see it of course, I always heard "she's only 4, or 5, etc.." Thankfully, I was able to at least do my part. My husband worked a lot on the weekends, so on Saturdays it was usually her and I for a while. I would simply say "I'm sorry, I don't understand whining or crying, what did you need?" I would also tell him how she didn't need to cry or whine to get attention and that we needed to remind her how to ask for things the right way. She grew out of the whining and crying, but all I can say, it doesn't get ANY easier as they get older..

jythia3's picture

Isn't that the truth. It gets harder every year. My SD is 13 now and hates me. Everything that her mother has ever done to her is my fault. As a matter of fact everything that happens to her is my fault. I have been there since she was 6 and she breaks my heart everyday. Her father and I are now split up because of the "stress" that I was putting on her. Imagine that!!! Now I gave up having my own children to raise his two children and since his daughter now hates me, I get to just move on, alone. :?

bradg's picture

Being a divorced father my advice to all the women or men who complain about having step children. They will always come before you, force there mom or dad into a decision and you will lose. I am truly shocked by some of your selfish comments, if you do not have children of your own then you have no idea about the responsibility and emotional connection involved with children. I am not saying children should be catered to, but your job as a parent is to teach, discipline, love and protect those children. If you cannot understand that i recommend you marry someone who does not have children. It is your job to love those children, even if they do not love you back, because you are the adult and they are the children.

quippers01's picture

I have 2 kids of my own and ya know what?...I take responsibility for them by raising them to be self reliant (appropriate to their age), honest, curteous, respectful adults. People who cater, enable, coddle and pamper their precious little snowflakes are raising incompetant, needy, self-centered adults. Guess who will have to deal with those kinds of adults? THE REST OF US. I love my kids very much and often it is HARD to not do things for them, especially when they are stuggling...but it would do them no favors in the long run. I know my kids prefer to be with their dad because he's all fun and games and lets them do what they want. I also know that due to this they will eventually choose to live with him but I refuse to parent out of fear of losing them because IT'S NOT WHAT'S BEST FOR THEM. My BD4 can make herself a pb&j, bowl of cereal, something to drink, and some snacks (I keep junk food out of reach). She can strap herself into her carseat, bathe herself (I prepare the water), AND entertain herself for quite a while. I have never seen my SD5 even attempt any of these things...not that daddy would dare let his special princess waste her time on such trivial things. The thing that irks me the most is how I can't even have 5 minutes alone with my husband to say goodbye before work when she's there because the seecond she sees us alone or notices her dad isn't withing visual range, she is all over us interupting our moment and he friggin LETS her. That's all the time I ask of him when she is there due to how little time he hass with her. He doesn't even notice or care that we were interupted. So I'm just supposed to smile and be happy about it? Screw that. I like many of the steps on here do not blame the kids, especially the younger ones, it's not their fault they have lousy parents. Unfortunately though, we steps are the ones who take the shrapnel.

MrsFrustrated's picture

I don't see how putting your child before your spouse is a healthy way to raise a child. Teaching them to be independent, self reliant and strong adults is the way I prefer to raise a child.

Besides, a child learns how to be a good spouse and a parent from their examples. Why continue the cycle of rude, self centered children? There are enough of them in the world now that have grown into worthless adults.

clareezine's picture

I totally agreed! Smile
If parents can't present united front, kids can easily figure out how to use one against the other. And this is the very basic parenting with bio-parents, not to mention if one is step.
At 5 year of age, I would think it is more your H's fault then your SD, because he enables her.
Good luck! I hope he heard you and changes his parenting.:)

jythia3's picture

I agree with you. However I feel that your responsibility is not only to your children but also to your relationship. I love my step kids like they are my own. I would do anything to be back in there lives and it is not fair that a 13 year old gets to call the shots.

Purpleflower09's picture

I have not been doing it long like a lot of folks on here..only 4 years. It takes A LOT of talking, understanding, compromising, putting your foot down, bending rules..all of that. The only reason I put up with it this long is because I love my husband..not so much my skids...but my husband. I married my husband, I love my husband and his kids do not live with us. They do not dictate my marriage or my happiness.

iwishyouwould's picture

H and I have very similar parenting stlyes and are usually on the same page about discipline, our bm situation, parenting in general etc. And thats how it has to be. I cant imagine living my life if H and i were at odds about any of those things. How have i survived it... boundaries. Enforceable boundaries that are age appropriate for kiddo. A schedule that caters to those boundaries. Im one of those people who needs alone time and im raising kiddo to have a healthy amount of time just being by himself playing. Then we usually have a time during the day, same time everyday, that kiddo knows he will get to spend with both H and I. there are also specific times everyday that he and i spend together and during the school year that he and H spend together. We're custodial and bm is very much not involved, i guess i need to clarify that. For example, when kiddo gets home from camp or preschool, i do homework alone or rest and he plays alone. Then we eat together, kiddo, H and I. then i give him a bath and we read the little plastic bath stories and play dinosaurs in the tub together. Then H and I read him stories and put him to bed.