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I just can not get over SSbehavior at 23, keyed my car 7 times

KTL's picture

After I found my car keyed new car 7 times, husband said son could not have done that, where I worked had some people adults did not like me, (the new boss) we had camera's all over at work, someone would have seen somthing, SS23 is now 30. I have not talked to him in 5 years, I had much fear from him, he still hates me. Do you believe he may have done that, nothing ever happened to any neighbors cars? Want to forgive, just cannot.

Thanks KTL

PoisonApples's picture

I'm confused. Did this happen 7 years ago?

Do you have any proof it was him?

Could it have happened in a parking lot somewhere?

PoisonApples's picture

I think you are being petty to hold a grudge for 7 years over something that you can't even prove he did.

KTL's picture

I have not gone into details about him or theat family, it is so hard to know where to begin, he was guilty of many things he did to me and my husband, now he is 30. I do believe he did it, can people change? He is now married with a child and he now too is a step parent.

Thank you,


KTL's picture

He almost caused a for closure on a home we rented to him about five years ago,husband said son does not accept me so it not an option to see him, I hate this i want to cry, I would love to have him in our life, just fear of being used again. Thanks


PoisonApples's picture

Well can't you have him in your life on a limited basis - adult to adult?

You don't have to rent him a house or trust him with anything that he could use to hurt you. You could just try having a conversation, couldn't you?

KTL's picture

I hate it that family does not get along and were missing out on meeting the grand children, I do not want to be the reason for a family split. Should I try to call his family to work somthing out? DH will not call him.
