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Thieving, lying b*tch! (long)

HaveHadIt's picture

OMG...I'm so glad I found this site! I've been sending myself emails with my "vents" just to make myself feel

My SO was divorced 11 years ago and remained pretty much single up until we met a year ago. We now live together and I just adore his 15yo son. He's an awesome kid! My problem is with BM.

It started a few months ago when I discovered that she was using the cell phone I gave SS. She used up all the minutes. Well, after neither SO or SS would get the phone back here to our house (after asking several times over 2 weeks), I had it shut off. Of course, BM got mad and blamed SO (she's never wrong) for the fact SS no longer had a phone. Stating she never used it.

Now, we find out that SO's health insurance company failed to take BM off of his policy. The divorce papers were sent in 1999 and again in 2006 (we have proof of this). I found out that BM was using the insurance this entire time. SO did not know. His insurance actually paid for the birth of the kid she had by the guy she left SO for 11 years ago. Of course, BM has told several different stories as to why she used the insurance, "I didn't", "I had no insurance so I had to use it", "it's in our divorce papers you must provide me insurance", "it wasn't for me, it was for SS" (really?? since when do 15yo boys go to an ob/gyn???) Anyway, we contacted the insurance company and they are now going after SO for $20k in bills from HER! We are in the process of an appeal. She recently demanded $ from SO for 1/2 of a doctor bill that she said she paid. Another lie. I called the dr and 1/2 the bill is still open. He confronted her on both the insurance fraud and the dr bill. Her reaction (as usual) was "you'll never see your son again". This time, he didn't back down and her threat didn't work. SS is at our house as I type. In the child support order, it states that a portion goes monthly to annual ordinary medical expenses for SS. After that annual amount is paid to medical bills by BM, he is to pay 62% and her 32% only AFTER she has paid the annual amount that is given to her through child support. For 11 years he has been giving her 50% of the bill right off the bat (don't ask me why he didn't know he didn't have to). We are finding that she has not paid dr bills with any of that money and we have collection agencies calling him. Of course, she believes she is innocent of any wrong doing and my SO is the *sshole for finally seeing the light and catching this woman with her games and not falling for all her lies. Myself and my SO will not communicate any further with BM. I caught her at her thieving, lying games and informed my SO that her BS stops NOW! She will NOT be soaking this household out of another penny. He has paid his child support on time and never missed a payment. She does not use the child support for SS. We still pay for everything. Which is fine. I'm not going to let SS go without because of his BM. But, there will be no more handing her additional money for ANYTHING! Period! It's all going by the book from here on out--receipts, bills paid directly to doctors and I'm saving and documenting EVERYTHING! My SO and I share finances so I have laid down the rule when it comes to this woman taking anything further from this household. And, he knows damn well I will not be taken advantage of like he has. He has asked me not to confront her on this, and I haven't but boy would I love to! There's so much more but, I would have to write a book.

I just so badly want to ask this woman "Just who the F do you think you are??!!?"

Thanks for listening. It felt alot better to write this to actual people than just sending my rants to

stepkate's picture

Wow. If she's been getting away with it for 11 years, I wouldn't be surprised if she's gotten used to twisting stories and logic around to make herself feel better about the dishonest things she's doing.

HaveHadIt's picture

That is very true. I have never met anyone that lies like she does. I mean it is an illness. I'm not so sure she even realizes she lies. To me, her lies are as obvious as a strobe light so I can't imagine she really thinks people believe her? If this woman told me it was the year 2010, I'd have to go double check the calender. It's that bad.

HaveHadIt's picture

I can't even fathom it and I'm living it! LOL Yes, it is insurance fraud. There has been a case opened up by the actual insurance company against her and we are appealing the Union's decision that says he is responsible for her bills. After the appeal, if they don't go after her for the bills we will hire an attorney. We've already consulted with one and are taking the steps that need to be taken. It is complicated due to having both a union and health insurance company involved.

stepmasochist's picture

I would think if it wasn't resolved by the insurance company or the union, an attorney could help you make her pay it with a reduction in CS. I just hope you haven't yanked all your hair out worrying about it by then. Take a deep breath and realize you have documented proof that she's a thief and a liar and a fraud - and the law should be on your side.

HaveHadIt's picture

Thanks Smile It's just so hard for me to see my SO being taken advantage of like this. He is such a wonderful, loving, caring Father and person. It's sad.

HaveHadIt's picture

Your first sentence pretty much sums it all up. I actually told him the other day "too bad for her that your GF isn't a dumb*ss and now I'm onto her like flies on poop from this point forward". He just laughed. This woman isn't going to be able to fart without me knowing about it and documenting

Jsmom's picture

What a witch. She is going to make your life hell. Keep good notes on everything and pursue every avenue to get some of his funds back. These BM's are a piece of work!!!