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Mother's Day

rubia's picture

My spring break with the kids is going great!!

Just wondering what your thoughts are on Mother's Day coming soon?

soverysad's picture

I plan to stay in bed all day.

"That's how women are, aren't they? We want to know that others have been where we've been, who understand our fragile places, and who see our sunsets in the same shades of blue" - Beth Moore

soverysad's picture


NachoMama's picture

Just looked at the calendar...NO SKIDS that day! Smile I will be going to see my mother and probably take her out somewhere nice for dinner!
Crap...looked at the calendar wrong..we will have them but I think I can weasel out of it. Why would they want to be with me? I am not their mother!

****I can do bad all by myself****

Amazed's picture

I have a kid with an asshole and no child with my husband. I'll bury my head in some stephen king novels and ignore the day...well...after choochoo tells me happy mothers day of course.

soverysad's picture

I would not have taken you for a Stephen King kind of girl. I learn something new about you everyday.

"That's how women are, aren't they? We want to know that others have been where we've been, who understand our fragile places, and who see our sunsets in the same shades of blue" - Beth Moore

Amazed's picture

oh yeah:) I love all that scary dark stuff just as much as I love my gushy little romance novels Wink

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin

soverysad's picture

LOL. I am all over the place with reading. I have a huge library and it goes from Stephen King, to Harry Potter, to James Patterson, to Danielle Steele, to non-fiction war stories.

"That's how women are, aren't they? We want to know that others have been where we've been, who understand our fragile places, and who see our sunsets in the same shades of blue" - Beth Moore

Amazed's picture

that's what my shelves are like:) Lots of variety

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin

becarefulwhatuwish4's picture

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha - Mother's day is the biggest joke day of the year to me. 1st of all, as for my own mother, she's on the lamb from the psych ward and living it up somewhere in Hawaii. 2nd - DH's Mother - what a piece of CRAP~!!!!! Yea, like this woman needs a special day to make it all about her. That's everyday!
Then there is our lovely wonderful notsofriendly neighborhood BM - she demands that her children buy her a mothers ring - I say when you start acting like one then maybe they would even think about it.
And I'm not a mother - I have 4 cats but no human children and it'll be a cold day in hell before any of my DH's animals even think to say anything nice to me that day.

Pantera's picture

Mothers Day...I will be going to visit my Mom and Stepdad and we will be going out to dinner (on Saturday night). I can't wait to celebrate having such a great Mom!!!

Years past, BM didn't even bother with Mother's Day, she bailed, so SS was always with me (because DH works on Sundays). Hopefully this year BM will take her own child for Mother's Day so I can RELAX!!!

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

MarriedwithChild's picture

Get this crapola;

Okay, BS18 will be in basic training on MD, I lost my baby...and I am POSITIVE that ss5 will not wish moi a "Happy MD" YET, DH's mom (NYC, Jewish, and nosey as heck) will expect a card from us two...

Ummm. wtf is wrong with this picture? I do everything here. Wow.

I'll take a bottle of wine to the pool and soak up some rays alone. I'm not honoring every mother but myself, screw that.

JMC's picture

We will get DH's mom a card & gift & I will take flowers out to my mom's & sister's graves. DH usually gets me something from the furballs but other than that it's just another day. The SD's barely acknowledge Father's Day, and they totally ignore Mother's Day, however since SD22 has a new baby, it might pique her interest if it means getting a gift herself.

Someone on ST, can't remember who, posted that May 1st was SM's day - I mentioned this to DH - his response? 'Oh really? I didn't know there was such a thing'. Of course not - SM's don't count for anything, don' you know? Arragghhh!!


stormabruin's picture

We'll send my mom a card (she lives across the country) and have some flowers delivered, and I'll talk to her sometime during the day. We'll spend Mother's Day with MIL. I LOVE that woman! Smile That night when we get back home, I'll probably be teary & sad with thoughts of skids. DH will pull out a card for me & tell me skids are the ones really missing out & that in his heart he knows they love me & are lucky to have me in their lives, and then Monday morning I'll be fine.

I love my husband! ♥

BurnedOut's picture

I'm wondering if SS12 is going to make me a card, BM acard, or both. I know it's petty but I damn sure do all the motherly things he needs> She gets him on the weekend and still tries to ditch him.

unhappy2happy's picture

I will be spending Mothers day with DH.. Last year BM had to work so the Skids went with DH and I out to dinner. Normally the Skids, don't even get me a card after 12 years you would think I am worth a couple of bucks... Guess not...

Greenfig's picture

mothers day......the day always makes me think about all the women around me who are mothers, but they have not been mothered well themselves. Kind of sad. All these women, my mother, BM, MIL are viewing motherhood as entitlement. Like children are just basic narcissistic extensions of themselves. Ugh....lots of mixed feelings

iwishyouwould's picture

This will be my first mothers day as a full-time, sole custody, married stepmom. I have absolutely no idea what to expect.
I know that on the 7th at 9 am i will be at ss5's preschool with the other preschool mommies for their celebration, and will most likely get my mom, mil, grandmothers, etc flowers and maybe go out to eat, but with regards to bm, her family, ss and dh... no idea. SS did ask me the other day if it was ok if he called me mommy Smile . He's done it a couple times now and it makes me smile.

"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."

glynne's picture

I don't expect anything on Mother's Day - I'm not SD's mother and I have disengaged. However, I have the BEST MIL in the world. She always sends me a little pocket money and a nice card......from the cats! LOVE HER!


Denial's picture

Sad Mothers Day came and went and I cried myself to sleep. This year was my 1st Mothers Day (9 mo old boy with DH) and I should have known earlier in the week it would turn out like this.

What we did for me on Mothers Day depended on if we would have SS16 or not. Well, we didn't have him, but since the initial importance of the day was placed on whether he would be there or not, I should have known. My Mothers Day started at 11 pm the night before when baby got up crying and DH wouldn't take a turn to comfort him. So, I was up from 11 - 11:30 pm, then 1 am - 3 am, then 4:30 - 5:30 am on Mothers Day, then back up at 7:15 am. Glad DH got to sleep in until 8 am!

He said Happy Mothers Day, we went to breakfast - and that was about it. I spent the day taking care of the baby, laundry, etc. while he watched TV - just another day! Although, DH - even 5 years after his divorce (which has now been 9 years) was sending the Ex cards and flowers because "she was the mother of his son". I guess the Ex being the 1st "mother of his son" and the SS16 being the 1st son will always hold the place in his heart that I and our son won't ever reach.

It feels like he had the energy to do all of these things for her in his first marriage, and look where it got him - so why bother the second time around. He knew how much my 1st Mothers Day meant to me - I even told him a few weeks ago. I was told 4 years ago I would never have children, had several miscarriages over the years. I almost lost our son 3 times during the pregnancy and he and I almost died in childbirth - Dr. told DH we were 10 minutes away from the worst day of his life.

I guess it didn't mean as much to him as it meant to me. And then, he couldn't figure out why I looked grumpy all day and had a tear in my eye when we went to bed.