Yayness~ "Civil BM, (?), Dog protected, Disney movies, and one plain pizza, (to go). Wow.
(Just Venting)
* dares to write post *
Okay, so BM is responding in jiberish sentences (via email),after DH did NOT let up on her about pick-ups, yada yada yada and has since responded in a civil fashion. Yayness (not)
Civil BM = Money Agenda
I would so love this to be civil at last * crossing fingers * and shall give her the chance to be so. (Stalin actually for the 1st time TYPED my name?!) We all know when a BM is cornered at last and becomes civil, out of the blue what that normally dictates, right?
You got it, more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
DH thinks that it is over now. (LMAO) and I have grasped my new attitude of, "I honestly don't give a fuck", so I am going to let it go. (yeah) Let him learn on his own for once. (NMP= Not My Problem)
SS5 shall be picked- up in his "Da-wee's" Chariot later on. (DH 'feels' he can go by himself) Ergo, "whatever" (trademark), you know? Let it be. (dummy) Poor move on his part to let his guard down so quickly.
So, DH was "already" talking about getting pizza (plain of course for ss5) and watching some lame movie. (On a Friday night?) I promptly told him, (guess)..."Whatever."
I informed DH that I may not be around to perform in this carnival tonight. (I did not use that word; per se, but 'carnival' ran through my mind.)
On a lighter note, the dog was taken by ME to a close friends house for the weekend. I can't watch this poor sweet dog get hurt anymore, and I am not going to waste my time reading the chap, "Social books", he is not my kid therefore, not MP. (my problem)
This new attitude is great! (Thanks to you guys and a few of you in particular.)
I also have begun to laugh tons at all of this crap.
(Part of my ever developing insanity.) JK
Let the circus begin! (just not going to perform.)
I know I will piss alot of
I know I will piss alot of you people off but I'm going to say it anyway.
I wish our 110lb dog would just go ahead and bite SS10, hard. The dog runs thru the house and SS hangs onto his tail. SS will tease him. Dog thinks he's playing and plays back. SS kicks him in the ribs and balls.
Then when Bm says its the skids or dog....No brainer, when you teach your kids how to treat and animal they can come back.
Yeah, we are talking about a
Yeah, we are talking about a very, very gentle buff cocker spaniel female who was brought up to be gentle yet ss5 will taunt her and throw hard objects at her, while walking up and pulling her lil ears and just punching her in the head/ ribs.
Needless to say, this doggie is getting at her 'limit'...snarling and growling when ss5 is near her.
Then some supposed 'therapist' on this website wants me to waste MY time reading to someone like that. Umm. Nope. Not my kid= not my problem.
I'll tell you what though- his kid better NOT EVER hurt me.
And yes, this kid knows exactly what he is doing. Just ZERO empathy.
I agree with Bearcub - let
I agree with Bearcub - let the dog display it's natural defenses! Let him get nipped by the dog, any dog. He deserves it and it will put the fear of God into him.
Or like I posted to your earlier blog, jack him up by his shirt and read him the riot act. As for your DH, tell him it's either you reading him the riot act or the dog getting even on the little brat!
As long as the dog doesn't
As long as the dog doesn't get punished for protecting itself...I'm with you Married and disengaged years ago. First I felt isolated, hated being out of control and a little lonely. Time went by and DH came around. He still doesn't like my disengagement but now understands why and actually asks my opinion now and again regarding SD and surprise, surprise, takes my advice!! My anger and resentment towards SD and DH for the most part is gone. I now realize that SD's & DH's relationship is what it is and will continue to be so with or without my sage advice.
Now it's just learning to deal with the inevitable interactions and family get togethers - I still struggle but I do survive and am getting stronger.
MWC- I love the new attitude
MWC- I love the new attitude **whatever** do whatcha gotta to in order to maintain what is left of your sanity (not saying you are insane
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Is that true, Stories? That
Is that true, Stories? That people don't fully develop until mid 30's? My DH keeps telling me that SD is getting better and changing but I don't trust her. She's 27 now. I've been asked again to giver her a 2nd chance and I'm struggling with that now. I've turned the other cheek so many times I feel a little dizzy. The last drama was about a year ago. However, I do believe that people can change and I've certainly made my share of mistakes through my life - but I was forced to own up and deal with the aftermath. SD has not. Hmmmm....you have made me rethink my knee jerk reaction which was no and HELL NO. Thanks....I think.