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UPDATE/ ATTN: Steptalk Members

StepChicka's picture

I'm repeating what I mentioned in the forum below:

I'm almost finished. Whew! If anyone else wants to be included on the "petition" please do so now.

Dawn said that if anyone prefers to PM her instead of me regarding this matter she's all ears. Just give a statement including the name of the individual (you know who) and why something should be done.

While your responses come in I'll be working on other references.

This site has brought so many together for support and understanding. I've met many wonderful women and men on Steptalk; some I've grown to really care about. So many of you have helped me through my situation. I don't know how I would have made it without you guys. And I sincerely enjoy being able help you the same.

While there will always be disagreements between members and what seems to cyclical ups and downs, there's something (or should I say someone) that is causing a lot unwarranted offense and hurt on others. We may not be able to change the latter two disparities ( frankly, I don't want to)but I believe we can do something about the harassment and mayhem taking place; both being legal offense in many cases. I'm putting together something to make this change quite possible. So If you'd like the change as well just shoot me a PM if you're in. You are under absolutely no obligation to get involved if you don't want to be. No hard feelings Smile

Offering support, advice, a place to "vent" (that has been a hot topic I know) is what makes StepTalk unique to other Stepfamily sites. And they're not many of them to begin with. Let's continue to keep Steptalk a diplomatic place for everyone. We want Steptalk to continue to provide what it's so well known for; a safe haven for those living the hard (sometimes damn near impossible) blended family life.

PM me a simple statement that you want the harassment from (you know who) to end. I promise my best due diligence on making this as personable and approachable to the moderators as possible. This is not a demand; rather a request. This is not an uprising against them. And they are way too busy to be opening and responding to everyone's PMs so I'm going to streamline it. They are the ones who made this wonderful place called STEPTALK Smile

TheWife's picture

PMing now...


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

StepChicka's picture

The big difference between what I said to that poster, which was very rude btw, and others (you) is that I felt huge remorse and I publically apologized. I admitted the unwarranted offensive and tried to redeem myself.

I have to be really pushed to the limit. Unfortunately I took my frustrations out on an innocent member here. And I hope she does forgive me. I was a complete ass to her. I was already perturbed then to see “bastard children’ was too much. Usually, I don’t let those terms get to me. That day it did.

You say hurtful and nasty comments when unprovoked. You, who has been called out repeatedly for being rude and off-base, has never expressed any such remorse when it was well deserved. Forgiveness isn't in your vocabulary.

Whoever said anything about this being a charm school. And this is NOT JUST A VENT SITE (yes I'm yelling). It's a SUPPORT board. Another term that seems to be missing from your vocabulary.

DISbelief's picture

Ugh Chicka... I am afraid it's like talking to a BRICK WALL. I don't think it will ever sink in. OR, she just doesn't care. Sadly, I believe it to be the latter of those two. Wasted energy trying to explain it to her.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

stepmom008's picture

10-4 sister!

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

soverysad's picture

We're not talking about squabbles and being offended. We're talking about blantant name-calling. The person to whom StepChica is referring was asked to tone it down and refuses because she believes it is in her right to be rude.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

StepChicka's picture

Dawn said that if anyone prefers to PM her instead of me regarding this matter she's all ears. Just give a statement including the name of the individual (you know who) and why something should be done.

Thanks guys Smile

Lilly's picture

I find this all very interesting, especially since I was recently called a troll and other profanity names, because I had the nerve to say that another members blog was "ironic" . I explained why I felt that way, yet I was continually being attacked. I was even critizied for Your and You're , ok,, whatever but
Where do you draw the line, can I PM Dawn and file a complaint. Or will I get booted off because Im not part of the pack.
Now are we all going to run to Dawn, why not just ignore, or agree to disagree.

TheWife's picture

Your Right, let me say something here. There are spats and fights on this site. And we're a bunch of women, there will be. We are not talking about the heat a person may get for a single comment. We are talking about the CONSTANT harassment coming from ONE SINGLE poster that spews nothing but pure hatred and toxic-oozines from their typing fingers. This poster turns EVERYTHING, even my light hearted post about a TV show, into a nasty, negative thing. That kind of negativity is not good for the site. And is doesn't help anyone.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

StepChicka's picture

StepChicka here again.

I'm almost finished. Whew! If anyone else wants to be included on the "petition" please do so in the next few minutes.

While your responses come in I'll be working on other references.

DISbelief's picture

Am I too late? It's been a crazy day!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

StepChicka's picture

No DIS you're not too late. Just send a PM to Dawn stating the name of you-know-who and the reason why you feel this member should be banned, rempremended, whathaveyou.

TheWife's picture


What is this, Harry Potter? LOL.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

soverysad's picture

LOL - She who must not be named!! hahahahaha

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"