Step daughter is going to be a future problem for someone else (and me) if I don't do something
This is difficult to say and a tough story so bare with me...
My HS sweetheart passed away almost three years ago after 17 years together and I got remarried 18 months later...please no comments on that. I travel some for my job and society doesn't embrace men the way they do women.
My wife has a daughter, now 9. I have two children from my previous marriage a son 5 a daughter 9.
My step daughter lives with us full time and after almost a year, has still not assimilated well into OUR new family. My wife's husband is a dead beat dad and we never see him thank God! My SD has been a holy terror since day one. She has bounced around between two sets of grandparents and my wife. My wife work long hours to provide for both of them as her ex has barely paid child support. Incidentally, I really like her ex's parents, but they are HUGE enablers. My sd has been used to running the show with NO DISCIPLINE whatsover!
My children (of course aren't all of our perfect??) have done extremely well since my wife passed and LOVE my new wife. Her daughter cannot stand me in my opinion. I think she has bonded with her grandmother more than her own mother, which is weird. They rarely hug. They are hardly affectionate. My children are Very, very affectionate with me and my new wife. Very strange.
When my wife leaves for a few hours with girlfriends, my sd is an angel. When my wife is around she is 9 going on 6? My wife is supportive of me disciplining her which is great as I am of my natural borns, but she does have a weak spot for her loosening the rules at times so my sd can not be too burdened by respect or picking up after herself while my natural daughter, an overachiever type, does as she is told...quite compliant.
I have speech's. I am allowed to spank my sd, I just don't have her heart and don't feel like I ever will. Her mother hardly has hers. I am not one to blame or wait this out. This is going to be a problem later. I can already see bad friends coming, early pregnancy, coming back home at (name the age) and having to support her while my natural born children assimilate into the world.
I tell her I love her. The only time she gives two shits about me is when I am taking her somewhere nice especially just the two of us. She walks around perpetually mad at the world. I can't help that her dad is a dead beat. I can't help that she is required to live in the gulag where everyone gets along....but it seems like when she is at her grandmothers....and its the four of us, as when my wife and I were dating, we all get along great. Nothing will ever be the same as my first wife and I don't expect that but my new wife is great with my children.
Do I love my sd. Yes...but not the way I wish I did or anywhere close to the way my new wife loves on my kids or they love hers. She is so out of place with us. It sucks. I don't want this. She just doesn't seem to want to fit in at all?
I don't know what advice I am seeking. I want to vent but know that this project wasn't started by me but I know it is mine to keep because I did sign up for it. I don't want my sd to be a problem for a future husband. I dont want to hear about how she can't get a job, a decent man, or raises kids with no sense because I bailed.
My wife almost expects her to behave badly. She is disrespectful to her...and when she is, I get in her ass, but it is almost a given, almost like she has a standard and my natural born kids have another standard to live by, which I think is horse shit.
I am lost with how to connect with this child when she isn't even really connected or affectionate with her own mother.
Her and my daughter get along really, really well suprisingly as both are close in age, but she puts me on edge many many days.
Any help, advice or guidance would be appreciated.
Have you ever thought about
Have you ever thought about family counseling? Has SD always been this way or just since you came into the picture? Why is the dad not around?
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
I have been in counseling
I have been in counseling since my wife's passing and my new wife usually comes with me.
The Dad is just a dead beat, has no desire for a relationship with his daughter, he is simply a sperm donor.
I have not considered counseling for or with my sdaughter. I don't think she is mature enough to sit in a room with a counselor.
She has been an angry child since I met her. Very, very self-centered and disagreeable.
At times, I feel like I will always tolerate her instead of love sucks really because I would like a connection but again, she is hardly affectionate with her own mother..which is weird because my wife is a huge snuggler and is very connected/affectionate with my natural born two?
Thanks for commenting...and I love your quote!
Well, it's obvious she feels
Well, it's obvious she feels out of place in your family.
Was it just her and Mom for a long time before you came along? Is it possible that she is resentful that she doesn't have her mom to herself anymore?
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Yeah, I believe she is
Yeah, I believe she is resentful she doesn't have her mother to herself but she also had two-three days per week of her grandparents that were always trying to compensate for dead-beat husband by buying things and not discipling.
In truth, I really don't blame her on one hand because growing up with everything served on a silver platter without having to behave sets a person of for that mentality.
It is like growing up with a rich family and suddenly you are cut off. It would be very hard to adjust and not feel abandoned (I guess).
"In truth, I really don't
"In truth, I really don't blame her on one hand because growing up with everything served on a silver platter without having to behave sets a person of for that mentality."
At least you know where the problem lies. I still say counseling is a good option. As well, maybe couples counseling so you and your wife can get on the same page as far as parenting goes...
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
We are actually on the same
We are actually on the same page. I don't know if deep down in the back cells of my wife's brain...I mean in the deep, deep recess's she see's her daughter as a reminder of her ass hole sperm donor husband?
She lets her off a bit more than I do because it is her blood and again, almost expects her to misbehave. I just don't like the double standard. Its almost like we have to get on her more and she says "you get on me more than the other two"...but I counter with "the rules are the rules for all and respect is respect. Your behavior is your choice and you own it dear, not me".
Its almost as if my wife has labeled her 'strong willed' or a rough child...but again, a large part of that in my view is how her first bunch of years started pre-me.
Thanks for your questions alot
Sorry about your loss.
Sorry about your loss. There is a website that is for our specific issues (remarried widows) that may help as well.
I have a sd13 that no matter what I do, she drives me nuts. I finally had to disengage or drive myself nuts. That is helping. My son is also an overachiever and my SK's are not. I have stopped parenting them, just tell my DH when I am irritated about something and he handles it. I have too many rules for them.
Stop getting involved. It is your wife's job. Than maybe you can have some type of relationship.
YOU need to learn the mantra
YOU need to learn the mantra I have been taught here and follow it:
Disconnect as soon as you can before you are the main scape goat for all the problems the kid will ever have in her only gets worse
"The pic reminds me of the slaveboy and his queens in this depicts a kid ruling her Big sweet! What it doesn't show is the Big Daddy bowing and thanking them for the abuse and begging for more"!
Wow...I appreciate the
Wow...I appreciate the advice...but I have to ask...disconnect? That sounds like throwing in the towel. Not my problem? What if I give in? What if I am the one person that is the difference maker in this childs life?
Look she drives me nuts...but I don't think disconnecting and becoming a prisoner in my own house is the answer.
This is my house and my family...
Can you guys expand a little more? It sounds like if my wife is the one 'administering the rules' it is better? Is that what you are saying vs. me?
Thanks a bunch guys. I appreciate your honest opinion and help
You say that you and your
You say that you and your wife are on the same page, yet you complain that your wife gives in to your step daughter more, because:
1) she expects her to "misbehave" be "disrespectful"
2) Deems her "strong-willed" or a "rough child"
3) possibly feels guilty for the lack of her bio-father in her life
So clearly you're not on the same page. Perhaps you and your wife agree on what a proper punishment is, and what the children should be punished for. BUT she's not holding up her end of the deal. When a child misbehaves, acts disrespectfully, or disobeys, they need 1 warning, if they continue the same action, they need to be punished accordingly. No exceptions. Your wife needs to understand this. And perhaps she needs to hear this from a third party.
I really admire your attitude towards this little girl. She's young enough for you to make a big difference in her life, and it seems like everyone that's involved wants the best for her, and is willing to make changes to make sure she gets the best. You really should have a heart to heart with your wife about this issue, explain your fears of what she's gonna turn out like if she continues to be spoiled in these ways.
Best of luck to you. With your attitude I think everything is gonna turn out just fine.
I understand where you're
I understand where you're coming from - the thought of disconnecting seems weird and hurtful, not to mention cruel. And I haven't found a way to do that myself. But what is helpful is counseling. Not because there's some majic answer or solution, but somehow it's a place where adults and children feel safe to share, free of judgement and anger.
It sounds to me like your SD has a lot of anger and frustration that she takes out on her mother. I'm sure she is jealous on some level of the relationship your children have with her mother, which manifest itself through anger. Blended families are tough - there just isn't a one-size-fits-all answer.
I try to look at things from my SS point of view and put myself in his place - how would I feel if this were me - because only then can I make sense of the situation. What some of these children face on a daily basis is just frustrating - different rules, different family structure - I can't really begin to know what they're feeling or struggling with. What I do know is that as a parental figure in their lives, we owe them the benefit of helping them understand their feelings and give them the tools to deal with the cards they've been dealt. And this is no easy task - but you will find a way to reach her and connect on a level that no other man has been able to do and in the end she will be a better person because of you!
Good luck to you.
This sounds harsh, because
This sounds harsh, because it is the last resort for most of us. We have been told again and again that we have no parental control over these kids, yet their behavior affects our lives. I have disengaged with SD13 to save my own sanity. My DH won't take my advice on this kid no matter what. He knows better. Great you handle it then. I thought I had disengaged and then last week she played me again. Now she is no longer to call me if she is sick at school. She has to call her Dad. He now has to leave work and stay home with her. All because he wouldn't make a rule about no computer if you are too sick to go to school. So all I can do is wait for that day to come and watch him get inconvenienced.
You have to let her mom be the parent. It is not your job. You will always be wrong in how you handle it. It is your house and you can make rules regarding that, but you can't enforce them. You can only let her mom do that.
"Look she drives me
"Look she drives me nuts...but I don't think disconnecting and becoming a prisoner in my own house is the answer."
I love that you said this and can totally relate. I do not think you should "disconnect" at all...or ever! I look at Sandra Bullock's acceptance speech last week and it can be applied to you, too. Some day, this SD might "get it" that you were only ever trying to make things better for her. I have that too with my DH's non-bio daughter that he has raised. If we can just continue to be a positive role model for her, she'll be better off than if we threw in the towel!
If she has a school counselor you could talk to them about the issues. I'm not sure if you are worried about her behavior at school, but you might be able to get a little help there from the school counselor and/or a trusted teacher. At least it would be able to be monitored a bit there. A lot of parents seem to forget that the schools can be a very good resource, and they might be able to refer you to someone else as well.
Another option could be community classes - do some research into family organizations in your community. Make a suggestion for your ENTIRE family to go to a few classes. In our town there are classes specifically for blended families and issues that arise with them. It could be proposed as a way to make your whole family work better with each other. This might open up a door of communication at least between the adults and the SD.
Is she mature enough to handle a parent-child discussion about her fears or feelings? Maybe it would work to open up that door too. It most likely won't happen the first time you bring it up, but if you have the guts to be the "adult" in the situation and sit down with her and just talk, eventually it will happen. Ask her questions that center around how she feels and what she thinks - keep it very open minded. Does she think things in the household are fair? How can things change? What kind of things would she like to participate in as a family? Are there times that she would rather just be alone? What kind of things would she like to do alone with mom or grandma or step dad? What does she want to be when she grows up? What kind of person is that? How can she become that person?
Can you utilize the close relationship between the girl and her grandmother? Is this a positive way that you can all connect together? If she is closer to her than with her own mother you may need to use this route, and she may be more comfortable opening up.
Looking toward her future and your worries: keep in mind that one of the major factors in avoiding "trouble making" in their teen years is to get them involved in SOMETHING! Get her in a sport, swimming, gymnastics, cheerleading, soccer, a club, or ANYTHING that she likes to do. Even if she wants to try something out for awhile and then ends up wanting to try something else, let her find something she likes and be very supportive. Maybe she just needs a little boost of self-esteem and self-worth to be able to be happy.