Is My Stepdaughters actions normal
I dont know if there are others going through the situation I am.
My fiance and i have been together 4 years. We both have children but non together.
He has a 16 soon to be 17 years old daughter who now lives with us. She is princess in his world she is on this pedistill that no one can touch and she knows it.
For the most part her and I get along. It is when her and dad are in a room together. They are very close most times they seem to close. They sit really close to each other on the couch (and most times he will sit with her before sitting next to me ) There have been a few places we have gone where people have mistaken them as being a couple instead of my fiance and I being together. He tells her all the time how beautiful she is with no make up and how great her hair or and outfit looks on her and how pretty she is.
Now I get that a father says things like that to thier daughters but he never has once said how pretty I am or how nice my hair or outfit is. And she can steel his attention away from anyone but just saying one word he will stop talking to me and start talking to her and ignore everyone else. Her actions seem to be the same she will walk around the house in see through tops and shorts that are ment to be underwear. And we we are sitting in the livingroom she will stand right in front of him in this pose just to get him to look at her.
I know there is nothing sexual between them but is just doesnt seem right to me.
And his last girlfriend had commented to him that she thought they had a wierd relationship aswell
I have the same issue with
I have the same issue with my BF daughter. She is almost 10. She is very clingy to her father. Always on his lap and I mean always. If he is sitting and she is in the same room she is on his lap. If he lays on the couch, she lays on top of him. This is not is all the time and she lives with us full time. She follows him everywhere even waits outside the restroom when he is in there. He constantly tells her how beautiful she is. When we go out...she holds his hand constantly while I walk behind them. I once had a guy hit on me who didn't realize that I was with my BF when we were all out. It is that bad. So answer to your question girl...I truly believe the "way over the top" touchy feely stuff is not normal but you are not alone. I can remember at that age...I was not still sitting on daddy nor holding his hand nor did he constantly tell me how beautiful I was and I was close to my dad. Occasional hugs and a smooch on the cheek is normal at that age but all this laying all over each other and ignoring the SO is over the top...but that is JMHO
UUUGHH.......... we haven't
UUUGHH.......... we haven't had that problem at home ---- once SD12 at the time came to the table for breakfast in her underwear and a tiny tank top --- i sent her to put clothes on immediately...for two reasons ---- you don't walk around the house 1/2 naked when other are around... and 2 i wash the clothes and i don't want her nasty ass underwear on my furniture...
but when we go to mils --- mil freaking insists sd(13 now) sit in his lap and climb all over him like a monkey bar.... my dh has back problems so he tolerates it for a bit to please controlling ass mommy and i see the discomfort in both their eyes and finally he pushes her off or she gets the hint and moves next to him.
but both sks (ags) follow him around ---- if he stops both run up his ass...
You know come to think of
You know come to think of it...she seems to even be more clingy when we go to a family members is almost like she is sitting on top of her trophy and wants everyone to know.
My bio son is 6 and IS NOT
My bio son is 6 and IS NOT allowed in peoples laps, once they are heading into 1st grade, too old. When I first got with my hubby his kids did this because they idiot bio mom let them , a 10 year old boy, bigger than his nana sitting on her! I told him to get the hell off that poor woman and act his age. After 5 they are not babies or toddlers, they should not be in anyones lap at all. This is my opinion o the matter. As far as dressing, Our daughter (1 his, 1 mine) are 9 and 10..they are budding and growing hair..innapropriate dress is NOT ALLOWED. They better be covered and acting like a young lady or they will be unhappy campers. It is innapropriate, period, and it asks for trouble. Even if it seems innocent to you, what do u think the passer by happens to look over in your window will think? Or even a friend staying over? Lets just welcome curiosity of the sexual aspect in a child, as if there isnt enough stress in the natural flow of it, we can add additional stress voluntarily. Either way..innapropriate. Thats my point of view and opinion.
Loving Wife to my hubby, Mother and friend to our darlings.
I totally agree
I totally agree Christina...girls at this age need to start acting like young ladies..constantly being all over people is very bad...I read that the way a young girl interacts with her father is the way she will interact with a boyfriend. My BF daughter's is all over everyone but much moreso on him. My BF and his family have absolutely got to let this girl grow up...she acts like she is five not close to ten. She needs to learn independence. She needs guidance and rules and a set schedule. I truly believe that she would be a happier child and so would everyone else.
I agree I just dont know how
I agree
I just dont know how to get it through to my fiance that it is wrong. Even his ex gf said she thought thier relationship was wierd. He just doesnt want to hear it. I bring it up to him and he flips out on me. How dare I say anything about the perfect child he has.
But I have noticed that sd is very clingy to my bio son who is 15 aswell just nowhere near as much as her dad. and I wonder because she is 16 and never has bf's and spends all her time at home with Dad.
I just dont get how it doesnt seem to phase my fiance that people think the are a couple. We went to a birthday party for a nephew of mine and some of my brothers guests thought that sd was me because her dad and her stuck together all night and he didnt come near me. Told him this and he just brushed it off like it was nothing. But to me it is a big something it says alot about our relationship and his relationship with his daughter Doesnt it?
It doesn't sound normal to
It doesn't sound normal to me. I also think it isn't normal that DH never tells you that you are beautiful. Honestly, I think I'd confront him with that -- doesn't he think it is odd that he says this to his daughter, but not his wife?