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Separate Checking Accounts?

BitterSM's picture

Hey there, I was hoping to get some advice on a long simmering recently bubbling issue. I am not married to BD we have been together for 6 years and have lived together for 5 of those in his house. We combine our finances and pay everything out of a joint checking account. When I came into the relationship I bailed him out to the tune of about 50,000$ in past due bills & home repairs etc and I didn't mind ,THEN. The part I have come to resent is the fact that we shell out several hundred dollars a month for the 2 skids in Braces, Ballet, Scouts, soccer, Band, Ski trips etc. We make enough to get by but not enough to be frivolous so I feel guilty when I buy myself a coffee or a pair of shoes. Well, I am tired of it and frankly if we split up which we have been talking about lately, I have made 1/2 of 5 years of house payments towards his equity and have nothing to show for it. This recently came to head because of him wanting us to buy his ex-wife a birthday present (see post labeled "Seriously?" Smile ) So, long story short I am contemplating separating our finances and just paying him rent and 1/2 of the utilities basically. I want to know if anyone else has done this and if so how they worked it out. Do you keep an account for bills & keep separate left-over money accounts or split the bills i.e you pay the utilities I'll buy the groceries? Seems like there is no way to broach the subject at this point w/o hurting feelings....any help would be appreciated.

stepmom008's picture

BF and I keep everything separate and I plan on keeping it that way. He pays certain bills, I pay certain bills, we split others and pretty much buy our own groceries. I did that intentionally so that we couldn't fight about money and I couldn't be po'd about what he gives Wilda. Even though I am anyway Smile

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

BitterSM's picture

That sounds good the only thing I wonder about specifically is the groceries. I am fine with buying my own because basically they eat garbage and I am tired of buying it but I also don't want to be telling children who I live with that they can't have one of my apples go get some of your dad's chips. So, how do you guys deal with that? And also do you keep it equal to the penny? If his certain bills i.e electricity comes out higher than yours does he come to you for the 10$ etc. & How do you deal with dinners out w/the kids & that sort of thing. do you have a joint entertainment type account?

folkmom's picture

in our house, he owns the house (i got laid off right before buying so did not go on mortgage). so i pay ZERO to the house. Instead, I pay all the groceries and the two major utilities 9which abotu equals the mortgage anyways when you add them all up.)

don't get into splitting shopping. it won't work.

when his daughter is with us, he pays for family time out. sometimes i will, but only if i offer. if it is the two of us, i guess we kind of take turns, or maybe it is a date or whatever.

stepmom008's picture

That's exactly what we do too. I pay electric and cable, we split heating oil, he pays the mortgage and property taxes. Groceries, everybody pretty much eats everything but there are things that I buy specifically for work that no one can touch. When SD is with us, he pays if we go out because we have to use my car. When it's just us, we take turns and take his truck.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

We put most of our money into a joint account but then DH and I both have separate accounts too that we put $300 a month into that is ours to spend how we want. If we but the skids presents, it usually comes out of our joint account. But when DH offered to pay for SS music lessons, he took it out of his own account.

folkmom's picture

do not pay rent. use the money in a different way. pay some utilities, pay groceries.

you have screwed yourself over financially if you leave. he will never have to repay you any money. he gets teh mortgage interest, you get nothing.

separate the accounts immediately, and the money you would have had to spend on his kids, separate into a savings account to build for your move out. you cannot fix the past monetary loss, but you can fix the future.

folkmom's picture

and do not worry about hurting feelings. HE has been greatly benefiting from the situation for years it seems. what have you gotten out of it? think for yourself far you bailed him out of a ton of debt, you pay half his mortgage (he gets interest and equity) you pay for his kids...

umm....he is LOVING this deal.

kphotog's picture

I agree with folkmom. FW and I had a joint account for everything, we separated and I got screwed. Now we have separate accounts and it pisses her off but I don't want to get screwed again. We worked out a way to pay our bills that worked for both of us, ie I pay the phone bill (because her line is only $10 extra and we never go over minutes and have unlimited text) she pays the electric because her kids leave every light in the house on.. we split the rent and she pays $50 more since her kids are there part of the time and if I were single or she didn't have kids we wouldn't need a 3 bedroom house. You get the point lol.

Angel72's picture

We keep separate accounts. Only mortgage joint account which i'm in full control of because the bank made it clear , that although his name is on it, unless i sign for something , he wont get anything out of that account. I make sure the mortgage is paid and any money left goes to the house. Not his own personal expense. We split everything in half. I do not pay for gas used to go pick up his kids. His responsibility. I will not pay for his booze or cigs..his habit to keep , not mine.
I plan on keeping it separate and we like it that way. I'm very good with my money and he is not.
We split all the bills in our household and anything that has to do with his kids, is he responsibility. I will have no part of it. Unless i choose to.
I suggest you stop paying for any house repairs, any braces for his kids...ANything to do with his kids, HE SHOULD PAY NOT YOU! Are you serious? You paid for braces, ballet and way.
I think you should stop paying now. And deduct what he owes you from your rent.
Sorry , girl, he's taken you for a ride.
You obviously are a very good caring person and loves her dh and wants to love his kids.
I suggest you set aside cash for yourself and only combine what is needed to cover expenses. Does't include house repairs or money for his kids..sorry.

MarriedwithChild's picture

Completely seperate in this marriage on account of C/S and one insane BM...

Keep it away from the hands of the courts and a peed off ex-wife.

Good Luck, (It's odd for me too.)

bearcub25's picture

We have seperate checking accounts.

I pay all the bills since the house and bills were all mine to begin with and in my name. BF pays his own CS and bills.

It works for us b/c:
1. BM is too lazy to take her kids to extra activities so there is none of those.
2. BF is a decent guy, knows that I'm covering our butts so he pays for our stuff or if I run short between pays.

It only works if the ppl in the r-ship try and make it work.

bioandstep2009's picture

We maintained our separate accounts when I first moved in but shared the costs of food. I paid the water and electric as his mortgage took up 60% of his income! We decided to go the joint account route once we got engaged a little more than a year ago. I still have my separate account but that's just for the rent I receive because my tenant also has an account at the same institution and pays his rent via member to member transfers online. Child support I receive for DD11 is in a separate account with a check card set up by the state. The rest of my income etc. is deposited into the joint account so my money and his money pay all of our bills, regardless of whose bill it is, and yes, begrudgingly, that includes the stinkin' alimony which isn't really a alot. It's just annoying to see every month (we set up a standing order at our bank so no check writing because she wouldn't cash the damn checks for weeks!)

agentMuse's picture

We have one joint for mortgage, one joint for expenses and rest is separate...(what we do it we both put the same amount a month for expenses, and then when we run out, well, too bad...but that has not happened yet in 2.5 years...) it works out well for us that way...

jojo68's picture

Do you live in a state that recognizes Common Law Marriage? I wouldn't pay other things but don't deem it as rent. If you do live where Common Law marriage is recognized, check with an attorney to give you some piece of mind.

jojo68's picture

My BF says he doesn't want to get married which is a relief to me because even though I really love him, I don't know if I can put up with the hurt and disappointment that always being second and pushed to the side puts upon me. We live together and do share a checking account. It is his house and it is paid for. The only thing that we both pay on is my car....but the ol jojo aint too dumb...LOL The car is in my SD name so if it doesn't work out...I can just walk away.

unbelieveable's picture

Just giving you more advice I have gotten from everyone on here...

They aren't your kids - you should not be expected to pay or even help with braces, dance class, etc. That is for him to do...and the BM if she still exists.

Get separate accounts...just take over some bills and maybe groceries since you live there and go buy yourself some new heels - a dress - and have a girls night out! Somehow we get sucked in to thinking we should help out with - we shouldn't with activities - these BD's need to do that and work it out with BM - if BM is getting loads or child support then well...she can put the money towards that...and he can back off a little with all of those bills.

jojo68's picture

I also feel guilty if I have to buy a new outfit or treat myself to lunch out...all the while almost everytime we go to the store my BF spends at least $40-100 on his daughter. She gets candy and slushies everytime he goes to the gas station...He takes her to the store before and after school (or Mcdonalds sometimes). I know this weekend he spent well over $150 on her and it was all lots of little BS stuff and spent $30 just on food for her at the hockey game. It is crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Sasha's picture

I have been married for five years and we still keep separate accounts. He pays the rent and I pay the utilities and groceries. When we go out we take turns paying. I don't EVER want to feel like I have to answer to him as to how I spend my extra money, and vice versa. As long as the bills are paid and he doesn't put himself into debt, I don't care what he does with his money. When I was married to my first husband I had to ask *permission* to buy something for myself. Never again will I put myself in that position.