Anyone have issues with sex life while SK's are visiting?
Dear Lord above I do hope this is only a fluke... but BF has not been "at attention" wink wink this whole week and this is SD's week for visitation!
I am so sad and kindah grossed out, that I cant even think straight. Please tell me this is all a coincidence and that I am thinking way to much into it!
Very strange that last week which was an off week, we had sex plenty and he was "at attention" every morning... but this week nothing.
Has this ever happened to anyone on here?
Oh yea, there is no sex when
Oh yea, there is no sex when skids are around. That's a rule.
Is this your rule, his or
Is this your rule, his or created by both of you?
We never had any issues before, even if it was a quickie in the shower, at least it was something! Now its like, he isn't even interested... something is just off and even though I try to not think the worst... it does hurt my ego, especially since the other night I started and then nothing happened on his side, it was humiliating for both of us
We get together for nooners
We get together for nooners while the kids are at school. But every rare once in while he'll pull into the garage or bathroom.
We have so much time when the kids are over at the counterparts that we don't fret too much. We make up for our
That is fabulous!!! Just to
That is fabulous!!! Just to have the fire and excitement again... how the hell does that just go away... I don't understand it.
Life takes over your sex
Life takes over your sex life if you let it. Just have fun with it. Anything a little different makes it exciting even if its in a different place, position, or time. DH and I both sit at a computer at work. We log on and IM sweet dirty nothings to each other. It keep the engine sometimes we meet back at the house for "lunch".
It's his rule, my kids are
It's his rule, my kids are grown. Now, even if he would want to, I think I would feel weird. It used to bother me alot, but I've gotten over it and have accepted it. And he has 50/50 custody.
Sigh...why do you think I'm on the computer on a Friday night!
We are 50/50 EOW. I feel the
We are 50/50 EOW.
I feel the same way about the computer... he is in the living room watching TV and I am in the office posting to you.. LOL! Now, in my head I am thinking WTH, we should be cuddling or something, but no.. he doesn't even try when SD is here.
you stinker...
LOLOL GOFORIT---I was thinking the same thing...BUT LOOKING back, when the children were young....we always MADE TIME>...somehow LOL
Yup! When we lived in the
Yup! When we lived in the apartment we definitely didn't do it when his kids were around. Sd is a very light sleeper and i really couldn't get myself into it. Thank God they only came then eow...just for 2 days..then my dh and i were ok for another 2weeks...i dont know how someof you do it if its 50/50. I can see the
Now in our house , we can because of the size of the place and where we placed the bedrooms. My dh and i made sure the kids...all of them. Skids and biokids we have , had rooms AWAY and at a goooooood distance from our bedrooms! lol...
Can you believe that was one of the criteria for buying a house? How the bedrooms were arranged and privacy? hehehhehe....
Personally, the quickie bathroom is the best....when the kids are playing video games...they are soooo zoned out and into the world. Thank God for video games!
LOL!!! We've been together
LOL!!! We've been together since our kids were 10/11 and 6 years old. They are now 13/14 and 9 years old. They are used to us. They know that if our door is closed, you better be bleeding or someone better be hurt for you to knock on that door. We did not get married so our life would be put on hold when the kids are around. Heck, if you were an intact bio family, would you quit having sex because then the kids would live with you all the time?
At the beginning, Sheldon would get very upset if he thought we were even kissing, but DH had a talk with him basically telling Sheldon that he (DH) was an adult and was not going to be told what to do by his own son.
The kids may occasionally hear something, but they also see that Truelight and I are happy, and I hope that one day they can have a relationship like this with their spouses.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
lol. Creature slept through
lol. Creature slept through our fire alarm going off. She snores like a freight train. DH and I get on each other on the couch, the floor, the bed, anywhere after she's in bed. Hell dh will lock the bedroom door in the morning while she's awake. She isn't allowed in our room so having the door shut isn't weird for her. AND since we both work from home quite often we get in some "afternoon delight" while she is in school.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
When we get it on, it's a
When we get it on, it's a little too noisy and stuff, so we don't generally go at it when the kids are here. Luckily, they only stay over EOWE. If we had them more often, we'd have to get more creative.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
Kids are with us 24/7 so we
Kids are with us 24/7 so we do it when we feel like doin' it. But we don't leave the bedroom unless they're not home. They are both kinda light sleepers and get up to go to the bathroom a lot so no kitchen counters for us.
Not ever. DH isn't going to
Not ever. DH isn't going to let anything besides a 911 emergency interfere with "OUR" personal time.
Rule #1: We married each other to live life to the fullest with each other. Kids come and go, but husband and wife are forever.( hopefully)
( One time right before dh "you know what"...ss5 banged on our bedroom door saying he was "thirsty." Of course it was just an excuse to get out of his bed. I never saw my dh so pissed and frustrated before.)
That has ceased lately after my dh had a kind talk to ss5 about "locked" doors...
We rarely have sex when the
We rarely have sex when the stepkids are over EOWE. He's always worried about them hearing us.
No issues for me...I'll make
No issues for me...I'll make love to hubby anytime, anyplace as long as no one is watching:)
I have no trouble pushing SD from my mind when she's not directly in my face. One time we made lunch for the kids...and then while they were eating we went off for an afternoon quickie...they were just finishing their lunch when we came back.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
We stopped having sex when
We stopped having sex when SD was here, at MY instigation. Here's why: SD16 has absolutely no concept of boundaries and personal for space for anyone besides herself. So she feels free to walk into our bedroom at any time, including when I am in the bathtub or changing my clothes. I insist she knock and both SD and DH think I am "mean." Also, there was an incident of SD16 eavesdropping outside our door while DH and I were talking with the door closed. Both our BDs were asleep in their bedrooms, one of which abuts our bedroom. Both of our BDs are very light sleepers, so we were talking quietly. SD16 went to BM and told her exactly what we'd said (we were discussing the situation with SD16 and of course BM came up). DH refused to punish SD16, as she told him she'd heard us from the bathroom. Um, no. The bathroom is across the hall from our bedroom and we were being quiet, no way she heard us. I guarantee she was listening outside our door for something juicy because we had the door closed (that rarely happens). I was so disgusted, I told DH I didn't feel comfortable having sex while SD16 is around because I know she listens outside our door. It's the truth. I thought that might actually bring DH to impose some consequences on SD16, but no dice. Guess DH would rather go without than discipline SD16! His problem, not mine.
Our big problem is when we
Our big problem is when we have the kids, he decides he needs nookie RIGHT THIS INSTANT. Mostly early in the morning. It's fun when both the kids are banging on the door screaming "DADDY DADDY I NEED YOU!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT BUTTON DO I HIT ON THE MICROWAVE? I DON'T LIKE CARTOONS!!!!" really??? You need it right now??!! OMG!!!!
It makes me feel dirty and not in the good way!
***Friendship is like peeing on yourself. Everyone can see it, but only you feel the warmth it brings***