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How many Step Talkers have seen their DH win custody or residency over the BM?

Thetis's picture

I have lost all faith in the Canadian Family court system. I am wondering if there are any success stories out there, where the deserving DH has won custody or residency from a BM who is not up to par with them?
What was needed for the courts to realize that the mother is not always right?

soverysad's picture

Depends on state and even county in most cases. The best we were able to do is 50/50 even though it was documented to the court from professionals that mom was causing emotional damage to the child. Courts still think children need their mommies even if those mommies are monsters.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

livinthedream's picture

Winning custody or residency is the furthest thing from my mind. In my situation, that would be like winning a death sentence. Every month when that CS check goes out...its like paying a 24/7 babysitter!

starfish's picture

"that would be like winning a death sentence" SAME HERE!!!

as much as i hate bm, i would be crying the loudest if she died! -- would be a horrible upset to my already challenged apple cart

soverysad's picture

Sadly, once the case was done and she was FORCED to settle for 50/50 (she wanted primary with DH getting EOW under supervision because she claimed we were abusive), she needs a babysitter 25% of the time she is supposed to have her, so we have her during that time as well. So we went from abusive parents needing supervision to babysitting on her time, but she doesn't want the CS to reflect that 25% change. Can you say - monster fought the system claiming abuse and how her "baby" needed her "mommy" (said in a whine, of course) because she wanted as much $$$ as she could get? Once it was said and done and custody could no longer affect the equity distribution or alimony, SD doesn't need mommy quite so much and mommy doesn't want to pay a sitter with her CS so apparently the alleged abuse is now okay. Wingnut isn't even allowed to take SD to the pediatrician (it is actually in the court order) because she behaved so badly during the custody dispute (2 1/2 years - one psychologist actually left her presence because she behaved so badly to him in front of SD) and yet the judge thought it was a good idea for mommy to retain at least 50% custody.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

hlao23's picture

We recently got primary residence. Partly, I think, b/c BM doesn't think about things.

BM and DH were never married. They only dated very briefly. She didn't want him to have anything to do with the baby and just asked for child support. There was no way DH was going to trust her to raise a child. She has a 5-year-old who has lived in 13 different homes with 4 different men and she has on-going substance abuse issues. We had to get a lawyer b/c she wouldn't even help him do paperwork to get his name on the birth certificate.

When we DH and BM) went to mediation we were getting DBS on Fridays and taking him back to BM on Sundays. We requested that we get him W-Sn and she could see him M and Ts. That didn't go over well with her so the mediator suggested that we use that schedule every other week. She agreed but I don't think she realized that agreeing to that gave DH primary custody with us having DBS about 60% of the time. Plus we have him in daycare (which I drive him to) on the Th and Fr that she has him. We knew exactly what point we could accept a compromise but still win primary custody. I'm sure it didn't occur to her at all and I still don't think she realizes what that will entail later.

We're still - semi-sneakily - trying to win more time. Our lawyer said that if we can get her to regularly let us have him an extra day a week or every other week, and establish a pattern, that we can use it when we go back to court next fall to request change in CS (whole 'nother story)

Thetis's picture

Ok well here's our little bit of history.

BM is a kid. She's 21 but acts 16. She has lived in 8 different homes with 12 different people in the last two years. Dragging her daughter with her. The last time she moved back home we put an order in place to keep our daughter in the area. We had her in preschool and her maternal grandparents had her going to swimming lessons. Then BM found a new boyfriend on line and moved to another province. She could not take her daughter so she got her mother to watch her. She was gone for months at a time without seeing her daughter. So we took her to trial. She won, convincing the judge that her daughter needed to be near a large medical facility (bullshit) and all of the oppertunities of a large city. She also told the judge of all the wonderful plans she had in place so her daughter would grow healthy and smart. She made alot of vague statements that could not be proven or disproven and the judge bought it. He has bound himself to the case so anything that happens has to happen through him now.
Well two months after the trial was done... her and her boyfriend have broken up and now shes moving home with her mom again. All of the wonderful activities and schooling that she had arranged for SD has fallen through because BM no longer has her boyfriend to support her. She wants to return to the access agreement we had in the past, but keep the maintenance the way it is now. We will be taking her back to court.

I'm just looking for some validation and hope. I hope that the judge can not turn a blind eye on her instablity anymore.

hlao23's picture

I'm sorry all of you guys are going through this Thetis. That's hard Sad

It is amazing to me how so much is stacked against the birth father. I do not see how the mere fact that your body can grow a baby makes you the best person to provide and care for it.

From what I gather from our lawyers, you can kind of look at custody as that old quote "posession is 9/10ths of the law" Which is why BM often fare better in court. Would it work for you in your legal system to be a little "sneaky" in the way our lawyer suggested to us?

You don't mention how much she's willing to let you "babysit". Our BM didn't want to lose primary (giving up CS and "control") but really didn't care if we kept DBS pretty much all of the time. It's pretty easy for us to get extra time with him. The key for us is to establish this on a regular basis. That way, when we go back to court in the summer, we can say "hey, we keep him every Thursday even though the papers only say every other Thursday. Can we amend the paperwork to reflect this" According to our lawyer, if we're already living that way anyway the judge will usually grant it.

I'm surprised that the judge didn't take into consideration that the child spent more time with the grandmother than the mother. The way I understand it, the parent has to prove that they are the one who is with the child. Having another primary caregiver doesn't count..even if it's the new wife or another family member.

Pantera's picture

My DH got sole custody over BM. Visitation is as DH sees fit. So if BM starts PAS, DH doesn't have to let SS9 see her. She is also ordered to pay CS, but doesn't (You'll see a blog on Jan. 12th Im sure). DH got custody because BM's family gave her a year to "get herself together" and she didn't so BM's family got sick of taking care of SS9 and told DH what was going on and went to court with DH for emergency custody (the last straw was when BM drove SS9 to BM's sister's house drunk at 4am). So in our case something really bad had to happen that we could prove, other than that, DH would have only gotten joint custody.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

anbacc's picture

My husband won custody of his daughter when she was 4 yrs old. Her mother decided she didnt want to be married anymore and when my husband(hers at the time) moved to Hawaii BM decided to stay in Cali to finish school and left there child with BF. When they went to court BM lied and got caught lying about abuse and the founf my husband to be a more fit parent. We have been married for 2 yrs now and BM is trying to get custody again using lies except now she has my SD believing these lies. Should make for an interesting court case.

Just tell the truth at all time because the courts do not like a parent that lies. And always show willingness to bring the child closer to the other parent.

NaturallyMom's picture

THAT is some good advice.

"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the end your right to say it," - Voltaire