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i just don't get it so i look after myself !!!

stever's picture

this is a great site, i just found it now. after reading all these posts i do feel better, as i am not alone. i have no idea why the parent of kids is such a thorn in the side to the one who has no kids...that is my deal. i have seen many of your stories in my own.

i am married for over a year, dated her for 6. i'm 34 and neither of us have been married to anyone else. she has 2 girls. i met them when they were 4 and 5 and they are now 11 and 12. pains in the ass! disrespectful, sneaky and inconsiderate. as my wife says...there are worse kids out there! "yeah, well there are better" is my response. in the beginning they were brats and i didn't say much since i would just visit her parents, where they all lived. it's not my place to reprimand them in her parent's house. these brats work people against each other and continue to do so. if they didn't get their way they would go to my wife's mom...and so on...until someone said yes. they either wanted to spend time at their dad's or their other grandmother's...they wanted to be wherever they could get what they wanted. my wife is a great mother but she needs to be more of a parent than a friend.

the younger one, and nicer one, lives with the dad but the "princess" lives with us...oh joy. lately though...the younger one has been over most nights by us. not fair to me, but God-forbid i open my mouth.

my wife NEVER wants to talk to me about them. if you want to get her enraged instantly you will bring up her kids. doesn't matter what tone you use....if i just bring up what her kid did the other's on. there is no talking.

i always put others before myself. always help anyone in need, i give too much at times and i always say i'm sorry. i hate fighting and i'm always at home. i work a day job, as with most people. in the evenings or weekends i'm working on my music at home or my video production co. / photography studio. regardless...i'm always at home. for the most part i spend time with my wife watching tv or running errands. it's generally good. the only time we fight is when her brats are involved. they can do no wrong.

her 12 year old kid is the major issue. she walks around like some princess who thinks she is going to be a famous singer and dancer someday. that gets old really fast. she doesn't practice and doesn't put forth any effort. when i was younger i wanted nothing more than to be a great guitarplayer. i played a minimum of 5 hours a day and worked for it for years. i got close then decided to keep it as a hobby. i know all about following your dreams and working for them. this kid is a poser, a fake, but struts around like the world owes her. demanding that her mom wash the same pair of jeans each day, that her mom cook something different since she only eats one thing, etc etc.

she was given a cell phone for EMERGENCY USE ONLY. that kid ran up a $400 bill in one month! her mom let her keep the phone however. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! the next month = $300! the kid's dad and i are on the same wife is not. she doesn't get it. i told that kid the phone is to stay on the counter when she gets home from school! i catch her sneaking it into her room. i take it back...she is deliberately going against what i said! my wife gets enraged at me, yelling at me, saying the kid can have it if she wants it. she promised she wouldn't do it again. so i said "what told you that....the $700 she dropped in 2 months?" so this kid gets the phone and i get yelled at.

another issue is the never talking. this kid has said 1 sentence to me in 3 months. all she is good for is sitting in her room with the door shut. she just sits in there doing nothing but fantasizing, talking on the phone or watching tv. i have tried to talk to her, tried to take her places and do things. i have spent 3 hours straight, multiple times, trying to talk to her...still nothing. she just sits there. i call her the mannequin. she never speaks. i told my wife all i'm asking for is a hello maybe once a week but it never happens. passing in the hall...ignores me. i have tried and tried, talked to her father on the phone and he says she does that to him too once in awhile. he can't stop it. what the hell?! amd i the only one who finds it not hard to reprimand them? but i have no power!

i'm no one. i'm not the dad and i'm not the mom. i'm just the guy on the outside. i heard somewhere that if your spouse with the kids does not back you then you have no power and that is true!

in fights my wife just says "i can't help it if she hates you." BUT WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG? in 7 years i have never raised a hand to them, just tried to keep them in line. the only way these kids will like me is if i let them do what they want and that isn't happening! i was raised well, please, thank you, etc. i tell my wife and these kids...."they are 12...i'm an adult...they live in my house....they do what they're told." man, i sound like my parents...but i was never like this. we did what we were told or else.

my wife has said to me countless times that i'm making her choose...but i'm not.

it actually came to divorce talk (she wanted it) and my wife left our home and pulled her brat out of school when i wasn't home. she got fedup with me enforcing the rules. half were rules she made up by the way.

another great thing i love is when my wife (however rare) punishes them. NO TV FOR A WEEK! 10 minutes later they are watching it. i question it, and i get yelled at...THIS IS THEIR FAVORITE SHOW! I SAID THEY CAN WATCH THIS ONE ONLY. what the hell is that! NO should mean NO!

sorry this is so long. i'm fedup. i'm fosusing on me. i decided last month. as much as i would love the family thing, it will not happen. after 5 years, each being twice as worse as the last, i'm done. i can't try anymore. i'm doing my music stuff and more of my stuff. i go out with friends once a week which the wife doesn't like that much but i do it...sorry, i have a life too. i can't be in that house all the time with that kid. i have tried so many times to be nice and talk and explain that it is not right to ignore someone. this kid just sits there.

i get my smiles when they want something from me such as internet access. that is not allowed. i don't feel it's fair that you only come to me once every 3 weeks when you want songs for your ipod off the web. the answer is no, followed up by, i don't think it is nice or fair that someone only comes to me when they want you? the younger one (who is a littler nicer) says no. the main brat just sits in her room.

my wife still can't figure out how the $78.21 charge got on her credit card for a year's worth of downloadable music. DO THE MATH! WAKE UP! they surf that site! that is their yearly fee for that! she says she questioned them and they said they didn't do it. ok, whatever. for a second there i thought she was going to accuse ME!

if this kid ever gets pregnant, it's sure divorce i'm sure, since i will NEVER live with that especially if it's not my kid...she can live with her dad. i won't be around.

speaking of the dad...he takes the brat every other weekend. the kids are always together, one weekend by us, next by him. i can't WAIT for the weekends that are OURS! i LOVE when they aren't around!

what has helped me through it is the fact that i believe i'm finally done. i treat her as if she is a younger sister or something...of my wife's. i do my thing, she does hers....we never talk. it isn't my doing.

sorry so long.

bettyboop's picture

I am sure you have heard this but alot of her behavior is the age she is at. My daughter is 14 and there are times that I want to rip her face off!. What I have learned from my experience with my kids is consistency. You cannot make a threat and not follow through on it nor can it be a threat that you can't follow through on. I am not excusing the behavior of you sd, but it sounds like you wife is enableing her bad behavior and actually re-enfourcing it with her lack of conseqences and softening when she does punish them. Have you thought anout parenting classes (for both of you but really for your wife)?
Good luck

happy's picture

Wow that is a lot for you to take. In any marriage whether you have kids together or not Step whatever, the marriage is suppose to come first. That is the only way it will be successful. We all on here struggle with some level of Communication or lets face it we would not need this site.

I am kinda torn because I think that if your wife loved you at all she would let you talk or ask about the kids. It is your house you said. If she wants it to be "ours" then she has to treat it that way. I agree with you doing your own thing alot more. Give your wife the cold shoulder once in awhile like she does you. You should not be living in your home with rudeness.

The sad thing is, is that now days all kids have that silver spoon in there mouth. Ok most. And its those kids who usually never have to follow rules or be respectful and then eventually they have a run in with the law and the law gives them a punishment. Your SD could very well end up pregnant if your wife does not take control. If I were the BIO father I would be outraged and put my foot down to your wife and HIS daughter... I mean it took two people to make her. Your wife fails to realise she is not helping her daughter she is creating a monster.. Kids who are never taught to be respectful or adhere to any rules or punishments never learn any boundaries.. And that makes for a very hard time for them and its at the hands of the parents..
I wish you luck in your journey. I would stay focused on yourself for awhile. And get your wife thinking. She actually needs a wake up call you sound like a GOOD MAN.. Not to many of them left in the world. It sounds like you have a lot going for you and could make a wonderful life for you and her.. Its just to bad she does not see that you are truly just trying to do your job as a step dad.. we all need help parenting.. Its not an easy task.. It takes an ARMY is what I always heard..

I hope everything works out for you..

Exhausted SM's picture

Well, you said a mouth full! I am so angry for you! I can't believe what you put up with. Aren't you the man of the house? Run away now while you still have some dignity! I am a step mom and although I don't physically punish the kids, I definitely have a say in the punishment of the children. Especially for the one that lives with us! You have to be a united front (you and your wife) and the children will only respect you when they see that their mother also respects you and your decisions. This is so unbelievable to me that you are being treated this way in your own home. I am not sure that I would be handling it so well. I think you should try and talk to her (your wife) about respect or lack thereof and if she flies off the handle then put your foot down and if she doesn't like it then kick her ass out! :jawdrop:

Little Jo's picture

Hate to say it, but you just recited the reason why my boyfriend ended his marriage. Only he IS the Father. I'm so sorry to say, in my opinion, if you two can't get on the same page, it may be time to close the book.

Good luck. We here for ya.

stever's picture

not to sound conceited but i know i'm a very good person. my entire family is that way. i'm not perfect but we are really good people. i work hard and do the best i can. i agree with all that you said. i cannot tell you how close we were to ending it. she wanted the divorce and i didn't; i should have. i put up with WAY TOO MUCH. my wife belittles everything. i totally agree with her backing me. that shows strength between us. she did it once in 7 years...last month, and i was shocked! if we are strong together the kid will realize it. if she caves in, as she usually does, then the kid gets what she wants. it drives me nuts. i told my wife that if i had kids and she didn't, she wouldn't last half as long as me! i also told her that if i had kids that caused her grief i would be in the room with them behind closed doors laying down the law stating "this may not be your mother but she takes care of you. she is trying. you're my kid and i love you but if things don't change you will have no priveledges whatsoever." why can't she say that. one more thing, you are right as far as us first, marriage as one. but, her kids were there before me, and although she loves me, they were there before me.

it is hard seeing this brat do what she wants but i do enjoy myself more when i ignore her. it sux since i wanted to be close with them but i can't continue to turn the other cheek to a 12 year old. so i remain as just my wife and i and my dogs and my hobbies. we are currently living with her mom...all of us. we are moving to a new home in a few months. that will be rough when it's just me, my wife and the kid again. i will do fine.

i like how you said "give her the cold shoulder a bit." it's funny because there were a couple places i had to be to meet a client; bridal couple. my wife said "you just don't want to be here." first off......YA THINK?! 2nd....i have to work.

that is all for now. thanks to all.

Anonymous's picture

I'm sorry to hear your wife doesn't back you up. I have been through the ringer with a teen SD and if I hadn't had support from my husband I would have bailed a long time ago. I too was ignored by my SD, and also by some of my nieces that are close to her. Shunning is a very powerful tool and I'm guessing that is why you would have some resentments. Shunning is a way of denying someone's humanity and made me angry too. I finally started ignoring back and basically let go of the idea of ever having a relationship with SD. At that point I regained some of my sanity. When ignoring me stopped getting any results she just kept upping the anty and hasn't stopped since. One day she was cussing me out and said for the 50th time how I "Wasn't her Mother" I was so tired of her abusive behavior that I finally just told her the cold hard truth. I told her that I counted my lucky stars that I wasn't her mother and I meant it. She seemed upset, but to be honest, I do not regret being honest with her. Everyone else indulges her now matter how horrible she is, but in the real world people will not like you if you are nasty to them.

It sounds like you are the only person in her life that sets boundaries and I'm sure that makes her mad. It sounds like other people in her life do not do that. That means that when you set boundaries you are changing the rules on her. When someone who is used to getting their way by manipulating suddenly brushes up against a boundary, they get REALLY mad.

It is unfortunate that SD doesn't have discipline in her life. My teen SD is now raising her baby on welfare at 18. I too was unwilling to live with SD and her baby. I made that clear to my husband well before she got pregnant.

The fact that you think of the skids as brats makes me think you have been holding in your feelings for a long time. I would look for a no nonsense counselor to work with this on. I know it sounds kind of fluffy bunny, but having a therapist has really helped me deal with being a Step Mom.

I am now able to see that nothing I could have done would have led to a good relationship with SD. I am able to see the way my in-laws judge me as being about who they are and not who I am. I am able to not internalize all the nasty comments I deal with. In short, I am able to separate my identity from all the allegations and negativity that I deal with.

I am also able to see that by dealing with some of this nonsense in a mature way, I support my husband. Of course, my husband tries to support me so he is deserving of my efforts.

I hope that your wife can see her way to backing you up. This is essential.

Wishing you best of luck and know that you are not alone.

holeekrap789's picture

I know I am the poutcast in this one but I have to speak up here.
While I am not the wife of Stever, my Steve says almost the exact same things about me and my kids. Just not quite as harshly.
Here's the situation. He moved into my house knowing that my kids had some problems and were in counseling etc... He was forewarned that they don't take too easily to men from what their fathers haev done to them. I am a lenient parent who believes that children should be able to enjoy life along the way to growing up. He was raised military and believes that children should respond with how high sir when told to jump. He doesn't like noise...not even "happy noise" and he can't stand when there are messes even when the children are still actively using the items making the mess.
Needless to say we are very different in our parenting styles.
My kids get good reports from schools, church, relatives, babysitters and anyone who knows them(with the exception of the two with ADD)
I feel that in 21yrs of raising kids I haven't done too badly with my parenting style.
He on the other hand belittles me and the kids, has nothing nice to say about anything that we do that doesn't agree with his viewpoints and wants us all to conform to his way of thinking.
The more negative he gets witht he kids the more I try to show them some positive attention and "blow him off"
Now mind you, as I said he moved into my house. He has been uneployed for 2yrs and living off of me and my kids and complains that neither me or the kids has a clue how to be responsible for ourselves. He also has a son he pays no support for.
Now while I am making him sound like such a loser this is not my intention. He has many redeeming qualities, we just don't get along too good on this issue(or his ex---lol)
I don't foresee either of us fully changing for the other but I (maybe wrongfully) believe that he moved into our family and if he doesn't like it he can move out or conform a little.
I am sorry for what you are going through Stever it does sound horrible and I don't think I would want to be there eitherm but there are tweo sides to this and maybe you should try to found out why she does things the way she does. Sometimes with understanding there can be some rectification. You fell in love with her for some reason.
A couple things that help me and mine was to write out what we wanted to say so we wouldn't allow our painful emotions to interfere with the problem solving.
He also understood that I had come from a very abusive past and wouold rebel against being told what to do or how to do it so when he wants to convey something he asks me questions that get me to think about my words or actions.
Both of these methods have been very helpful.
Good luck and I am sincerely not putting the blame on you or accusing you, just trying to state that there may be a reason that you are unaware of that causes her to be what she is.

Lisa Dawn

stever's picture

holeekrap789, thanks for your insight as well but my story is completely different.

i do not expect a yes sir, yes ma'am approach...a simple please and thank you is fine with the occasional hello while passing in the hall. i shouldn't have to train someone to be a person. a simple hello once a week would be good instead of being ignored all the time. it's common courtesy right?

i do not rely on ANYONE to pay my bills and i will never EVER borrow money from anyone. i have been working since i was 15...going on 35 soon.

i REALLY AGREE with the previous post, as it is my situation in a nutshell. this kid did whatever she wanted while living with her mom and grandmother. no one set boundaries and if they did they were removed rapidly...have to make the brat happy right? i enter the picture and i see all this. i don't say anything since it's not my place, not my house. once the girlfriend moves in with me, things change. i'm not strict but there ARE rules. this kid hates rules. so i'm not the mom, not the dad, just some *@#*$#! who lays down the law.

after ignoring them for a month it finally came to a head friday night. they kept screwing around after being told by my wife to get to bed 3 times. i go down the hall to see the younger brat being thrown out of the room by the older one (main brat.) i stormed in that room and let her have it. i told her i'm aware of all the late night phone calls she is making and of course she denied it. she wouldn't talk to me...just faced the wall the entire time as usual. writing things down and finding out what her problem is will not work...she has just faced the wall for 5 years. she's a 12-year-old bitch...sorry to say.

her mom still lets her use the cell phone even after she runs up high bills....did i mention before it got to $500 in a month? YOU'RE 12!

i told her she has a choice...she either starts acknowledging me or she does NOT live with us when we move into this new house that is being built. she said she didn't want to move there anyway. she finally speaks! well that's great news. i told her that i will not live uncomfortably in my new house with someone who has no respect and can't even say hi. if she chooses to stay the same i will make her life a living hell. she can live with her father but he won't want to deal with that either. my wife will of course take her with us against my wil and there will be fighting all the time. i am going to make it quite clear again that if things don't change this kid is not living with us. i told my wife this kid needs to spend the entire summer anywhere but with us.

so let's say that i leave...divorce, whatever....then this bitch wins, right? she had the nerve to open her mouth and raise her voice to me saying that i have no say in this current house since it is her grandmother's house. i really went off on her and all she did is cry. my wife and her mother heard everything i said and they didn't stop me....that was nice. of course she still hasn't said hi in the last week. i'm going to let her know in the next couple of days....don't expect to be moving with us in june. her mom will be all over me for that, but seriously...why would anyone want to live with that? hey kid, if you don't like me after all the things i have done for you, then leave. isn't it right to control your f'n kid?

if the tables were turned my wife wouldn't have lasted all this time! i would be in the room with my kid laying down the law. i would say, look, i'm your dad and i love you but this woman is your step mom and she looks after you. you will either pay her some attention or you will be in this room with no priveledges until you change. my wife could never do that. she's too preoccupied being friends with this brat.

i have been thinking of what to do, daily. we did try counseling and that just stopped happening, with the move and all into my mother-in-laws while this house is being built. i may start up on my own, but i'm not the one who needs it. all my family and friends and even my wife's friends see how this kid is.

i have been playing voicemail tag with this kid's father. he said he has the same issues and he blames my wife, and i agree with him. i suggested that him and i get together to talk over stuff. that is my update for now.

thank you all! i do feel a little better knowing i'm not alone.

Candice's picture

when I was reading your blog, I seriously thought I was reading about my ss. He can really be an asshole at times, and he is 13. And it really burns me inside when people say..."it's the age..". Yeah there are some of the things that he does that are common problems with preteens, but the blatant disrespect is out of line, along with the sense of entitlement should not be common issues with anyone, or any child.

Our situation was that ss lived with his bm until 12, and during that time, bm who is really unstable, and never had any type of schedule, discipline, stability, always painted a bad picture of my and my dh (she worked to always minimize us- the stability/structure). Well, fine, ss totally bought that, and then one day ss realized that his mom wasn't all together, he decided to want to come live with us.

At first, I was really excited b/c I really want to give ss a chance to "have a chance". His mother could care less about his education, and surrounds him with questionable people...even people who deal drugs. So ss came and lived with us, and all hell broke loose. My dh and I have rules (we aren't overly strict, but we have rules and we also have fun...balance.) And ss who is thoroughly confused (he thinks he is an adult and entitled to adult priviledges), routinely argued with us, disrespected me, my dh, and my family under my roof. Of course, bm buckles every time ss cries, and his grandmother (bm's mother) and dh's sister all were undermining us. They were actually telling ss that we were WRONG to discipline him for lying, and if he crawled out of his window in the middle of the night, they would come pick him up. Talk about frustrating!

We did therapy, and luckily for me, my dh and I are on the same page about most things. And to my surprise, bm actually claims that the reason ss acts like this is her fault...the problem...she won't do anything to change herself. It is so frustrating at times, b/c it does seem like ss is winning, he is manipulating bm to feel sorry for him b/c we are just "mean" when in fact, he should have been taught manners from the beginning, and bm tells ss directly..."you can move back in with me."

Well, so ss moved back in with her, and it lasted a month, then it went to 50/50, and that lasted 4 months, and now we have him full time, and bm takes him every weekend. Things are a lot better today than they were a year ago, and mostly in part b/c my dh will take the advice of a therapist.

The things that your wife are doing, sound very similar to my ss's bm. She sounds like she feels guilty, therefore will not follow through with discipline, or even set boundaries. Our therapist called this "selfish parenting". It's selfish b/c the parent doesn't want to experience the pain of feeling guilty for depriving/disappointing the child, so they just give in all the time. And in all truthfullness, it's just sabotaging the childs' future.

Until you and the wife can get on the same page of musci when it comes to managing the house, and setting boundaries with kids, and discipline, you guys will always have trouble. And, as long as your wife undermines you infront of sd, you will really be rendered powerless. If counseling didn't work, maybe you should find another family counselor. I commend you reaching out to dad to try to get his help, that might help some, but from my needs to help herself.

When I feel totally frustrated with the whole family dynamics, I myself withdraw..and I find that it works. My ss is too rude to say thank you, and only likes me when it benefits him, so guess what? I don't benefit him outside of his health. It is okay to do that.

Just so you know, my ss has turned around, and has actually been nicer this year. We still have our moments with him, but, if everyone can get on board, things will improve.


stamina's picture

It is very doubtful that you will win this battle. If you lose and the child moves in with you and your wife, you lose. If you win and the child moves away, you will lose as it doesn't sound as if this will go over well with your wife. If you leave, you lose the relationship. If you get some counselling yourself, you will at least gain a better understanding of the situation and decide how to handles things. The way you are dealing with the situation isn't working and you are obviously pretty stressed about everything. You are involved in a war of wills with a 12 year old and it probably isn't going to get better quickly. You have to decide if this is the kind of life that you want and will your wife respect you in the situation after everything that is going on. Your involvement and losing your temper, although understandable won't help...that I can guarantee. Get some help so that you can cope or clear out...which ever makes most sense for you! Good luck!

holeekrap789's picture

I am soooo sorry if I offended you. that was not my intent at all!
I was only trying to see a different angle and hopefully help.
I will agree that if it is YOUR house then you AS THE ADULT should be shown some common courtesy and respect and the mother does need to enforce it.
Can you try to be assertive and tell your wife "These are the rules of our household for any member living here or visiting" and list what you expect. then if they are not followed have an alternate list of consequences up to and including not being there anymore.
Make it clear there are no exclusions. Not even for her kids.
Unfortunately I have to warn that if you are desperate enough to be this assertive then you might just have to face her decision to leave.
Be sure you think out the consequences of any action or decision and know that you can live with that. There is no easy choice here.
I promise when you come here to vent I won't "slam" you again either because as I said that was not my intent and you need a LOT of suuport. My brother went through this too and I watched and helped him. I know it tears you apart.
Good Luck and God Bless

Lisa Dawn

stever's picture

you didn't offend me at all...not at all. i knew what you were doing and i really appreciate it. i fully understand that she may leave. she would rather be with her kid and not work with her than be in a marriage without her kid. but that isn't what i'm going for either. i would rather her just work on her kid. i'm not asking her to choose...i'm simply saying keep your kid in check or she is gone. just as if there was a dog that turned on its owners....Cujo? do you keep living with a bad dog or do you get rid of it? if you want it around you work at it and train it. she won't put the effort in. it's all talk and i just have to sit back and hear all the time...what's your problem with her...why won't you just let it lay and leave her alone.

i cannot just bring it up when things are "normal." i have to wait until something starts up which is sad. i have to bring it up somehow. there is no talking about this. i think i need to get together with the father and talk with him and go from there. whatever comes first...that or talking with the wife. i would much rather deal with him; we're on the same page.

thanks so much!


ps...what did your brother wind up doing?

stamina's picture

Doesn't sound like a great idea...if you two are on the same page, you might very well end up with the same relationship. Some counselling may help. The emotion in your posts speak of a lot of anger and hate for this child...she is a child...your wife's child. I don't think that you will get far comparing her relationship with her daughter to that of a dog. Even making the comparison online...hmmm. I don't blame you at all for feeling the way that you do. I have been there...believe me. Again, best of luck. A tough question, what keeps you in the situation?

Candice's picture

in the past...I was the one to be the communicator and helped get some decisions out of bm. Some times it has worked, others it has backfired. So, yeah it can be scary, but sometimes when you have nothing to lose, why not? It is difficult territory, and should be walked with caution..for sure.

holeekrap789's picture

Well my brothers story has a twist and both a sad and happy ending. He kept his opinion of the daughter between the wife and him. He allowed himself to be stepped all over. He eventually ended up with the SD warming up to him because he was very tolerant and patient beyond what anyone should have to be.
Coming from a broken home with an abusive step father himself and knowing that his SD's father had abandoned her, he felt real understanding and pity for her.
After a few years of marriage he and his wife had two daughters together. My brother continued to treat all three as his own. Proving once again that the SD was important.
Now after 15 yrs of devotion his wife has falsely accused him of adultry and divorced him.
The good part of this for him is he is still an active and involved parent to ALL THREE KIDS and the SD loves and respects him more than even her own mother.
It took years and huge amounts of patience on his part.
I just had another thought. This only occurs to me because of what my kids themselves have gone through. My kids had abandonment issues from their dads leaving them and were afraid to bond with any man. When my ex was able to show them without a doubt that he would always be there for them no matter what they warmed up tremendously.
Now even though he only fathered 2 of my 7 kids they all call him dad and love him more than any other man in their lives.
Like I said it takes patience and understanding that is superhuman to prove to the child that you are there for love not pain.
Good Luck and if you want to you can send me a personal e-mail on this site and we can talk more.
God Bless

Lisa Dawn

sheila's picture

I can totally feel your pain and frustration. In my situation, I am at a complete disadvantage as I live with my BF, in HIS house, and have NO say whatsoever in what goes on. He has two daughters...the 19 yr old does not live with us and is a true blessing..she's a great kid. The other one, however, is true devil spawn. She is 17 and totally runs the show. She is the reason the older one left. And now the little bitch is trying to run me off. Makes no difference what she does to disrespect me, nothing happens. The breaker was almost a year ago she stole my car. No license and certainly NO business taking my freaking car. I was the one who ran her sorry ass all over town to do things, took her back and forth to school (which is a 10 minute walk, but GOD forbid she should walk anywhere), took her back and forth to drivers training and as a matter of fact, I am the one who let her drive my car to practrice. And the thanks I get was for her to steal my car. The time we caught her was not the only time she took it. She had the nerve to take it several times while i was in the house sleeping. Here was her punishment...grounded to her room for all of a couple hours...the very next day, guilt takes over daddy and he takes her to play tennis, "to get her out of the house", she lost her cell phone for all of one day, he took her to lunches, visited her at work, took her to a football game, shopping, you name it. This went on for a week, until he was sure she was no longer upset with him. Now as for ME? I was not allowed to say a damn word about the incident to say in the punishment.....cuz there was none. SHE has not spoken to me for almost a year. What the hell did I do to deserve to be treated with such disrepect??? Not a damn thing. And it just keeps escalating. I can tell you from this experience, nothing will change until your wife can admit there is a problem and steps up to the plate. Its OK if your kids are pissed off at ya sometimes. It just means you are doing your job. The absolute worst disservice you can to your kids is to be their "friend". They will have lots of friends and only TWO parents (sometimes more with Steps) and it is important to BE a parent. IN my case too, I don't have kids of my own. So that is always used against me. I just dont understand, i am out of the loop, i dont have kids so how do i know whats right and wrong? Those are HIS words not mine. My view is I dont HAVE to be a parent to see how wrong all of this is.

I hope you are able to find your way out of the fog. For me,,,i save every penny I get and when i get a mit full....i am off into the sunset. I love this kids father to pieces and the rest of our relationship is the best i have ever had. But I cannot be with someone who allows himself to be treated like shit and allows me to be treated the same.....and not allow me to even say anything. I am losing respect for him and that bothers me. We have NO other issues other than the devil child. LIke you, I am not asking him to make a choice...i would never do that...i just want him to step up to the plate and stop acting like she is his g/f. When he attempts to "parent" and she gets mad........he bends over backwards and tries to "work it out" with her......tries to find ways to "punish" her that meet her approval. WTF ????????????????

Anyway,,,,i am not in the best of moods today. Probably not a good time to respond to your post....but like others have said....find comfort in knowing you are not alone. IT's a good thing we are in a major freeze and snowing here for now, cuz i would love to toss her whiney butt right out the door !!!

Take Care

tiff's picture

When my husband and I got custody of my 2 stepdaughters we had a very long talk- it went something like this- This is my home too- If this is going to work I need to have as much authority as him, punishment and everything, We are equal in my household - We have a united front with them- I am their parent to. So what I say goes just as much as if he said it- end of story- I think it almost has to be that way. My SDs are very respectful to me, they are younger than yours but I think you need the authority to correct their wrongs especially if they are in your home.

stever's picture

first off, let me respond to a couple of you before i tell you how it went down last night...

tiffanyar - i completely agree with you and in a perfect world, that would be great but i don't have that luxury of conversation. my wife will not talk to me about this. all i hear is "drop it, i can't help that she hates you," etc etc. blah blah blah. although i pay most of the bills, about 90% of everything, my say doesn't hold that much power because mommy is there.

Sheila - Oh my God...I think I may have written your post under your name...the only thing different is that bitch stole your car. hide your keys! i'm in the exact same boat as you! it's f'n unreal!

stamina - i wasn't saying her kid was a dog, infact, my dogs are much better. they acknowledge me and greet me, always there for me, as dogs will do. what keeps me there? hmmmm, well i do care about my wife and there would be no issues if this devil bitch wasn't around. plus, i have always had a high tolerance for BS. i have been thinking, believe me. this crap has gone on for the last 4 years, getting worse, i have known this spawn for 8 years. she was better as a young kid but still always had downer written all over her. i don't have one photo of this kid smiling anywhere.

last night...a few hours after my post yesterday, i get off the train, and get to her mom's house. we are living there with her mom until our new home is built (oh JOY!) so i mumble the same words under my breath describing how happy i am to be there again before entering the house. her mom was on the couch and i said hi and looked for my wife, didn't see her.

i walked down the hall and saw her kid's door was open, which is a surprise, since it's always shut tight. i glance inside and don't see her mom but the demon is right there. she says nothing but gives me a look i didn't like. i said, what's your problem...jaw broken? can't say hi but you can give me a snide look? i thought you said you would try to say hi. (side note....TRY to say hi? TRY? it's not like i'm asking you to TRY and do 500 pushups...there is no just do it.)

this bitch says "you didn't say hi to me first." then it started. it was an hour of putting her in place again and of course all she did was look at the wall, ignoring everything i said. the phone went off a couple times and she jumped as if expecting a call. her mom took it away from her...surprise. that's all this bitch cares about is the f'n phone. her mom sat in for the last few minutes of my wasted rant and was no help. she did tell the bitch to answer me but she didn't. "tell him what your issues are with him....." is what my wife said....kid said nothing. finally the bitch said "i don't like the way you treat me." i jumped all over that. "if you can't see why i treat you the way i do you have serious issues. i take you places, bought you things, did favors for you, helped you with your stupid ipod and your computer issues, bought you a guinea pig last year when you wouldn't stop crying over it (which by the way her mom had to take care of after a week since the kid wouldn't even give it water) the list goes on and on, and you hate me? i have went out of my way to say hi to you and try to make things better around here and you just slump over and barely much more of this do you think i can take? you don't talk to me at all and i'm supposed to sit back and take your crap? i don't kiss anyone's ass especially an ungrateful 12 year old who does nothing for me." and her mom is just not there for me the way she should be. i then told her...if i had kids and IF i was like you, you would have been gone long ago...i know this for a fact.

i told her are going to change, and i don't think you will since it's been 4 years and you're worse. i will NOT live with someone who ignores me everyday. i'm not dealing with that in my house. of course my wife spoke up and said if you make me choose her or you i'm choosing her. i told her she took vows...forsake all others, not that she ignores everyone else, but she is supposed to back me and help me. she doesn't get it.

i told her i'm not making her choose, i'm simply saying that if the kid doesn't change i will NOT be living with this. that means you either step up to the plate and raise the bar on this f'n brat OR we make for other arrangements. either the kid changes OR i'm gone, it's that simple. i told my wife it's not to do with her, it's this kid. i then told the kid i know she wants nothing more than for us to breakup so she can live in her grandmother's house forever with her mother. maybe i should let that crap happen. i'm tired of this BS.

nothing got resolved, big surprise there. my wife said the conversation is over, she is tired of hearing me, and walked away. i left that house and drove to my brother's house to visit him, his wife and my new nephew. i had to get out. talk about feeling trapped. i'm stuck in her mom's house i have been busting my ass for is going to be built, and all my money is tied up in that. my 2 dogs are living there as well. i thought i looking for apartments while at work today or i can let it blow over until next time.

i have not spoken to anyone. i got in late, went to bed, and got up early to take an earlier train. she hasn't called and won't.

i thought of doing the same thing...saving money and then bailing. this kid wins if i bail, right? but then again i don't care. if that happens her mom will ream the hell out of that bitch for losing me...i'm sure of it. and i won't be in touch with any of them. i would have to do an apartment for a few years and that sux! i hate that life. OR i could deal with it and ignore this bitch in my own home. my wife says the kid won't be around forever; she is going away to college (that's 6 more years of hell for me and the kid doesn't even want to go away.)

you are right saying that since the dad and i get along, then that is why they separated, etc etc. i agree. i called him again last night. we are going to get together sometime. again he said he is very disappointed in the both of them. all their f'n mother needs to do is stand up and give me some power by not knocking me down in front of them. she doesn't care that i'm bothered by this.

i'm miserable. not sure what the hell i'm going to do. i live in the mother-in-laws house until this house is built. i may just move out this month and say F it. i just don't care and i'm starting to really resent my wife. you talk about being strong. i have been in this for 8 years and it gets worse.

i brought up counseling again....since she stopped going due to our move and i don't think she wants to continue.

sorry for the long post.


stamina's picture

You are absolutely consumed by hate for this child. She knows it, you know it, wife knows. Why stay...who cares who wins if you go or what happens. Bottom line, what is currently happening is not a life at all. Get on with your life...sure the SD isn't going to be around forever. Her self esteem is probably lower than a snake's belly right now amidst all of this chaos so she may be around longer. You are an have choices. Empower yourself to make a change or stay in this siutation that you dispise....your choice.

Not a nice situation...for anyone involved.

Anonymous's picture

It's a rough situation you are in. To be honest with you, after reading what you've written, why in the world are you staying??? From an outsider's perspective, it doesn't appear that this relationship is good for ANY of you, so why continue? Everyone appears unhappy and divided - and there doesn't seem to be any respect, admiration, affection or love. Why keep feeding a bad situation? Life is short. We all only get so many days and why spend them in such a miserable way. The world is full of people. Somewhere out there is a woman who will be what you want/need and is the woman of your dreams who you can raise a family with. And there may be a man that may be able to understand your wife better and give her what she wants/needs and will provide a homelife for her children that will make them happy. Many people choose to stay in marriages until the bitter end and it does leave lots of bitterness and even hatred. It takes courage to admit when it isn't working and go separate ways, but it at least allows everyone to leave with dignity and respect. You will figure out the right way.

stever's picture

you're right and that's what i'm trying to figure out. the biggest thing is we are having this home built. it will be ready in june. i sunk money into it. not sure how much i will lose out on. then there are attorney's fees if there is a divorce. i have nothing after sinking it into this home. granted, i know this house is not grounds for staying. i'm weighing all options; it's really rough. there was talk of separation before and it got really close about 4 months back. i think i may get to counseling myself, although they are the ones who really need it, but why not.


stamina's picture

I've been there, Steve, and you would benefit from the counselling too! Even in your message there is a lot of confusion about what to do. But in the end, money isn't a reason to stay...not when you are miserable. You can't move forward to better days if you are hanging onto misery. You may really love your wife...sometimes love isn't enough...especially when the commitment isn't present to work things out in a mutually satisfying manner. Good luck with isn't easy...I know. Remember, in the end, if you are win, whatever that decision looks like.

holeekrap789's picture

I have to agree with Stamina. It is apparent to all of you that you are consumed with hate. The thing that you have to see is that the only one you can change through anything you do is yourself. Do what you have to for yourself(including counseling) and deal with the rest as it comes.
Lisa Dawn

Anne 8102's picture

But I wouldn't even know where to begin. I think your biggest problem is your wife, not her kids, but you probably already know that. And you also probably already know that until she can commit to backing you 100%, nothing is going to change. You can't change your wife and you can't change her daughters, all you can do is change yourself and how you handle things. If you choose to remove yourself from the situation, no one could blame you, but just make sure you are totally confident that you've exhausted all other possible options, because it sounds like you really do love your wife and want it to work out.

Is your wife just overwhelmed, as if she's let this problem go for so long that now it's out of control and she feels helpless to deal with it? Is she just as tired as you of fighting and re-fighting the same old fight over and over again? I'm just wondering if she feels as powerless and irrelevant as you do. Is it that she has given up on any chance of really fixing the problem and is now just trying to do the least amount necessary just to get by? I think all couples face parenting dilemmas and sometimes we just don't agree, but you have to back each other up in front of the kids, regardless, and then settle your differences in private.

I was really struck by one comment you made about not being able to discipline them in your in-laws' home. I remember the first time my new husband punished my child when we were visiting my parents... they just about freaked! My mother was immediately like, "Oh, honey, come here to Nana!" My dad was saying, "Well, that's a little harsh." It wasn't harsh, my son deserved what he got and I very firmly disengaged my child from my parents' influence and advised them that my husband and I are co-parents and only parents get to decide how this child will be raised. I've pretty much lost my step-father over this very issue and I'm sorry for it, but he couldn't accept our PARENTS ONLY boundaries. I would hate for you to lose your family, home, dreams, etc. over the bad attitudes of a couple of preteen girls, especially since, comparably speaking, children are in our lives for such a short time, anyway. But you deserve to be treated with respect and if they cannot give you at least the basics of common courtesy, then something has to change.

You know, maybe I do have some advice. Maybe your best bet is to grit your teeth for now and just bide your time until the new house is ready. You can't win this battle living in your MIL's house. But when that new house is ready, it's time to leave the old routine, expectations, failures, etc. behind and embrace a new reality. This will be YOUR HOME, as well as their home, and in it YOU will be respected as a co-parent/spouse. If you think Dad can back you on straightening this child out, then by all means tap him as a resource. Drag them all to family counseling, kicking and screaming if you have to, it's for their own good as well as for yours. I just can't believe that your wife doesn't see that she's actually doing this child a huge disservice, let alone what it's doing to you and your marriage. I shudder to think of what this twelve year old is like at sixteen... eighteen... twenty-one. Yikes!

Keep us posted!

~ Anne ~

former stepdaughter's picture

Stever, I am a biological mom and I feel protective of that child just reading your posts. If the mom could see them I think your issue would be readily solved. I know you need a place to vent but try a different perspective. Not to "fix" your wife or even to understand her but I just wonder if you have any history as a stepchild. I was a stepdaughter to my stepmother and she hated me and it was a thinly veiled secret when I was little but became glaringly apparent as I entered adolescence and was testing limits and boundaries. this is normal yes even the huge cell phone bills is all normal. At any rate I am nearly 40 and still do not forget nor forgive my father for allowing my stepmother to spew her venom on me and my sister. I look at it as nothing a child can do to an adult should warrant that kind of psychological warfare. Your wife probably feels as stuck and hopeless as you do. She is probably so resentful to you at this point that she doesn't know what to do. I can see the pain in your messages and I think you know the answer but all the peripheral junk is clouding your view. Maybe you could try a separation and she could remain with mom and you could move into the house? Maybe you could go to neutral territory and reconvene when the girls are grown more? Maybe none of this works for you but eventually your health will suffer and you will end up with a permanently destroyed relationship with the mom and the daughters. I think the mom is probably overcompensating with her daughters because of her guilt and you never mention her father what is up with that?

grangecupcake's picture

I know how you are feeling. I sure would have been wonderful if my husband loved me enough to show a united front with the kids. His problem is that with his first mental case mom, he felt he was taking his frustrations with his mom out on the children. He went to anger management classes and unfortuantely has turned into a non-parent. He never disciplines his children at all. Does whatever they and the ex-wife want because he wants to keep everyone happy. He has three children, a couple of months after we moved in together -- his exwife told him to come and get the kids, she couldn't take it anymore. They then became our problem. A few years ago, I couldn't take the fighting between the children, the fighting about the children between my husband and myself any longer and moved out. My husband came to me a few days afterward and begged me to come back, and what would it take. I said that if the children caused us to fight about them anymore they would have to live with their mother. I was surprised that he agreed to my conditions. Of course it didn't take long before something big happened again. Two of the children went to live with their mother. The oldest is now in college and out on her own. The middle child which is my husbands all time favorite who he could never ever possibly set rules, or discipline lives with his ex. The son lives with us. Parenting the teenage son can sometimes be a challenge because of the teenage mouth. However, when the daughter is at our house every other weekend, she purposely breaks the rules over and over and over again. I sometimes wonder if she flaunts the fact that she can do what she wants when she wants and no consequenses will ever happen. A breaking point comes when I can't take it anymore and I am so angry with the daughter that I take it out on my husband. Really it is all my husbands fault that she is the way she is -- he won't discipline, gives her whatever she wants, no follow through on the breaking of any rules, allowing her to disrespect me. I have lost a lot of respect for this wonderful man that I thought was my soul mate who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I have put up with this now for 8 1/2 years. The daughter is 16 and the son is 15. I only have 3 1/2 years more to put up with it but will I still have a relationship with my husband at the end of that time? Will things ever get any better? For many years I wanted to get an apartment of my own so that when I can't stand things with the kids any longer I have somewhere to go and take a break. My husband would never allow that. Now I just want someplace to go every other weekend when his daughter is there so that I don't have to have the stress or anger watching her break my rules over and over again with no consequenses. My husband doesn't like that idea either because I truly believe he doesn't want to spend time with his children alone. He thinks I should be supportive of him while both his children are there. He never realizes that he does not support me by not discipling his children. I can get really angry at the situation but most of the time I feel sad that it couldn't have been better. I don't like how bitter the whole thing has made me feel. Everytime I complain about her we get into a fight and say a lot of hateful things to each other. This weekend my husband asked me what I would do if his daughter was 28 years old, had children, and came to visit us and insisted on breaking my household rules over and over again. I told him that I would tell her she was not welcome in my house until she could respect me enough to abide by my wishes in my house. My husband was appalled that I would say that. He feels that I would be depriving him of his daughter and grandchildren. There is no way that I am going to put up with this kind of behavior from his daughter forever. It makes me very afraid that I have been wasting my time, wasting all my money, and that if we would ever end the relationship, he would get all the assets because they were his in the first place. When we got together, I sold my house and for over 8 years have put all my money into providing for his children, improving all the assets his owns, etc. I want my marriage to work. I am not like my husband who can have the world walk all over him and not say a word, not defend myself, not get angry. I wish I had the answers for you. I came to this website to finds answers, and have felt a sense of hopelessness. It does help to vent though and I am grateful for that. Take care everyone, and May God Bless us someday!

stever's picture

sorry i have been away for awhile. i had ankle surgery and was out of commission for a couple months due to a torn tendon. the surgery wasn't TOO involved but i couldn't do anything. started walking on my own in nike's again just a couple weeks ago. i should be able to start jogging or running end of august. i could do it now, just not that fast.

i think someone asked why i didn't mention my father-in-law? unfortunately he passed away a year ago yesterday. no one expected it and it was a bad time. this of course has nothing to do with how her kid is. his passing added more fuel to the fire since my wife then wanted her mom to move in with us. i wasn't going to do that. i offered to just let them all be together, i would go out on my own. i'm not livign with anyone's mom. her mom is capable to live on her own...she is just being difficult and doesn't want to be alone. i can respect that but with all the issues and my lifestyle, it wouldn't work. i shoot photo and video and record band's albums in my home studio. her mom would bitch since she doesn't like people coming through the MY HOME...and they are clients.

anyway, this kid was just as bad when my father-in-law was around and so was my wife. now i COMPLETELY understand why he would do nothing but drink beer and smoke cigarettes in the back room all day. ironically that is where i spend all my time now, while we are living there with the is my makeshift temporary office. one more month until this house is done and i can't wait to get out of there!

no, to answer someone's previous question, i was never a stepchild and i really don't think that pertains. i was raised very well, not perfect, but we were taught to behave or else. our parents raised us with a laid back and yet strict approach and God help you if you upset dad. we knew better.

the news over here....still the same but a little better. the kid is still close-mouthed and does what she wants. still on the cell phone all the damn time and dresses like a gypsy/gangster wannabe. she has been wearing the latino eyeliner gypsy earrings BS since she was 11....and now at 13 that was just too much for me, and the kids bio dad as well. my wife of course didn't see harm in anything. so the kid walks around like some Jay-Lo wannabe at 13.

....the kid will do what the hell she wants and my wife MIGHT intervene and ground her. then the next day the grounding is up and when i remind this kid of the grounding, i hear about it from my wife....then i tell her...don't you remember what you said yesterday to her? then i get yelled at. there is no talking to the wife. her kid can do no wrong. sure, she doesn't agree with me on that and says she reprimands the kid....yeah, when, and for how long?

i actually took the kid to the mall a couple weeks ago and bought her badly-needed gym shoes and a pair of jeans and then wendys for dinner. we had a good time. i enjoyed myself. she was talking to me a lot. weird. when she is in that house or around her mom it's different. bio dad told me she was getting what she wanted...and he is right. i decided to do nothing for this kid anymore. i'm done. there were a few times while i was on crutches, i couldn't carry my cup of coffee or anything...i dropped cereal on the floor...she would just walk right by...never offering to help with anything.

my wife grounded this kid for leaving the house and going to the "library" the other day. the library? yeah right, that's like a demon entering a'll never happen. the kid stormed out of the house saying I DON'T NEED YOU! to my wife, so she was grounded for...oh...a day. and that cell phone that was supposedly taken away...yeah...she still has it. and she was at the park again yesterday with the cell phone. she decided she was just going to meet her friends and just forgot about her grounding for a month. i called my wife to tell her that her kid wasn't home. she was upset when she found out she wasn't home...that's rare, since she lets the kid do whatever. i told her i am going to ground wife said fine.

i called that kid home and yelled at her in front of her grandmother, who also agreed with everything i said. then halfway through my rant, as she stared off into space i said LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU. she turned her head and said, oh, were you saying something? i saw red. i got her up off the couch and said to get in the room, i don't want to see her for the rest of the night. i followed her in there, closing the door and i let her have it. i told her no matter what her mom says, that cell phone is gone for a month! of course my wife doesn't like that idea and is the reason why she is not talking to me now.

i told this kid that she is going to change; i'm not living with this. she sneaks out of the house, sneaks in, wears the damn makeup and eyeliner and thinks she's this famous dancer....i'm sick of the attitude. i know it's a teen thing but i'm sick of it. she has this boyfriend now...yeah, met at 12...and spends all her time on the cell phone.

i think i should just give up and let the mom deal with it. the only thing i'm afraid of, is that things will really spiral out of control and i don't want it in my house! i come to find out she is hanging with gangbangers too...since they accept her. oh great. i let her know that if i see anyone hanging around anyone's house, the police will be called, even if on her. i don't need that crap in my life. of course when i bring this up to my wife she says...oh it's fine....just shutup, nothing has happened, i trust her. MAN ARE YOU BLIND!! the bio dad is of course with me and he is really getting fedup with these kids.

haven't talked to my wife since last night....and don't plan to after work today.....may just go out with friends or something. she can't see this kid's blatant disrespect for me by making the comment, oh, were you talking?

i'm going to just ignore them all, and do what someone's boyfriend did....letting the mom handle it, until it gets really bad in my new house...i won't stand for that in my house. of course my wife says, it's my house too....she is fine, leave her alone.

in the future if it gets to the point of pushing me more i will just leave. i can deal with a lot and after 8 years i'm getting close. things were fine for a few months...and now here we go again.

hope you are all well.


pete1972's picture

Stever - I feel for you... Your story is like a mirror image of mine and I have yet to find an answer. Same setup, same OH, same issues, same age... It's like you're my long lost twin. I'm still searching and hoping beyond hope that there are answers but it's not looking good... I think no matter what happens with me (and you) it's not going to be easy... Someone is going to lose out... If I had to do it all again I wouldn't - no matter how good the good times are... I just keep telling myself that maybe some day soon my OH and I will get our lives back...
All the best.