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Someone please I need advice on my boyfriends ex-wife

Frustrated woman's picture

I have been with my boyfriend for the past 2 years he has a son who is 14 and lives with us and a son who is 20 and is a United States Marine and is stationed in another state. My bf's ex-wife has made my life a living hell since day one, she has tried to manipulate both boys to hate me. Even the one who is a marine and doesnt live in the same state as us and is an adult he hates me so much and I dont understand it. The 14 year old I believe wants to like me and does try too he is such a sweet boy he really is and i love him to death, but he always has his mom in his ear telling him awful things about me. She has told him so many lies about me that I have done awful things to her and have said awful things to her about her son etc etc etc... I have never had words with this woman other then answering the phone and giving it to her son. She has screamed bloody murder at me through a car window or on the phone and I am trying to be the better person and just look at her and walk away or if its on the phone just giving the phone to her son to talk to and not say anything at all. But this is getting harder and harder to do. Honestly I want to grab her by her hair scream in her face and tell her what I think about her. This woman is pure evil and how she has such control of her kids when they dont even live with her. They live with my boyfriend and myself. I just dont understand why she hates me so much. I have never done anything to her, I have never done anything to either one of her children. I have only treated them both with the upmost respect and loving nature. But she has been coming at me since day one. She is an awful mother, she barely gets the 14 year old. Her visitation is every other weekend and at least one weekend a month she blows her son off or doesnt get him at all until the following month, she has no job, she is constantly moving around from one boyfriend to another and then back to the original one. It is a constant drama with her. She will not call her son for a week and then the following week she will call every single day... She is not on drugs or anything according to my boyfriend she is a very very selfish woman and never thinks of anyone but herself, which after seeing her actions I tend to agree with him. He is just so sick to death of the constant drama between her & I. She is the one yelling and im the one walking away or crying to my boyfriend about how I am treated by this woman I have never done anything too. My boyfriend does try to stand up to her for me and tell her to leave me out of this and to stop it, but it doesnt do any good... SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE. I just do not understand what I have done to deserve this. My boyfriend thinks it has to do with the fact that I get to see her son everyday and that I am with her ex-husband. But if she is so freaked out about my boyfriend why did she leave him. not once but twice for a different man. They were married for a total of 19 years having divorced and remarried once and then divorced again... I could go on and on about this situation

misschristina95's picture

I don't have any advice for you... but I just want you to know I am in the same situation. The BM in my life won't even let the kids stay overnight at her house because and I quote "they aren't on the lease so they can't stay overnight" WTF??? She is on such a tight leash from her boyfriend and has to be on her best behavior and the kids fighting will just get in the way of her plans of a happy family without her own kids.

I have had so many things happen to me that are ridiculous when it comes to this selffish woman. I know what you are going through. My mom had surgery not too long ago and I walked up to the nursery, and I started daydreaming about sending a whole bunch of pregnancy pamphlets to the BM's house to scare the crap out of her boyfriend. Smile Smile Smile I know, its evil.... but funny as hell. Smile Haha
Anyway... good luck.

Frustrated woman's picture

OMG that is too funny... I have thought about doing so many things to this woman I feel like its all I think about, thats why I signed on to a discussion website to talk to others that are going thru what I am. I just feel like throwing in the towel, but I love my bf he is so awesome to me I couldnt imagine even one day without him. I just wish he had bigger balls to stand more up to his ex I think she scares the hell out of him too. I have told him do NOT let her manipulate you either, you are the custodial parent and dont let her ruffle you all up or make you feel like a bad dad cuz you arent... see thats what she does she constantly makes him feel like he did something wrong, like the other day she was texting him telling him he needed to help his son with his school work and that it wasnt my job... and he told her look we are getting him help etc etc and she went on to say its your son not hers and told him to get his tail out from between his legs, and he responded back to her and said what tail you are stupid... and she wrote back to him thinking it was me texting on his phone and told me to SHUT UP! I am like OMG it wasnt even me it was him talking to her... see what I mean, I have never even raised my voice to this woman and this is what she thinks of me...

justwantpeace2's picture

I definately think the woman is JEALOUS! She can't stand that you are with her exdh! She is a total moron! Every time you see her and she pulls that garbage on you, just smile your best smile and ignore her. If she keeps it up, keep tabs on what she does and then slap her with a restraining order! Some women are just too stupid to understand how to be a real human being so they have to have things like that to help them behave better! She sounds like one of them. She clearly is mental and needs to seek help. If she violates the order, then maybe while she cooling her heels in jail, they can force some "help" on her! Wink I know it's easier said than done as far as ignoring someone like that, but if you avoid her where you can and turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to her behavior, maybe she'll give up? Or she could try to waste her life by trying to make your miserable. Who knows with people like that. I guess you have to decide if you really want this for years and years so you can be with your bf or to just get out and let her win! That's what you will be doing in the long run, but you will (hopefully) still have your sanity and your health! I guess if it were me, I wouldn't let her win! If I truly loved my dh/bf and was happy with him, no stupid you-know-what would ruin my life. My sd tried to get rid of me and I almost let her but that was several years ago and I'm still here! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! }:)

lovelovelove's picture

SHE IS JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have the same problems with my husband's lunatic ex-wife. She has said/done some nasty things to me and tried to make my SD's hate me and DH. BM's are all just jealous because they can't control the men anymore and they can't stand that they have been replaced by a newer, better model! Just ignore her...with a big, content smile on your face. Seriously, you don't need the stress. Just try not to be around her as much as possible and do your own thing. Let your BF handle all of the drama and stay out of it.

Love Wink

**Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!**

buttercup123's picture

Don't sweat what she thinks of you. She is CRAZY, selfish, bitchy and insanely jealous of you. She is a pathetic excuse for a mother. The adult son has been poisoned his entire life so I'd just give up on him ever thinking nice thoughts about you.

I am in the same boat with my stepkids. Their mother tells them all kinds of lovely things about me BUT they see that it isn't adding up. They see that I love them and I'm good to them. When the 5 year old says "my mommy hates you", I don't say what I want to, but rather point out that she doesn't know me and that it isn't nice to say mean things about someone you don't know. How would you like it if someone at school hated you but they had never talked to you? he gets it. I'm calm and patient and I use words and analogies that they get. They love me. We also get them counseling. Just keep telling him that you love him and will always be there for him. Nobody will change that. It's all you can do. Best of luck.

Silver's picture
