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startingover2010's picture

sd11 (aka princess of darkness) has lice AGAIN!!! she got it every few months and when she went to stay at bm's last year i didnt have to deal with them again but now she's back and has them again. i cant go through this again.

anyone have a home remedy? the otc stuff doesnt work anymore on her. i cant let my bd3 get it, she is too wiggly and wont let me even check her head. so i need to get rid of this shit quick, like yesterday.


startingover2010's picture

that was really really rude. as much of a brat sd11 is, she is NOT dirty. and lice only clings to CLEAN HAIR.

Totalybogus's picture

Don't shave the child's hair off. A quick dousing of kerosine will kill them quickly. Also bag up any stuffed animals and such that they have for about two weeks. To prevent a re-infestation hair spray the heck out of the kid's hair and if she has long hair braid it and spray it.

dsfsdjfn's picture

If you dont want to use chemicals, you may use tea tree oil( you can buy this at a natural products store) put some in the childs hair(to fully coat all the hair), massage thru, leave on 30 min,and then comb all the lice out. You should redo the treatment 7-10 days later (as lice have a 7-10 day living cycle) just to be sure...But you really have to comb all the lice, lents, knits, eggs, OUT. (that's a real pain but really the only way to do it) If you don't they will likely come back...(two little eggs that are not dead is all it takes Sad make sure to check everyones hair, and wash all the bedding, clean the house, desinfect, no sharing of clothing,brushes, bla bla(if you have stuffed animals that cannot be washed or watever, put them in a plastic bag and leave them there for 2 weeks, they will die of suffocation...) and tie all the long hair in the house! I hope this helps and good luck!

LizzieA's picture

I feel for you. My daughter, who has enough hair for 3 people, had it twice. We did the bagging up and bedding wash thing. Her friend had her hair cut short just to make it easier to get out the nits. We didn't have to, thankfully.

sweetthing's picture

At the jail where my mom works they coat their hair in mayonaise & put a bag over the hair & they sleep like that over night.

Clean people can get it too. My skids got it last summer & both their mothers house & ours is very clean. Everyone showers & shampoos every day at both places. My kids play baseball & we figure it had to have come from someone on their team & the communal use of the cathers helmet.

dsfsdjfn's picture

The only real way though is to comb everything out...(lice, knits, etc...) Although I would be scared with kerosine...because it is flammable..Even if you put whatever on the person`s head, it has to be taken out(the little bugs and eggs i mean)...This opinion comes from my wonderful experience as a school nurse spending the school year controling lice infestation...and answering to the parents who are going crazy trying to get rid of them...good luck again!

CowGirl's picture

We got lice twice from a neighbor girl. Mayo works!!! Nothing else worked.

Use a lot of mayo. Cover head & leave it in over night. You will have to wash the hair at least 3 times. Condition good & use the comb to get dead eggs & lice out. Re-check hair in case the comb didn't get all eggs. The mayo suffocates both the eggs & lice. The chemical treatments don't kill eggs. Wash all bedding in hot water & vaccuum everything!!! Repeat if needed every 1 1/2 weeks to make sure they are gone. You can do all the extra work of bagging up stuff, bug bombs, etc., but it's expensive & tiring and may not work. You can get mayo at the dollar store ;-]

Good luck!

Totalybogus's picture

If you do decide to go with the mayo or even the kerosene use vinegar afterwards to strip the hair. it will get sll of the grease out.

Thetis's picture

Ok I have to say that this is a very informative thread. Wow. I never knew you could kill lice with Mayo. Thanks for the (hopefully) useless info, its stashed away. You guys are great!

Freedom2005's picture

Doctor had the answer, Ovide. It was kind of like rubbing alcohol and you leave it in for 8-12 hours, but they were GONE! This was after fighting them for 2 YEARS!!! We tried otc stuff, online stuff, all worked, but SD10 got it back because BM had it!!

Talk to your doctor. BF even got a script for BM this stuff was so easy to use. We could not even FIND a bug on their heads after the treatment because they disintegrated. It kills the nits too. OVIDE, that is the name of it!!!

This stuff worked... be warned though. Make sure your prescription plan pays for it though, it was $120 a bottle. I paid it (I didn't have insurance at the time) because my girls NEEDED it! SD10 Actually grew hair back after having those darn bugs for 2 years. I felt so sorry for her.

Strangely enough, it helped SD10 and I bond a little. I would do her hair on the weekends and talk to her and stuff. Her mom told her to tell us she treated her, but never did. So sad...

I hope this helps!!!

Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'
Erich Fromm