Why are we paying child support?
My step daughter is 18, has a 13 month old child and lives with her boyfriend his mother and her girlfriend, his pregnant sister and her boyfriend. She hasn't lived with her mother in 4 months (her mother kicked her out because she was tired of supporting her and her child!) yet my husband is still paying child support. The only way to stop child support is to go to court and ask for termination of child support. Yet the system says that if the 'child' is not self supporting you still have to pay child support. This 'child' has never worked and dropped out of school at 16. All she does is play house. The child support my husband pays his ex-wife is not going to the support of their daughter. My step-daughter is constantly coming to us with requests for money, which my husband gives her. In our state child support could continue forever if the 'child' does not become self supporting. Are we doomed to forever pay his ex-wife hundredes of dollars a month for her to do what ever she wishes with and then on top of that shell out hundredes of dollars a month to his daughter because he feels guilty that the child support he is paying isn't getting to her?? On top of that my husband has been and continues to pay $200 more a month than the current support order to his ex because she wouldn't stop complaining that what was ordered didn't support the lifestyle she wanted!! They have been sucking us dry for years and I fear it is going to continue forever. My husband doesn't have the balls to go to court and fight since it is so much easier to just write checks. I work 40 hours a week and parent my child and am sick that all this money contiunes to go out of our household. HELP!!
Ummm court orders trump
Ummm court orders trump complaints any way they're laid out. Tell the BM to suck it up and find a job (or better one) it is not your DH's responsibility to keep her lifestyle up. Also maybe you can check in to changing the child support so that it goes to the boyfriend's mother since she can be considered the primary care giver of this not self supporting child. The BM has no right to kick out your SD and still receive child support. Look into it though... I'm Canadian and things are alittle different north of the boarder.
I agree, the big issue is
I agree, the big issue is with him. My advice is to stand your ground, and get the papers from the court to fill out, because she is 18 so you can have it stopped. Not only that if she is old enough to have a baby she is old enough to support herself and baby.
If he refuses stop paying your share of the household bills, he will quickly decide if this grown adult is worth him going into financial ruin and being divorced. Meanwhile, you sock your money away and be prepared. I think your past the talking stage, and clearly need to show your husband you mean business, he is compromising your future, retirement, happiness, ect. by supporting this irresponsible daughter.
I found this online for you,
I found this online for you, Kittie...If it makes you feel any better, you won't be in limbo forever. BM only has one more year of her free ride (and I wholeheartedly agree with not paying a penny more than what the order requires) and then this gravy train is back in the station.
Colorado Age of Majority: when child support payments can be stopped.
For child support orders entered prior to July 1, 1997, unless a court finds that a child is otherwise emancipated, emancipation occurs and child support terminated when the child attains nineteen years of age.
Statutory cite or civil code reference for the age of majority?
14-10-115 (1.5)(a) Colorado Revised Statutes 1998
If not addressed in the order, at what age is child support automatically terminated as a matter of State law?
Colorado's age of emancipation was lowered from 21 to 19 years of age. There are still orders that state child support will continue until 21 years of age and are enforceable unless review and adjustment is completed.
Does the date of the order impact what law is applied?
Does child support end if the child leaves the household but does not emancipate?
Is support ever paid beyond the age of majority?
Yes, if the parties agree otherwise in a written stipulation after July 1, 1991, or the child is mentally or physically disabled. If the child is still in high school or an equivalent program, support continues until the end of the month following graduation but not beyond the age of 21.
We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are.
Wait a minute. You're
Wait a minute. You're saying he shall pay support until he dies if she never becomes self-supporting? Nahhhh
Black Dahlia has the info
Black Dahlia has the info and I'm sure it helps. There just may be a light at the end of your tunnel!
I would go back to court,
I would go back to court, let them know she has dropped out of school, moved and has a child of her own. she may be considered emancipated. Hopefully, he will not have to pay until she is 21, that's just nuts. I could see if she still lived at home or was in college.... Geez!
********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************
Nothing's gonna change until
Nothing's gonna change until your husband realizes that he's being used by people who really don't love him (And probably laugh at him behind his back)You need to take care of yourself and start putting some money aside for a worst case senario.