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Father torn dont know what to do

jlhill7's picture

I have been with my wife for 17 years married 16. We have 2 children together and then I have 3 step children that I have raised and I consider them my children. Before I met my current wife I was dating a lady. We had a son that died of SIDS at 6 weeks, 1 year later we had a daughter. Neither of us could get over the death of our son and blamed each other, so we parted ways. Then I met my current wife and the ex didn't like her and the end result was I ended up giving up my rights to my daughter. A decision I have regretted for 17 years, my daughter was 1 year old when I gave her up. Over the years I have seen my daughter from a distance and it hurt but I dealt with it. Well 2 weeks ago my daughter contacted me. She wanted to see me. So I went to see her. The problem started there. My daughter didn't want my wife to come however I needed some support so took another friend, this decision ended up hurting my wife. My daughter said she wanted to text each other at first. So I said OK. However I hate texting and found myself just focusing on my daughter. I have a lot of guilty feelings for giving her up and want to make up for the last 18 years. My wife says I am not being fair as we are a family and its all or non we are a package deal. Also that I need to be upfront and honest about texting and that she is welcome in our family but that I cant live a double life. (this is what my wife calls it) I didn't want to be honest with my daughter as I was afraid I would lose her again. However my wife pretty much gave me an ultimatum and I was honest with my daughter. Things went great and she quit texting me and called me and came over to my house. However yesterday she sent me a text message asking me if I still loved her mother? I responded with no, and her response was, this is on hold for now then. I just want to text you for now. Now I am in the middle. I desperately want a relationship with my daughter and will settle for anything she wants however if I go back to texting her I am afraid I will lose my wife. I feel that I have a bond with my daughter even though I have never been an active part of her life. My wife doesn't understand this and says there is no way there could be a bond. I am lost and don't know what to do. Is there any suggestions on ways to handle this? Should I choose my wife over my daughter?

Amaurea's picture

Let me lay this out for you:

Wife---been with for 17 years, have 2 children together (5 that you've raised together). She (and the 5 children) have been there for almost 2 DECADES in your life, through everything, the good times and bad, that IS your FAMILY.

Estranged daughter---an unfortunate decision to sever yourself out of her life. I can fully understand your regret. HOWEVER, she has not been a part of your life/family. It takes more than blood to make someone a member of your family, and she is NOT. I'm not saying she's not important and that you shouldn't want a relationship; my point is PRIORITIES.

Listen, everything I said above comes down to this: your wife is your WIFE, your equal, your partner, your supporter. The children you have with her are your family, your dependents, your children AS WELL. THEY are your priority.

It seems to me that your estranged daughter is trying to make things all her way and being manipulative and thanks to your guilt, you are allowing it. That is wrong. Period. Whether you raised her every day of your life or haven't seen her in years, a child should never be allowed to manipulate the parent over anything. You need to tell her this:

That you miss her very much and would love more than anything to have a relationship with her. BUT she needs to understand that you have a wife and a family and they, by logic and necessity, are your priority. If she wants a relationship with you, she needs to understand that there are other people involved that also need to be included/kept happy. If I do the math correctly, she is almost an adult and should be able to understand all of this. If she cannot and she throws a tantrum over it/stops talking to you, then it is for the better to just keep your ties cut from her. If you try to placate her, you will lose your wife and your family. Which is more important to you? Its not a happy place to be in and I don't envy you at all, but life is full of tough decisions.

Angel's picture

needs to be a little more understanding---YOU GAVE UP YOUR DAUGHTER FOR HER AND HER KIDS! I think texting for awhile might be a good idea, TELL YOUR WIFE that that is how you are going to deal with her for awhile and that she is welcome to read them if she like----but just because you are texting the kid doesn't mean that you are not being a good husband. Compassion is the word here.
Don't let your wife brow beat you---NOR your daughter. Your X has just as much to blame as you for having unprotected sex with a "lady you were dating" & not a commited relationship. It produces unwanted children that suffer because of it.

You are reacting purely out of guilt. Explain what happened to your daughter.

Some things can't be fixed only endured.
Hang in there. We have all made mistakes.

lovelovelove's picture

You've been married all that time and this is coming up now? Your wife is your partner and you have an obligation to her and your children with her, period. Your ex is obviously a jealous, crazy person if she made you give up your rights all those years ago to your 17 year old daughter. Does your daughter know what a monster her mother is? Maybe you need to sit down with her and fully explain the situation.

You also need to let your daughter know that she is not the one calling the shots. She is a child and you are the adult. I understand you want to try to have a relationship with her, but if all she is doing is manipulating you into going back to her mom, what kind of relationship is that anyway? I say cut it off. You didn't raise her, she has probably been brainwashed by her crazy mother all these years anyway. You will have to do damage control for years to fix that.

Maybe you just feel guilty, but let me tell you YOU SHOULDN'T. And don't let that guilt make you kiss that kid's ass. Teenagers are very sneaky, manipulative and they think they are entitled to everything you have and everything you are and if you don't give it to them, they throw a fit. If you ask me, I would write her off until she can act like a adult, accept your FAMILY and treat you and them with RESPECT. She will respect you more if you put your foot down and let her know that you will not tolerate her behavior.

Sounds like your ex and her daughter are a lot alike...JEALOUS! And they will obviously do everything in their power to get what they want.

As for your wife and family with her...don't screw it up. You will regret it.

Love Smile

jlhill7's picture

Tonight my daughter asked me again in a text message why I left her mom. I told her we wanted to talk in person with her. She did not want my wife to come but I put my foot down and said she is my rock, soul mate she is coming. So we will see what happens. Thank you for all you advice, it has made me see the light a little clearer. I love my wife and my wife comes first no matter what. Also for the record my wife was against me giving up my rights....

And love you are right, on my sons grave it read his full name well ex went and cemented a bunny over my last name.....thats what kind of woman we are dealing with here

lovelovelove's picture

Please let us know how it turns out. You deserve to be happy with your wife and current family and if BD17 wants to be a part of that positive happiness, good for her. But it should be on your terms with your wife involved. Don't let anyone ruin the life you have with your family, especially after all those years together.

On another note, wow your ex cemented a bunny over your last name? What is the obsession with bunnies? Crazy people are always boiling them or something!

Have a great weekend and good luck!

Love Smile

LauraHelton331's picture

"And love you are right, on my sons grave it read his full name well ex went and cemented a bunny over my last name.....thats what kind of woman we are dealing with here"

What a hateful and unnecessary thing to do. This sickens me. Bless your heart.

I read the advice from others above and I thought it was all really great, so I have nothing to add. I am so sorry you are going through this.

jlhill7's picture

Well my daughter didn't show for the meeting. However as soon as I got back into cell service(the meeting was at a neutral place) I had 2 missed calls from her and a voice mail stating to call her at the place she is staying. I have decided to not call her back. So any suggestions now on my next step?

jlhill7's picture

OK I called her back and she made excuses for not showing. So we set another time for tomorrow so we will see what happens.

lovelovelove's picture

She may be playing games with you. I would say be sure to meet in a public place like a restaurant or something and bring your wife with you!!! In order to stand your ground with this child (because obviously she is VERY manipulative and a little off, you and your wife need to be a team in exploring this situation with your BD17. Also, I'm not really sure that this will work with your daughter. I believe the only reason she is contacting you is because she wants to break up your family and for you to get back with her mom.

Just my careful, she may have something up her sleeve. If she doesn't show up again, don't contact her. If she calls you, let her know that you REFUSE to play ANY games with her. I would be really cautious of her and her crazy mom. Like mother, like daughter...CRAZY runs in the family, trust me!

Good luck!

Love Smile

2Bloved's picture

I think we need to view this outside of the box. Let's take off our stepparent hat and think about this like just a compassionate friend. Here is a girl whose father gave her up when she was a year old. She has no memory of him. She reached out when she came of age to reconnect with her father. As far as we know, maybe the BM has played a number on this girl. Maybe the BM has raised this child to believe that it is the SM's fault that her father left them. Who knows, right? All we do know is that this child has grown up without a father figure. (Unless BM has been dating, who knows again).

This child is reaching out to her father. She wants to get to know her father. She made an adult choice to stand back from her SM for now, who she probably did not even know existed. Why does she HAVE to get to know her SM? Why does SM HAVE to be there for her meeting? Maybe the child wants to reunite with her father and share this personal moment between them by themselves, without a STRANGER there watching. Because let's face it, SM is a stranger to her. She is already putting up with a lot finally meeting her father for the first time in 16 years.

I think it is really selfish of the SM in this case to try to dictate things. Father and daughter need time to reconnect, and to get to know each other without her interference. They have 16+ years to catch up on, likes and dislikes to share, just life in general.

I think they should have this time to to get to know each other again before other parties are introduced. I'm sure it is overwhelming for the daughter.

lovelovelove's picture

I think that if this kid is so immature to be playing games with her father that she has some serious issues and her mother is pulling the strings. I don't see any adults there, mother or daughter. This man's wife has been with him for 17 years, she has every right to be there with him every step of the way for support or whatever he needs. The BD17 should not be the one dictating that. Also, it is very apparent that this kid wants nothing to do with her dad the minute he says he is not getting back together with her mother. If you were his wife, how would that make you feel? If you were the dad, wouldn't that piss you off, as well? She is manipulative, period. If she truly wanted a relationship with her dad, she would grow the hell up and stop being a brat! Just my opinion, of course. This situation is no one's fault but her crazy mother and if that's who raised her, well do the math. I don't see this going very far without some serious therapy.

Love Wink

2Bloved's picture

But, based off of our (or your) experiences with manipulative SD's, our initial reaction is that this SD is being manipulative as well. Maybe she's just scared? I think this first/second/third meeting should be a private moment for father and daughter. On a side note: If the man I was with chose to give up rights to his child just b/c his ex didn't like me, I would have lost complete respect for him. I'm sure there are a lot of mixed emotions and feelings involved on the daughters part, and a lot of uncertainty. Again, if we did not view this from a stepparent perspective, how would we feel about it?

I don't think he wants her there for support though. I think the only reason he is making this stand is b/c he doesn't want his wife to leave him. Same reason he won't text his daughter. The wife in the situation needs to grow up as well. Also, if he truly wanted a relationship with his daughter, he needs to grow a set and tell his wife to stop being a brat.

I think the only victim in this is the child. Father chose to give up right, mother chose to accept and do whatever she did to drive him away. SM (who knows) probably encouraged father to give up rights and drove him to it. All three parties chose to not pursue a relationship. Everyone is at fault here. Everyone was being selfish here. If daughter does have some anger and resentment, she is 100% entitled to that. It is up to the adults here to make amends, and to right this wrong.

lovelovelove's picture

He said his wife did not want him to give up his daughter. But the kid's crazy mother insisted because she was jealous of the new wife!! So he was forced to up the kid. He was between a rock and a hard place, so I don't believe he was at fault or the new wife. I think it's all the jealousy of the crazy mother. I don't see this child as a victim. At 17, you know better than to act like a brat. If she was a loving person, she would try extra hard and fight to have a relationship with her dad...just like I did with mine!

My step-mom didn't like the idea of me having a relationship with my dad but I fought for it (in a loving way) for many years and now I love HER like I love my REAL MOM and I have a great relationship with my step-mom and my dad. It took a really long time though. Growing up I never even saw or spoke to my dad. He didn't care if he was in my life. I AM THE ONE who had to step up to the plate and be an adult to make that happen. I was around BD17's same age when my dad met my step-mom, and I really didn't know my dad at that point. So it's a similar situation, but I realized that I had to accept her if I was going to have any kind of relationship with my dad because he loves her with all his heart. You just have to push through all the bad stuff to get what you want, if you are a strong enough person to do it. In the end it is SO worth it. I love my dysfunctional as it is sometimes.

Love Smile

2Bloved's picture

I think the reason I can't see things your way is b/c I don't see how he can be "forced" to give up his child. Can someone force you to abandon your children? It isn't as if they are older and already PAS'd out, and would rather be with mommy anyway. She was only a year old.

Over the years I have seen my daughter from a distance and it hurt but I dealt with it.<-- Over the years, he's seen his daughter but never once attempted to speak with her or let her know he was there? I do not understand that.

I'm trying to view this from all sides here, but have more sympathy for the daughter. For all we know, the daughter is iffy about the SM and maybe feels like her dad chose his new family over her, and holds some resentment that will take her time to get over. She's 17-18, a teenager, hormonal, immature still, yes. But she is still a teenager and as such is probably self-centered. Cut her some slack. Not all teenager girls are like your SD's.

jlhill7's picture

OK let me clarify some things. At first I had visitation, in the visitation order I got 1 hour of visitation at my EX house. Whenever I would go there she wanted to talk about us getting back together. In the paper work it stated that my daughter could have no interactions with my wife or current family. I did this for 3 weeks and it was hell on me. So yes I guess I choose to giver up my rights. A couple times when I would see her, I tried to talk to her and her mother would call me and gripe on the phone and then call the cops. The cops said they would get me for contempt of court if I spoke to her. When she was about 12 she actually went to my wife and asked my wife if I was her father. My wife responded with yes. Well that started a war. My wife said I was not gonna lie to her, when the time comes for a relationship between us she will always remember that I lied to her. I agreed with my wife. But for several years we paid the price of sugar in the gas tank, flat tires, our house getting egged ECT. When my EX went a cemented a bunny over my last name on my deceased sons grave I contacted the DA, who stated that as the biological mom she could do that but also as the biological dad I could remove it, however I was responsible for the damage cause to the stone. I spent the money and got a company to consult the situation. They could not remove it without doing major damage so I left it be. Its not my wife being a "brat". My wife is very supportive of this relationship, however she does question the motive.

2Bloved's picture

Plus, it's pretty shitty that your wife will leave you after 17 years b/c you are texting your daughter that you walked away from 16 years ago. I read your wifes blog and thought it seemed strange then as well. When it comes to your daughter, you do have a lot to atone for. Give it a try. If it does end up blowing up in your face, at least you know you tried. What will you do if your first born has a baby? Are you going to miss out on your grandchilds life as well, just to appease your wife? It's not a double life, it's YOUR life. You made this child, you brought her in to this world.

I'm thinking I'm coming across as bitchy, but can't help it at this point.

jlhill7's picture

My wife's concern with this is I was ignoring the other 5 children while sitting and texting for hours. She doesn't mind a few text messages as long as I don't put the current family on hold for a text relationship.

2Bloved's picture

It must be hard on your daughter to know that he father was around the whole time, but he never made an attempt to get to know her. You have to think of this from HER point of view. You have probably read a lot on here about PAS. I am sure she suffers from it, or has been brainwashed in to thinking that you walked away and never looked back. Your daughter reached out to you when she came of age to make the decision for herself. Give her credit for that. You and her have a lot of catching up to do. Your daughter decided that texting is what she is comfortable with. I prefer texting and emails with people that I am not familiar with as well, or with friends that I have lost contact with. It cuts down on the awkward silences.

It's only been a couple of weeks for you two, OF COURSE there will be a lot of communication!! Think of it like this: when you were dating, and you met someone new, you used to spend hours and hours on the phone, right? Well, this is a new relationship as well, without the romantic undertones. After a while, when you are comfortable and know that person, communication tapers off, but the familiarity is still there. This should not be considered a "text relationship", this is you reconnecting with your daughter. If the texting gets to be too much with the back and forth...waiting for replies..etc, start emailing. Don't stop communication.

I'm not saying abandon your wife or current family to pursue a relationship with your daughter. I am saying to not abandon your daughter again after she reached out to you. Give it a chance. Your wife does need to be more understanding of your need to communicate with your daughter in whatever form she, your SD, feels comfortable with. Again, I do not know her motives, but will not play the spoiled/immature/controlling SD card. No one knows what is going thru her head right now. To threaten all or nothing is very inconsiderate on your wifes part, especially at this stage when everything between you and your daughter is so fragile. If she does have an ulterior motive to all this, you will eventually find out. Until then, just try to be the best father you can be to her.

jlhill7's picture

The meeting is in 2 hours....Any advice on what I should or shouldn't say? My wife says whatever I say make sure that I don't put her birth mother down. Word things carefully as I don't want her to think I am bashing her mom.

jlhill7's picture

Everything went good. I found myself defending myself because the EX told my daughter that I beat her and so many lies. I also took all the court documents with me, so she could read them. Thank goodness my wife was there to state that in 17 years I have never laid a hand on her. My wife also told my daughter that she is going to get 2 sides of every story and that she needs to realize that is in the past and we need to build a foundation for the future. My daughter texted me after the meeting and said your wife is awesome and seems to be a neutral person, do you think she would care if I talked to her. I said go for it. So all the frustration paid off. Smile I will keep you updated.

lovelovelove's picture

Sounds like a positive situation all around! I'm sure there will be peaks and valley's, as with all step-relationships and new relationships with kids, but it sounds like you are on the right track! See, step-mom's aren't bad people, we just want to be accepted and we are willing to be there as long as the kids are open to getting to know us. Bashing the new wife/step-mom and not accepting her or allowing her into the situation is just a recipe for war!


Love Smile

jlhill7's picture

Well let's see where to begin. My daughter moved back in with her mother last Wednesday. Since then I have been unable to see her or talk to her on the phone. We are back to a text message relationship. When I asked her if she had discussed our relationship with her mother she said no. When I asked when I could see her she said she didn't know. When I asked her to call my house she said she couldn't. Now what do I do? I am very frustrated as it seems that when her mother and her are in an up roar then I'm in her life but when there getting along I am on the outs.

NotsoHappyNewlywed's picture

You must be splitting at the seams. I say leave messages daily for your daughter via text or whatever method you have of reaching out to her.
"Good Morning so & so thinking of you..."
"Hope to hear from you soon.."
"Our home is open to you whenever you wish..."
"Lots of love coming your way..."

This way, she KNOWS that you are coming from a genuine place of love for her. She is not a child anymore. At some point she will see what her mother is doing.
Leave the ball in her court. Do not try and force anything. If she comes around, she is welcome, if she doesn't that's ok too.
Stand by your family and continue to live your life in peace and happiness.
It will all come full circle at some point.
Kindest Wishes....