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Does anyone wonder how their husband or boyfriend will do with HIS OWN child if your not there?

ReadySetNot's picture

Sometimes I feel as though even though this is his child I AM the one feeding him clothing him, making sure he is showerd and CLEAN when he goes back to BM house. I STILL FEEL UNDER-APRECIATED. Does anyone else wonder if maybe just maybe you left for a weekend or two, how your dear husband or dear boyfriend will be able to discipline his own child and takr care of him/or.

RB's picture

He would probably make sure that his child was fed (probably fast food), wouldn't worry too much about the showering, his clothes might be clean as long as there were enough clothes already washed and ready for his child to wear and he wouldn't discipline his child unless the child was incredibly unruly. My experience is that these men tend to let their kids walk all over them.