Do you know of any books and movies portraying StepParents as Cool?
I was surprised with this movie. It actually portrayed a StepMom as Cool. Check out "Wah Wah". for a change. And If you know of any books, movies, news articles... that treat us with sensitivity, kindness and gentleness, please share.
Stepmom is actually pretty good, I thought.... Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts, Ed Harris.
Stepmom was a great
Stepmom was a great movie.... except for the BM having cancer. (as irritated as BM makes me I don't want her to die).
"I aint no Carol Brady"
STEPMOM was a good movie but
STEPMOM was a good movie but remember how the BM and SKIDS hated her in the beginning....the only reason the BM came around is because she was dying of cancer and had to trust the SM to raise her kids.
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
I HATED the movie Stepmom.. truly truly hated it with my soul. Perhaps if it wasn't Julia Roberts vs Susan Sarandan... maybe... but the whole young beautiful new wife thing to me just reaffirmed the whole stepmom stereotype. I hated it as a SM but I really really hated it as a BM.
Okay, know I guess I'm going to have to see this movie... I usually avoid the whole happy SM/BM scenario because it just never was my reality...
"Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow."
I thought it was good. Showed how BM influences the kids and how SM kept trying to come out on top. Sure there were slips, but everything came out good in the end. With exception to the whole cancer thing.
"They say God doesn't give you more than you can handle. I just wish he didn't have so much confidence in me."
Haven't seen it yet, but ...
a while back on here, someone recommended "Bye Bye Love" It's in my netflix queue I just haven't gotten to it yet.