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LONG>BM has told us that Son is not DH...I want to kill her!

isthis4me's picture

I have been with DH for almost 3 years. He has 3 kids and so do I. We moved in together about one year ago and things with the kids are typical...if anyone says it's perfect, I don't believe them. My ex is unreliable and a typical ex but not a problem in my relationship, his ex is the worst I have ever seen or heard of....I think the situation may be affecting me emotionally and physically.
When I got with DH I was fully warned about how sick and twisted BM is. I also discovered that BM had presented Dh with a paternity Test and an offer, more of a demand that DH must relinquish all his parental right to the new SDad, who happens to be the BIODAD of SON-5 at the time. DH decided to cope with it by not acknowledging it at all. I came along about 1 year this point BM is "so in love" and bring new Daddy everywhere. I start to see her at drop off and pick ups but there is nothing to my face, everything is being said to my BF. Things like, "does she have a job, she's always with you". Mostly it goes on like that. I happen to be younger, more successful, (she hasn't accomplished a thing but hooking men to take care of her) more confident and attractive. I have a beautiful little girl and she lost custody or gave up rights to hers when the child was a baby. Her Parents are raising her daughter, not well, but that is another story....I am used to petty insecure woman being catty so I know how to deal.....HATERS!! I expected this. When BF would get upset about BM behavior, I would say who cares, as long as we get the kids more, let her play her games. Then the kids starting repeating things to me they heard from her like:" Our Mom won't let us be your friend" "DH is not our Dad"; "Call new Dad-Dad" blah blah blah...
Then about 4 months in, she requests to speak to me. She asked DH if I will call her to discuss somethings, he tells me not to bc she is so sick. I still want to make friends so I call...she wants to apologize for her behavior towards me, that I must be great if DH chose me and basically that if she ever behaves this way again, to "feel free to call her out". I assured her that I have 3 of my own, I respect Mothers and I would not ever treat her badly bc someday my EX will have a GF and I want her to treat me and my kids good. I hung up feeling really good. I told her I would e-mail pics of our vacation and she seemed so decent and humble. DH family told me just wait, she will not be this way for long...
They were right, after the vaca, I think she felt very threatened when she found out I had a 2nd home and I paid for this trip that was so fun for the kids. She calls DH to bitch and of her children, midson-6 at the time, called my Mother Grandma....she flipped!! Keep in mind she has her kids calling some other dude DAd. So I tell DH, I am going to call her out, she needs to know that it is perfectly reasonable for kids to hear 6 other kids calling an Adult something and repeat it. That we don't encourage it, that we will talk to him about it...I don't get that far, (keep in mind, I negotiate for a living, I am very good at dealing with difficult people, so I thought.)She tells me she guesses she not that mature and that she doesn't need to speak to me about her children.....CLICK!!
That was convo #2 and last for 2 years. Since then she has made it her mission to really be nasty, hate me and intaginize me. (SP?) I had to spend 4 days with her a tournament in the same hotel and all she did was use us to watch the kids so she could go out, tell us, it's our night so we have to feed the kids bc she can't afford it bc she doesn't have a "rich GF"...BM brings her 15 yr old daughter from a different man, the girl is smoking in front of the kids, adults...Mom doesn't care. We were told that the poor girl just tried to commit suicide over a boy and she a new one at the hotel with her...she shows DH her tattooed stomach that her Mom brought her to get done. (She has been arrested 2x.) This girl is so pretty and I feel so bad for her that I just want to reach out and say "I am sorry that you have it this way, I hope you know that your not bad bc your Mom keeps your Brother and not you" I say nothing....
I say nothing for almost 2 years. I would stand within feet of her and have never said a word but ignored hello's. I never had any problem with DH bc he always told me everything she said and did...I was in the loop, I hope.
Then I started getting random texts about her calling CPS on my children for abusing hers. I ignored it. She was constantly calling or texting DH. Bugging him for more $, making petty problems to bother him, blaming him for everything, and always giving us the oldest. When DH would refuse a request, he would lose the right to speak to them for days and lose the extra time with the oldest who has a hard time dealing with his BM. Finally after tormenting DH with angry texts bc the State took 10 days to get her CS, he started to pay her cash and get written receipts which she would sign. The receipts added up to about $4k so DH and I bring them to be recorded through DOR. BM must be present to do this or it can't be done!! Then DH and I started talking about the possibility of her agreeing to this and he asks. For a bout a month she plays games about agreeing to do this BUT she wants a sit down with her, BIO dad and DH about DH rights to mid son. Finally I am getting so annoyed with the games that I ask him to let me text her from his phone "I don't care if you record the receipts, I have them, I know I've paid and you are not going to make me sell my Son" That was it, she never brought it up again but she never gave us the cs credit either.
Now their agreement said that each year they would alternate on tax deduction 2/1 then 1/2 kids per year. DH tells me that every year she takes all 3. So in 2007, I ask him to tell her that we are doing his taxes and we are taking his one kid. She says no problem. I file and it gets kicked back saying that the Social has already been claimed. Did not think we could do anything so we told her we wanted his $, she balmed it on SD and she promised to pay us some of it from her return, never happens. So for 2008, I am ready for her, I file on the very first day you can file. I am now DH Employer so I can get him his 1099 before any of her Employers can get hers. I am vindicated, she didn't win!! He is getting a $5,500 refund. It should be to us in 3 weeks. Nope, DOR shows that DH owes $4k in back cs so this Mutt gets almost all of his I am gonna hurt someone!! I had to sit by myself for about 3 hours and really think about this....I was emotionally getting raped in this situation and this woman, some how always wins! Besides now pissing me off, I have been watching DH go through this rollercoaster and feeling his emotional baggage weighing on me.
I found out that she went looking for my EX at a BB game and asked him questions about me to see if she could get dirt...nada. Then I found out that she interrogated my 8 year old and that was it! "Does your Mommy hit you?" "Is your Mommy mean to you"
Then I find out she tells DH that I can not pick up her children and take them to practice that DH coaches. It starts at 11 and she won't let DH pick him up until 11 and she won't bring him...She texts DH, "Maybe if your GF wasn't such a snobby bitch, I would let her pick up my kids but she is not their Mother and I don't want them around her anymore than they have to" ....that alone was not so out of the ordinary for her but I think I had just about had it (this was about 6 months ago)so I wrote everything I wanted to tell her about the way she "affects/treats/abuses these kids and torments our family. I told her that I felt bad for her beautiful daughter that is now in JUVI for 9 months bc her Mother failed her. That she can try to make BIO DAD their Father but he will soon be gone and she will have yet another last name, that she was used up, trashy and if she kept on pulling this sick treatment WE were going to take her to court for custody. That I have never said anything to her before but now I am saying it all so don't push me again bc I don't talk all the shit that she does and I have the $ to do it". I knew it was over the top but I really kept quiet for so long, I have never said anything to her or her kids about her and I just sat there taking it....oh and also in the last 6-8 months I am extremely resentful to DH for allowing this woman to take it this far and I think I am depressed. I am constantly anxious and I will not go anywhere that I know she will be since this txt...I feel like if she says a word to me that I will kick her a**. She never did say anything to me, she had her husband call me and tell me she lost 4 nights of sleep over what I said and that he hope "I get raped by a group of boys"....he's kinda slow...more on that later...She told DH "ur Gf has no idea of what she has started"
I told DH that I texted her and that I am sorry for any backlash but I just can't take anymore. I also told him that if he didn't do something we are through....I can't live this dysfunctional life. We went to a few Attorney's and I paid to hire the best and most expensive. You will notice I make a lot of refernece to $, well DH has a schedule where his kids school is so far away that he can't start working until 10 and has to leave at 2. This affects my ability to pay for the lifestyle I afford all the kids and ours are treated equally. DH oldest has $2,000 in BB eq. at 11, BM would not pay for a thing...we pay for everything. DH income is about 1/4 mine and that's okay but lately he hasn't been even doing that and I am the one with all the responsibility and my Nanny had a baby so now I cleaning after these 6 kids.
So anyway, DH and I are having a very hard time connecting, we will go days without talking, I feel like he goes into diff rooms when she calls, I feel like he has allowed all this by not forcing her respect the way she forced her new Husband on DH.
So we serve her papers on Friday bc we know we will have the kids and on Monday she is unemployed. The kids tell us that "Mommy said DH said that she doesn't spend enough time with them so she quit". (discovery shows she was terminated) BM told the 5yr old that "GF wants to put Mommy in jail". We didn't say a thing. I just wrote it all in my Blackberry so we could use it in court.
I feel like I am pulling DH through all of this and I think that deep down he resents me bc things got worse after the filing.
Our first motion in court won in May....we were trying to get the $4k credit from her and she lied so bad, she lied to the judge, she lied to the Attorney's and everytime we tried to bring up her blackmail of the mid son and his BIODAD she would refuse to allow it into the court record..... She came in dressed so pathetic and looking so sad...a month before, we stopped paying support bc the DOR had given her that $4k early and she actually had the nerve to go and report DH for non payment....she actually thought she could get his license suspended bc she was going to win...She told the judge that DH had forced her to write her those reciepts for exaggareted amounts so that she could some cash from him. She claimed that she would only get about $80- $120 of the $580 she wrote down. She said that she personally wrote the receipts, wrote case # on them and signed them bc he bullied her...but in his 4 year history he has never been late. The Judge says "DH has proof, written by you, what do you have?" ANSWER_"Only my word, your Honor" I almost died, the Baliffs should have removed me for all of my facial expressions. I could not believe the depths at which this woman would sink.....
We won, we got credit, her texts about cs have stopped! Thank god! She lost about 30 lbs and had been bringing random men to every bb game...your about three weeks behind now so I will finish later, I have to go home......
This is not made up it's my life!!

lovin_my_life's picture

You just made our BM look like the Pope and Mother Teresa all in one.

Don't let this woman bring you down or cause anxiety; she's NOT worth it.

Isn't it amazing the lies that can come out of the mouth of a human? I'm sure her teeth will rot soon because of it, if they haven't already.

"I aint no Carol Brady"

isthis4me's picture

I know just reading what I wrote makess me tell myself to run...I can't look good to anyone from the outside...

misguided's picture

Wow, you could be me. This sounds EXACTLY like my situation. This is so weird. I also make about 5x what my DH makes and this whole situation has created so much tension with us it is getting unbearable. It's hard enough to make more because men have such frail egos but add that to all this BS baggage he has going on with his ex and it just blows. I am tired of paying for him to live the lifestyle if he is not going to back me. I feel like I have to drag him kicking and screaming into protecting himself and standing up for himself and HIS kids. I also negotiate (Mergers and Acquistions) and thought I was pretty good at handling most people but I have never met anyone like her or her family. The worst part is I am starting to lose respect for my husband. I wish he would grow a pair and do something about this shity situation. I feel like this is all on my shoulders and it should not be. Add to this my SD is acting out in a very sexual way and has been playing doctor naked with my 5 year old daughter. I brought her to the doctor and sure enough she has vaginal strep. (SD came down with strep throat last week) I didn't even know there was such a thing! I took her to the doctor and I am going to see a child shrink on Friday to find out how to proceed but until I figure this out my child will never be alone with SD. I am so over all this shit. Sorry to rant on your vent but it is so similar. We have to trade stories some time.

isthis4me's picture

The $ stuff is very difficult with men. I really don't bring it up but I am boiling inside everyday that I go to work and his kids are with him at my house all day and she is kids get 10 % of me bc I am so stressed.
The sexual stuff is really scarry, I don't even want to read it. I am so sorry.
Is it worth it when we aren't even getting anything from the relationship? What are we getting from this? I can't leave him until this is settled bc I don't want to ruin his chances of getting full custody by looking unstable so I just have to wait and hope things get better.

Most Evil's picture

That is a whole lot to deal with there. I am SO GLAD you are taking this to court and can afford to do so. Why wouldn't the BM want THEIR kid to get an opportunity to do more, because you can give them that?

I think the DHs get scared because they are afraid of what BM will do if you don't win - but don't let that stop you!!

"It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it?"
- Eleanor H. Porter (1868 - 1920), 'Pollyanna', 1912

misguided's picture

You know I actually do really love him and when it's just us it is great but I have to realize it will not be just us for a long, long time. I am so confused as to what to do. I feel sorry for him and at the same time I am mad at him. I can't really do anything right now either because of this whole situation and even though I love him I feel like I have taken on so much for him and question whether he would do the same for me if the situation was reversed. I hope so but I honestly don't know and I should, don't ya think? Do you guys have a good relationship? How long have you been married? I have no idea why but I feel responsible for him and was wondering if you feel the same way. Thanks

isthis4me's picture

I have always taken on fixer upper guys and I feel responsible. What was was best friend is gone now...I know he would be there for me through anything but how much can I let this hurt me just bc my man has a good heart but is blind??
I feel like even though we love eachother and this looks good on paper as a relationship, we are destined to fail bc no normal person can deal with a sicko...I am not willing to sink as low as crazy and trashy

isthis4me's picture

Bm send new dad to pick up kids from bb games and he gets physical with DH twice bc of mid son custody, he tells DH that we will lose and his Attorney has beaten ours already. That mid son is not DH son. He comes out of their house screaming at Dh for no reason....things are getting hairy. we are worried about assault and how it will affect our case if we defend ourselves but I think BM sets it up this way bc she know DH has a protective nature about his kids and pride.
So as I said, BM lost weight and we don't see the hubby anymore and she starts bringing around new guys and taking the kids to lounges until 11-12pm, never with Hubby.
Kids are mentioning all the new "friends" there are a lot of "secrets".
Dh starts dropping me off at friends houses before pick ups to avoid runins....strange but I kind rather avoid seeing her anyway.
Finally, I have to run into her at SS-6 Bday party in a parking lot...I am walking my 3 kids throught the lot and she is waiting in her car to confront me from her front seat. "So you want to take my children away bitch?" I say "keep on driving. have some class, there are children here, sicko" I don't miss a step with my 3 yr old daughter in hand. I secure my children inside with other Adults and I come out bc DH is hashing it out with BM in the lot...I can't hear her but I know he's yelling....I call to him "Come in here, don't get involved w her low-life behavior" He does not walk towards me, he stands near her and fights. All this time telling me to walk away and he can't!! I tell her she should act like she did in court and stop making it so easy to take her kids and I go inside. After all is done, DH and I can't talk, he is so "why do you need to go for a walk, just don't let her get to you" WHAT....he just got his anger out by yelling and I took the high road. she told she is calling CPSon my 7 yr old bc my son took a knife too her son's throat.....what?? How far do I let my kids get into this before I am hurting them too?? I have had to tell them to ignore her when she tries to talk to them and stay away from her. I have to warn them about playing too rough with skids so they don't get my kids in trouble bc they tell's crazy. Now my EX knows all of this and he is getting concerned adn I can't blame him. My kids are getting exposed to things he and I wouldn't expose them to when we were seperating.
Okay so that's done, we don't see Hubby very much but we start to see one guy over and over and when she is front of him at bb she doesn't say a word to me. now this peice of trash has been waiting to make a scene w me and she has no problem embarrassing her children in the process so I wouldn't put it past her to yell at the bb feild a week after the parking lot run in....but no. That's when I knew, BM was hooking up with the new guy with the same name as Hubbie (very convenient, now she doesn't need to change the name tattoos on her ankle)
All the sudden the kids tell us that Hubbie is working far away and staying in a hotel. Everytime she picks up kids, new guy is with her. 12SS tells us that new guy spent the night and she left him with the younger two boys to take the newbie home before morning....hmmmmmmm???? AND she has been laying off DH being really cooperative. Texting "what do you want, I want to settle this outside of court and get it over with"
Then one day we get a call from Hubbie saying he needs to talk to DH. Says that has info to help our case with the kids but he can't tell us now. He has been out of the house for a week or so. DH tells him, "Dude, that guy is sleeping in your house, always around my kids" Dumb Hubbie says, oh, he's nothing to worry about, I know him...Same day BM calls constantly starting at about 11 am. Finally she texts" I need to talk to you about the boys safety" DH write, "What about?" She writes, "they can't be here when Hubby is here, something is going on" DH says"I don't want to talk to you about your marriage, if the kids are unsafe, leave them with me, don't take any chances" BM writes, "No it's oksy, Hubby drinks a lot at night but he's out of the house, it's fine during the day" WTF?!?!?!
Hubby calls back and says, "I know I have no legal right to my kid unless DH or BM let me see him. If BM keeps me from him, I will call you and tell you all...."

Most Evil's picture

Wow that is crazy. How did you find ST?

"It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it?"
- Eleanor H. Porter (1868 - 1920), 'Pollyanna', 1912

isthis4me's picture

I knew things like this had to be out there and I was googling "crazy ex's" and found it. i really needed an outlet and to not feel so alone. It's such a difficult situation and I feel so bad for DH. I know he is caught in the middle and he is so damaged by her emotionally, to the core that I try not come down on him. I still feel alone though.

Most Evil's picture

Don't forget to take care of you too!!!!! WELCOME Smile You are not alone any more.!

"It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it?"
- Eleanor H. Porter (1868 - 1920), 'Pollyanna', 1912

onehappygirl's picture

Hon, I'm adding you to my little list of prayers. I can't imagine what you are going through!!! And I complain because BM changes her hair color to match mine. I will consider myself blessed now and give her a big hug. LOL!! GAG!

We're here for you.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

isthis4me's picture

So DH tells me that BM has her soon to be EX Hubbie pick up the kids from the last visit with us...Hubbie tells DH that he hates BM , they are getting a divorce and that was the "info " he had that would help our case. BM begged Hubbie not tell DH but he did. Hubbie tells DH that BM started going out a lot, a few times not coming home at all and he knew something was up. BM told Hubbie that the "New Guy" was gay and that the reason for his recent divorce was that his EX wife caught him with another man...BM will just lie and lie. she aslo is ending their 4.5 yr marriage bc she is really happy with new guy. (for how long??) I think that is why she chose to marry such an idiot, he believed her...he is seriously a little slow. So Hubbie tells DH that she has agreed to let him see the BIo son once a week as long as he pays her support for now she is double dipping on cs from two men for one kid!! And this moron is actually doing it! DH tells him, "you have better luck seeing ss-8 through me and when she gives you a hard, let me know bc I know my son loves you and I don't want to cause him further conflict and pain"....DH is so loving towards his kids. Unfortunately BM uses him and them as a weapon.
Now she is telling DH that she needs him to take the kids for a week Aug 5 (we are taking them on vaca July 22-29). Now that she is preoccuppied, we can have the kids 80% of the time....since when are children an item of convenience?? She is even being nice to DH, inviting him in when he picks up kids....I think BM still "loves" him bc she even has made statements that he now has a day job and that is all she ever wanted from him.....whahhhhhh....
We have medeation July 31...I need this to get balck and is making me crazy!

4Kayla's picture

I thought That I was the only one with a BM as a total B****. Guess not. Your situation sounds alot like mine. I am primary income provider also with an excellant husband, but he will not stand-up to the BM. He does pretty much what-ever she wants. He says to keep peace with her but doesn't realize how much stress it is putting on me. I will keep you in my prayers. this is my first time to this site. I am glad I have found a place to vent.

isthis4me's picture

it's such a challenge...thanks.