Struggling with ABBREVIATIONS? (like I am, LOL)
After my first "frantic" request for help, (which was so quickly and thoughtfully replied to, by the way... thanks, everyone), I'm still struggling a bit with all of the abbreviations on these posts. For example, I'd love to know what girhippo means, and PAS, and um... there was something else, but I forget. lol
Some of them I've figured out, but some are a little more mysterious (and I'm sure hysterically funny). Maybe it's just that I'm brain-dead right now after yet another exhausting fight about SD (came home with 2 C's and a D on progress report... Dad gave her an ice cream after supper).
But I digress...
Here's what I have figured out (after much head scratching and context-clue-using, lol):
SD = step daughter (with or without an age after the SD)
SS = step son (same with/without age)
BM = Biological Mother
BF = Biological Father
SO = Significant Other
EOW = every other week (with regard to visitation)
EOWE = every other week end (visitation again)
CPS = Child Protective Services = D.S.S. Dept of Social Services
skids = step-kids
The rest is a puzzle. I'm really not as stupid as I look.
I'd like to know what the following mystery abbrev's stand for:
DH = Dad/Husband ? (NOT SURE) (meaning your current husband, and child's Bio-Dad)
MIL = ?
girhippo = ?
PAS = ?
CS = ?
...and anything else I can't think of at the moment, if you can. I tried looking for an abbreviation guide in the newbies section, couldn't find it (if it's there). I like the little box on the right hand side of the screen that gives you the symbols for the smileys! Maybe we could get something like that for the abbreviations, too?
Thanks in advance for all your help everyone. This is a comfortable place for me. It's nice to be part of this community and have a laugh or a cry with others in the same boat.
DH is dear husband, MIL is
DH is dear husband, MIL is mother in law or SIL sister in law BIL brother in law etc Girhippo is Crayon's nickname for BM, PAS is parental alienation syndrome and CS is child support. Oh and BF can either be bio father or boyfriend
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
Thank you!
Thanks for the help.
It all seems so simple now.
there is a list if you go to the FAQ...
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
yeah, just accidentally found it.
LOL. I clicked on FAQ by mistake instead of Forums, and BAM! - there it was. Duh. It's all starting to seep in now. I think I'll go have a glass of wine. LOL
Thanks, Gia.
And my made up abbreviations for the step twins is swins... They are horrid 13 yr twin boys that hate eachother, have a favorite bio parent, and are indifferent to me as much as I am to them. I disengaged 6 mos. ago & things couldn't be going better (for me esp.). Thank god I disengaged b.c. I'm not a quitter and just kept trying & trying to get them to "like" me and prove to DH that I'm a model SM. Looking back I can't help but think, how foolish of me! Take care of Ann & rest is sorta of not my business (per DH & Swins).
One I never got
MOTH - man of the hour?
What's IMHO?
***We're too blessed to be stressed!***
means "In My Humble Opinion"
I never would have guessed! You can't imagine what funny abbrevs I came up with on that one.
***We're too blessed to be stressed!***
Pain in the a**