Another Week, Another Illness
My husband and I have joint custody of his two daughters ages 9 and 5. Our visitation is on a "week on/week off" schedule. Over the last few months the youngest child comes up with an illness every time she is with BM. First it was athlete's foot, the next week it was excema, then sores on her face, this week it is cold sores and an ear infection. BM is the only one who ever sees symptoms of these illnesses and the kids are always in perfect health with us and feeling fine when they leave for the week. I think she this has something to do with our approaching court date and am concerned that she is making these things up. Does any one have any experience with this issue???
I have the opposite problem.
My suggestion for you ladies is to start becoming an 'amateur photographer' immediately... literally. Hell, start taking some photography classes to CYA (cover your ass). If you have video or dvd cameras... start using them whenever you have 'family moments' and be creative with the sudden interest you have in photography... you want to preserve history for them when they get older, etc. You want to 'send' tapes to whomever lives far away, etc. Always works like a charm.
On top of that, who carries the insurance? If it's DH, he can have all the billing changed to his name and you can get copies of the billing statements (better yet, get copies of the EOBs) sent to him, keep those. We had an issue where BM1 changed the billing address and disregarded all bills simply to despite DH, which sent DH to collection. We had no idea until we tried to take SS to the dentist one day, and they wouldn't see him due to 'his' out standing bills that we had know idea what they were talking about.
Reason for the photography is because you are documenting that the kids are absolutely fine during your time, and if they coincide with any documents you get (EOBs), it may just raise an eye or two.
Also, keep a weekly log, if you're not already doing so...
"Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow."
Thanks for the advice. We started keeping a log in June of 08 because we figured that we would be heading to court. We were right...we are going to court in April 09. Im afraid to take pictures because I dont want to damage the kids further but you did give some creative advice for diversions! I figure that the kids will grow up to be paranoid just as you say, Crayon. I think the think that sickens me the most is that I jsut cant imagine being sooooo sick that you would make up lies about your own children for attention. My husband and I are getting to the point that every Wednesday that she has the kids we wake up and try to guess the latest illness that she will call us about! Pretty sad!