Go to my daughter's (really mine though) condo. Sleep in my "old" room, watch great movies on TV (no sports, Simpson's, etc.). Don't go back until they are gone! Swins said they don't want me around, well guess what -- I don't want to be around them either. Feeling is mutual. Biggest loser is DH b.c. unpaid nanny is not in the house.
I am with Kassandrarayne....but I would be a sipping the Irish Cream......and I would be called a liquor pig if I couldn't climb up the stairs out of the basement after drinking the bottle !!!!
...we'd be showing them the sights, since we just moved here and there are tons of things to do. We'd be spending time in the pool, taking some day trips, ordering in and watching movies. I'd take the girls shopping and DH would do something fun with the boys. I'd probably cook up a storm, because they all love to eat and I love to cook. We'd celebrate SS's upcoming birthday. The list goes on and on of things I'd love to do, but I don't see it happening. DH hasn't had his EOW visitation in 2 1/2 years now, first due to BM not letting him have the kids and now because we finally just moved away, since she wasn't giving us any time with the kids as a reason to stay. It seems like we ST'ers as a group are either spending too much or not enough time with our skids. Why can there be no happy medium?!
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
I like to save all the major house cleaning for EOW, and make sure I am buisy cleaning at least part of the weekend ss is here. O , ss like to wake my DH up at the hour of 7 am, saturdays... which Dh hates. I refuse to leave the bed till 10am. DH hate this , because I always feed everyone (god forbid he make breakfast one morning) but ss likes it cus he gets daddy all to himself. But the rest of the day, I am very much around. I don't care if he wants me around or not, I'm not going to be pushed out of my house by a child!(he has his own house at BM's) O I also like to ketch up on painting my nails, re-organizing the closets, any annoying adult chores that they dont enjoy basically. Hey, If ss wasnt so dang spoiled and nasty to me, I would be nicer!
i also like to go get my nephew he is five and doesnt take no shit and he says what he thinks (hes a right little shit in other words)
he grew up wathcing arguments between his mum and dad and if any one hits him u should see the little bugger snap and his kids think its ok to slap and stuff and they get beats when they try it with him !!
life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you )
Not sure what 100 things to do you mean? Just in general?
Ok....I just started a blog on my real life blog- a bucket list of things I'd like to do to better my life and the lives of those I love.
Pm me if you want the link to the whole list. It's too long to post here.
BUT here's the first 10-
1. Say no when I need to and yes when I want to
2. Make my health a priority
3. Learn to love my body in its current state
4. Call my family and friends more often to tell them I love them
5. Send a real card in the real mail to a different friend once a week
6. Find more women friends my age
7. Go and sit alone for an afternoon in my late grandparents home in the country
8. Form a SM writing retreat
9. Finish writing my play, my novel, start my memoir
10. Visit my 93 year old grandmother, even though we’ve never been close
This was a really inspiring thing you posted! I have been meaning to do this for a while. Thanks for lighting a fire!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Lock myself in the basement with a 40 ouncer of Vodka and Orange juice and not come out until it was all gone
Go out w/friends to dinner
Go out w/friends to dinner and a movie, and come back when they are already in bed!
I go to work on some saturdays ...hummm they usually fall on weekends with skids isnt that strange.
funny...my PT job works the same way...
curious, isnt it?!
Go to my daughter's (really
Go to my daughter's (really mine though) condo. Sleep in my "old" room, watch great movies on TV (no sports, Simpson's, etc.). Don't go back until they are gone! Swins said they don't want me around, well guess what -- I don't want to be around them either. Feeling is mutual. Biggest loser is DH b.c. unpaid nanny is not in the house.
Go on a date!!
I would love to just spend an evening alone with DH
nice dinner at home and a movie... quiet!
just a little break!!
Irish Cream
I am with Kassandrarayne....but I would be a sipping the Irish Cream......and I would be called a liquor pig if I couldn't climb up the stairs out of the basement after drinking the bottle
If my skids were here...
...we'd be showing them the sights, since we just moved here and there are tons of things to do. We'd be spending time in the pool, taking some day trips, ordering in and watching movies. I'd take the girls shopping and DH would do something fun with the boys. I'd probably cook up a storm, because they all love to eat and I love to cook. We'd celebrate SS's upcoming birthday. The list goes on and on of things I'd love to do, but I don't see it happening. DH hasn't had his EOW visitation in 2 1/2 years now, first due to BM not letting him have the kids and now because we finally just moved away, since she wasn't giving us any time with the kids as a reason to stay. It seems like we ST'ers as a group are either spending too much or not enough time with our skids. Why can there be no happy medium?!
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
Some other things
I like to save all the major house cleaning for EOW, and make sure I am buisy cleaning at least part of the weekend ss is here. O , ss like to wake my DH up at the hour of 7 am, saturdays... which Dh hates. I refuse to leave the bed till 10am. DH hate this , because I always feed everyone (god forbid he make breakfast one morning) but ss likes it cus he gets daddy all to himself. But the rest of the day, I am very much around. I don't care if he wants me around or not, I'm not going to be pushed out of my house by a child!(he has his own house at BM's) O I also like to ketch up on painting my nails, re-organizing the closets, any annoying adult chores that they dont enjoy basically. Hey, If ss wasnt so dang spoiled and nasty to me, I would be nicer!
I have a vegetable garden out back. Now that it is summer, I just go play in the dirt.
life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you )
I second that Baby -
I second that Baby - mmmmmmmm Vodka!!
I usually save my grocery shopping and any other "errands" I need to run for the weekend we have the kids. Een if it's just for a couple of hours.....
yea me 2
i also like to go get my nephew he is five and doesnt take no shit and he says what he thinks (hes a right little shit in other words)
he grew up wathcing arguments between his mum and dad and if any one hits him u should see the little bugger snap and his kids think its ok to slap and stuff and they get beats when they try it with him !!
life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you )
Not sure what 100 things to do you mean? Just in general?
Ok....I just started a blog on my real life blog- a bucket list of things I'd like to do to better my life and the lives of those I love.
Pm me if you want the link to the whole list. It's too long to post here.
BUT here's the first 10-
1. Say no when I need to and yes when I want to
2. Make my health a priority
3. Learn to love my body in its current state
4. Call my family and friends more often to tell them I love them
5. Send a real card in the real mail to a different friend once a week
6. Find more women friends my age
7. Go and sit alone for an afternoon in my late grandparents home in the country
8. Form a SM writing retreat
9. Finish writing my play, my novel, start my memoir
10. Visit my 93 year old grandmother, even though we’ve never been close
This was a really inspiring thing you posted! I have been meaning to do this for a while. Thanks for lighting a fire!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra