My SD15 is such a PITA, I'm having a hard time separating what is normal behavior from what is just stupidity (hope I don't offend anyone with that).
I think a 15-year-old should be MUCH more responsible than SD is, and it drives me nuts. Husband and I actually got to go to a concert last night (free tickets). We get home at almost midnight and the house is lit up like a Christmas tree. SD is in bed, and the lights are on in the kitchen, living room, hall downstairs, and hall upstairs. Husband got to turn them off.
Then I go to get laundry out of the dryer to fold it and discover it has been dumped in a pile (everything wrinkled) on the floor in the dining room. Husband actually said, "She is a PITA." Mind you, the laundry was on the floor right next to the emptry laundry baskets but she didn't bother to use one.
Then, SD uses my best cookie sheets (the kind with the air in the middle) to make frozen pizza. Twice. Because you can't submerge these in water to clean them, it takes forever to get the dried pizza off. Plus she used a pizza cutter and scored the surface so now they will rust. When I left the house this morning, husband was trying to clean the pan (without much luck).
Funny, all this is just a fraction of the stuff I have to deal with from her every day, but he was getting cranky about it. Welcome to my world!
Wow.. its almost like she
Wow.. its almost like she was punishing you two for going out to a concert and not taking her!
Where were the two little ones?
She did want to go!
But we only got two tickets (through my husband's work) and it stipulated he had to be there, with one guest. No way I, who was a huge fan in the 1980s, was going to miss this concert. Too bad for SD!
Little ones spent the night with my parents. I would NEVER leave them alone with irresponsible SD!
I feel your pain
Sometimes I wonder if it's the SD just trying to piss us off or if this is just typical of their age. I think it's a combination of the two. My SD is 13 and she is as irresponsible and lazy as they come. Her dirty dishes lay in the sink (the dishwasher is right next to the sink). She wipes her jet black eyeliner all over the bathroom towels after I've repeatedly asked her not to. She expects Daddy to pack up her softball equipment every time she has a game or practice. She has to be told day after day after day to put dirty clothes in the hamper, pick up her school bags from the living room floor, throw away food wrappers, etc. Last week I went to get her hamper out of the closet & found clean laundry thrown on the floor in the closet. Same thing with electronics too...her bedroom lights, TV and PS2 get left on constantly when she's not even in her room. She'll be on the computer and leave to go somewhere & leave the computer on for hours at a time, again after she's been told repeatedly to turn the stuff off. And look out if you ask her for a favor! My husband asked her 2 weekends ago to help him in the yard for 10 minutes & she couldn't be bothered. For once he actually punished her for it. That was 2 days of sheer misery while she was grounded. My theory is that he start grounding her for everything that she doesn't do & then maybe she'll learn to start doing it!!
That is too freakin bad that
That is too freakin bad that she wanted to go. YOU are his wife, and as such are entitled to dates and the like. WHY do these kids think they are ENTITLED!! I mean.. holy smokes... Just because you breath doesnt make you entitled.
What concert was it?!??!?!?!?
what is a PITA--- got it now, sorry for the dumb questions
Pain in the @ss
Pain in the @ss
Stories of swins I have no
Stories of swins I have no shortage of. Latest: smeared chocolate pudding on deck fence. Both denied doing it, DH hired someone to powerwash deck... HUH? I think swins should scrub it off and be punished. Not gonna happen. It was a relief to hear about your DH packing up baseball stuff, that's what mine does - for every practice and game. Takes 100% ownership of driving them & outfitting them, packing coolers with their beverages, doesn't matter whose house they are at or if its my birthday -- its unbelievably important to DH. The dirty clothes they stepped out of will be right where he handed them uniforms to put on. I do not pick up any of these discarded clothes. EVER. Leave it for DH to pick up as he enjoys it I guess since he never complains about it. Ditto for toys/sports/snacks stuff. Leave it in my way to trip over, I just kick it to the side to clear my path. Kids should be in charge of it, not DH & definitely not me. He wants to be their best friend not father. Since I'm a neat freak this all goes against my grain but I decided from day one, I was not a their housekeeper & keeping my stuff neat is all that I really should be doing. Ditto w/electric stuff. I turned off lights/TV while the swins & DH do the opposite. DH wants TV on in each room so when he walks by he can catch a glimpse. HUH? So many times I drilled him to change, make them do it...and he can't so I will.
Feel my Wrath - Grrrr
Elizabeth - You were so punished! That is exactly what she was doing - she was punishing you AND your DH. I liked hearing your DH was cleaning the cookie sheets! Let him bear the wrath of the princess!
In our house, we remove
In our house, we remove stuff that isn't taken care of. TVs have been pulled out, game systems, clothes you name it. Usually the kids earn it back within a week or so, but they are pretty good about not loosing the privilage in the first place.