Need Ideas to Stop Crazy X
Hi, I'm new here and thought by the tone of the messages I've read, you guys might have some help, insight, or just plain rotten jokes I can play on my husband's ex. That is such a mean thought, but the woman is crazy, and now the tramp gets knocked up by one of 3 guys and names the baby after MY husband! Baby's name on BC is Sean, but she calls him Jack. So, after telling her how upset this makes me and how confused the kids are that the baby has daddy's name, she still calls him Jack. I also tried calling him "Billy Bob Jim Jack" to impress upon her the redneck idea of her calling Sean by the name of Jack, but no dice. Seems she likes making mistakes named Jack. How can I get the kids to make her call this kid by his real name and not after their father? I actually had one friend think my husband fathered the kid due to this problem. Any ideas, real, fun, rotten, whatever/ Thanks!
Get the ugliest scrawngiest leg missing dog
And name it after BM!!!!!! then if the kids get the flu when they hurl call it heR! ROAD KILL- AGIAN- HER NAME!! so on and so on.terd floating -yep you get it. Okay very funny and yes it would get the point across but might be a tinsee bit "mean" try calling the kid the president, king of egypt, king tut, and a yellow puppy and when the kids ask tell them if BM thinks calling it jack makes it dads I thought I'd make it rich and famous!
I guess I would just flat
I guess I would just flat out ask her what she is holding on to...or why her therapist hasn't upped her meds...Be calm about it or she'll know she's got your goose!
'm sorry...Who?
Would be my response when her or the sk's called the baby jack. Oh, you must mean Sean. And I would conyinue to repeat this. Now how would you know Jack was up all night? He sleeps here. Oh you must mean Sean. What do you mean daddy's sitting up on his own? He's been doing that before you were born. Oh you must mean Sean..... I'm sure you get the picture.
Bottom line... that we can't control what the BM does. If we could, this website would go out of business lickety split.![Wink](
She wants to call him Jack, she'll call him Jack. There's nothing you can do to make her stop. Is it stupid? Yes. Is it juvenile? Yes. Is it utterly and ridiculously transparent? Yes. But if she wants to make an ass of herself, let her. You can tie yourself in knots worrying about it, but ultimately, you can't change it. My daughter's name is Margaret, but we call her Meg. It's a nickname. If she chose your husband's name as a nickname for her son, well, that's her choice. I wouldn't advise doing anything other than ignoring it, hard as that might be to do. Don't sink to her level by retaliating.
As for the kids - these are your step-kids and her biological kids, right? - it's not up to you what name they call their brother. It's not up to their dad, either. She's Sean/Jack's mother. She gets to decide what he's called and she gets to decide how her other kids refer to him. You never should've let her know it bothered you. Now she knows what buttons to push and she'll probably continue pushing them with gleeful abandon. I think your best bet is to ignore it. You can't change the kid's name/nickname and you'll never get the BM to cooperate.
~ Anne ~
"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)