Ok, not really sure what to do about this one -- My SD age 11 going on 12 is still using children's toohpaste - the kind that is safe for babies and toddlers. I've been trying to get her to use regular toothpaste because she has had a lot of issues with regards to her teeth. SD had her first filling when she was 5 and the problems have continued since. I worry that the "kids" toothpaste might not be adequate for her adult teeth, but she does not like the taste. I am considering calling the dentist for an opinion, but it seems to me that the kids toothpast is made for teeth that will eventually fall out and do not require as much care. If you have any suggestions please let me know!
Read the back of the tube!
We use Crest Whitening with Scope. The kids use Kids' Crest. They both have the exact same active ingredient. Our kids are 9 and 4 and half the time they don't even check to make sure they are grabbing the right tube. And I know that more than once, on a hazy groggy morning, my husband and I have both grabbed the kid stuff by mistake. So my thinking on this is that if the active ingredients are the same, then there's no difference. Actually, my thinking on this, after reading the label myself, is why am I buying two separate toothpastes?!
~ Anne ~
We are the masters of our own fate; the architects of our own destiny.
This IRKS Me
I have never understood Parents who raise thier children by this imaginary timeline! Ladies and Gentlemen out there, how many of us KNOW of or you were one of the parents who did everything by a timeline? Meaning example: The baby can't eat solid foods until 12 months of age, my child should be potty trained by 18 months, no bottle after 10 months, no deodarant until a teenager!!! ( I truly have a friend who felt her child did not need deodarant until they turned 13!) Where does this come from, so if they are FUNKY they don't need deodarant? It's the same thing for toothpaste! Some children depending on eating habits, oral hygiene, and genetics, will need GROWN FOLKS toothpaste before they are grown, especially if they are having oral issues. This to me wouldn't even need to be discussed, there are some things that you just do! If I was keeping someones baby, and they told me the baby doesn't need to changed but once every 2 hours, however, their diaper was wet, I wouldn't need to call MOM or DAD and ask permission to change their wet child, they would problem question my sanity. This is no different, who would allow a child's teeth to suffer, when they can improve the situation? Not saying you are wrong for trying to assit in this situation, but whether or not BM agreed with me or not, I would be providing the child with adult toothpaste unless their was a medical reasons such as allergies, that prohibited this.
"Be there for the joy. Be there for the tears. Be there for each other."
(Step-Mom the Movie 1998)
I agree with the deodorant thing. If they smell like BO, they need deodorant. However, I don't think little kids need it because it can irritate the skin under their arms. Bm was trying to get ss to use deodorant when he was 7 or 8 and we thought that was a little young. He still doesn't have BO but we got him deodorant and are encouraging him to get into the habit of using it because it is just a matter of time for him.
Thanks. I agree. She must get away with using the kids toothpaste with biomom otherwise she would have no problem using it when she was at our house. It might seem silly that I'm making such a big deal about toothpaset but 1) I care about the child and; 2) we are paying 50% of the dental bills. I will check it out and see what the dentist says, though. Maybe the kids stuff is enough.
Sounds like the typical
Sounds like the typical "MOM" doesn't make me do anything at all that might be slightly uncomfortable so let's just see how much I can get by with with "STEP-MOM". My SS does this to me all the time. It DOES seem silly to get so aggravated over toothpaste but in reality it is a test....and if you don't pass the small tests, you'll be fighting MUCH bigger battles later on.
New to this
I'm new to this site so if this posts twice, I appologize....
Sounds to me like your dealing with the typical skid..... "my MOM doesnt make me do anything that is even remotely uncomfortable, so let's see how much I can get by with with STEP-MOM." My SS does this all the time. This is a test. Toothpaste seems minor but in reality it is a test and if you can't pass the small tests, you'll NEVER pass the big ones. Hang in there! Try something like..."I know you use the baby toothpaste at your Mom's but we want you to start using the adult stuff now." "different houses have different rules"
There are flavored toothpaste...
We like the Vanilla flavored one, I can't remember who makes it, but the Orthodontist gave us a tube of it. And there are a couple of other flavors they make too. They aren't as strong as others. I'd start there, and just remove any other 'kid' brand toothpaste so there are no other options but the regular kind you use. Just hand them only two choices... either you try this, or we'll all use this. Nothing more, nothing less.
I know that my SS objected to the minty ones because he said it was too 'spicy' meaning they were just too strong for him when he was little. He does have a sensitive plate to spicy and minty stuff. So, we used all those bubble gum ones while he was little. They are fine if they are a reputable brand.
Teeth decay really happens from poor care of the teeth... meaning if they aren't flossing or using mouthwash or not brushing their teeth REGULARLY... you can't expect to just brush your teeth once a day and nothing more. Also, how long is she brushing her teeth for? Is she really brushing in all areas? We use the 3 minute rule. We have a timer in the bathroom. SS sets it, gets his toothbrush ready with toothpaste, and when it's ready to put it in his mouth and brush, he starts the timer. When it goes off, he's done, flosses and rinses. I also check his teeth periodically to make sure that there isn't any build up, and if there is... I go make him brush for five minutes! LOL
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
My ss hasn't had any cavities yet and he is almost 12. He is just switching over to adult toothpaste now.Up until now he used the kids kind. He uses mouthwash(Crest) after each time he brushes. Bm has never taken him to the dentist. We starting taking him when he was 4 because Bm wasn't taking him (he was still living with Bm at the time).
The adult toothpaste says on the back that kids can use it as long as they are of the age to not swallow it. They can't keep using kid stuff forever.