What's example you have of parent alienation?
What's the worst thing bioparent has done to alienate stepkids?
Overall for us it would be her sucessful alienation of SD from us that never ends, but a specific example is this:
When our daughter was around 1, BM told SS (he was about 9) that if the child that she miscarried before him had lived that SS wouldn't have been born because his dad only wanted two kids.
Keep in mind that we have SD, SS and BD which = THREE kids.
This statement accomplished two things in the BMs eyes. She alienated SS from his father because she insinuated DH wouldn't have wanted him AND she insinuated that DH didn't want his third child, our BD.
SS was so upset about this that he (thankfully) approached DH about it tearfully. SD would have never spoken to him about it and that is why she is so distant now. These things that BM says have never been cleared up with her.
DH talk was perfect and SS came out knowing that he is wanted and loved and that BD is as well. SS now knows that DH thinks his life wouldn't have been complete without SS, BD or me even if it wasn't what he'd planned for. Plans change.
I've got a good long list and can add to it daily
1) BM told SD that Daddy never wanted her - a sick twisted version of the truth. He had told BM before they ever got pregnant that he didn't think it was a good idea that they have kids, given her mental health (she's bipolar.) At least SD told him what BM had said so he could clear it up with her.
2) BM barred Daddy from SD's swim meets, saying she would pull SD out of the program if he dared show up. BM said that since swimming was not paid for by him, that he had no right to be there. She then got her father to threaten him not to come. Then she proceeded to tell SD that she had given Daddy the schedule, but he had chosen not to come.
3) BM tells SD that Daddy has a new family (me and our daughter together) and that he now doesn't have time for her and prefers to be with us.
4) BM takes away Daddy's scheduled time with SD and then "generously" offers time to make up for it DURING WORK HOURS, which of course he has to decline since he needs to keep his job to pay 60% of his income to her for alimony and child support. BM then "proves" to SD that Daddy doesn't want to see her because he has a new family, as mentioned in #3.
5) BM badmouths Daddy to SD, saying that he's irresponsible, lazy, untrustworthy, and other unsavory (and untrue!) traits. SD goes to Daddy and asks him why Mommy says these things - so I'm hoping that means she doesn't believe her.
6) BM doesn't allow SD to call Daddy when she's with her (which is 90% of the time) and when Daddy calls SD, BM makes her get off the phone 30 seconds into the conversation. We got a cell phone for SD in order to keep in touch with her, but BM keeps it in the bottom of her purse uncharged, but is sure to send it with SD fully charged for our weekends together, and she proceeds to call her approximately 5 times a day - Friday night, Saturday and Sunday.
7) BM guilt trips SD about her relationship with us, saying things like "well if you love your OTHER family so much, why don't you just go live with them?" Her purpose in this is to ensure that SD will never ever EVER choose to live with us, knowing that her poor depressed mother is all by herself, without the love of her life, her only daughter.
There's more, but I'm tired of typing.
parent alienation.......
-like when ss wanted to come w/me & daughter to event, but the witch said no and made a stupid excuse like taking the dog for grooming! more like she needs the grooming not the dog!
-like when she emails my husband on schedule/update re: ss but does not cc me.
-like when i call ss mother to invite them, she doesn't answer her damn phone and screens it & decides whether or not to call me or ignore me.
this list can go on and on!
-happy mom
Long ago I prayed....
I don't go to church and most average acquaintances wouldn't think I'm religious (actually my steps probably don't think I'm religious), but I am.
I used to pray for so much direction in this situation. I'd pray for reprieve, I'd pray for strength and on and on.
About two years ago I had an epiphany and prayed for God to bless us all with the BM becoming enlightened to her ways. I prayed that God would make her see what her manipulation and alienation was doing to her children.
I don't think it has worked, but it made me feel better. It made me realize that there are many, many things with this that I must simply leave up to God. The hatred and and trying to fix things that I had no control over was making me insane. I was obsessed.
I still think about things a lot, but I can focus on other things and started up hobbies that I love to reroute that passion to.
I have been at this for a long time now. The best advice I can give younger people is the old addage that goes something like "change what you can and leave the rest up to God". That's probably quoted totally wrong, but that's the message.
Alienation is painful to everyone involved. It serves no purpose. All I've ever wanted is neutrality. I pray for that too.
Alienation...-Deny him
-Deny him visitation and then tell the kids that Daddy can't pick them up because he is too busy with his "new" family.
-Won't tell us who the kids' doctors or teachers are, then changes doctors/schools if we happen to find out so that we won't have access to information about the kids.
-Won't answer the phone when we call, erases messages we leave on the machine, deletes the emails we send to the kids before they've read them, intercepts UPS man and throws away presents, then tells kids that Daddy didn't send them a Christmas/birthday gift.
-Attempted to keep the kids away from our wedding. (It was to be a family ceremony uniting us and our kids as a family, not just us as husband and wife. But we eventually tricked her and got around that.)
-Told the kids that he wasn't paying his child support because he had a new baby that was getting all the money. (Would you believe we actually had to show the oldest daughter a letter from our bank to the judge that showed that our bank account was set up for automatic transfers from our account to hers and that he had NEVER missed or was even late for one payment?!)
-Pointed out that because Daddy had a new family to support, he couldn't take them on great vacations, buy them expensive gifts, make time to go to their school functions, etc. like she could.
-Refused to tell us when kids were hospitalized, then told them that we didn't care or we'd have gone to visit them in the hospital. This happened twice with two different kids. One child was even hit by a car and he didn't find out until several months later.
-The two younger ones have learning disabilities and I think she intimated to them that Daddy loves his "new" kids better because they don't have "problems."
-Won't answer the phone when Grandma calls, erases Grandma's voice mails, tells the kids that Daddy's mom doesn't care about them.
-Tells them that Daddy has replaced them with his "new" kids.
-Tells them that I hate their mother and so I can't possibly love them.
-Guilts them into saying lies about us and into saying that they don't want to visit with us.
-Encouraged the kids to call their stepfather Daddy.
-Won't let the kids call or email Daddy. Never encourages them to send them a card or call him on Father's Day, his birthday, holidays, special occasions. Has them celebrate Father's Day with their stepfather and ignore their father.
I could go on and on. Sadly, she has pretty much achieved her goal of alienating my husband from the kids. He is successful in getting them on the phone maybe once a month and, since we live so far away, he never gets to see them. They are now teenagers, so I think he is biding his time until they turn 18, then he is going to tell them the unvarnished truth about how his attempts to be a father to his children were thwarted by their mother over the years. I think they already know some of this. It's so sad! He's such a great dad, too.
~ Anne ~
There Always Another Side
I like to know what the other side is. When you said you guys tricked her, that may be why she has chosen to move on and I can understand why she didn't want the kids at your wedding. Why do men have two kids and then go on to have more? I think thats very irresponsible and for men that cheat or leave for other women they should expect that the ex and kids don't want anymore contact. (not saying yours did that). But theres always two sides, and OFTEN the bm and kids have legit reasons for their lack of respect of dad.
In your situation if they are ignoring you, its probably time to back off and see if they come around. If their calling the stepdad DAD then it may be because their closer to him. Often whoever ends up raising the kids they are more attached. Either way I see nothing wrong with calling him dad also. Just hope he is good to them and attentive. JMO
Was this directed at me?
I sure hope not, because not only are you not in the same ballpark, you're not even on the same planet.
She cheated on him, several times, even got pregnant by someone else and eventually it was still SHE that left HIM. I didn't come along until well after the divorce was final. We didn't trick her about the wedding date, we just didn't tell her when it the wedding would be because the first three times we tried to get visitation for our wedding, she pulled the kids at the last minute and ruined our wedding. THREE TIMES.
The kids don't want to call their stepdad DAD, they don't even like him. He's been arrested umpteen times for beating up their mother in front of them. I'm sorry, but the way you see it is cockeyed.
As for our decision to have children together, well, why wouldn't we want to have children together? We got married, we loved each other, we were fine financially and we wanted to have a family together. Just like any other couple. Frankly, if we could do it financially, we'd probably have one or two more. Why would the existence of other children from a prior marriage have any bearing on that?!
Here's the other side... she was a very jealous and insecure person who got even more jealous and more insecure when he married me. Our having kids together pushed her off the edge. Her bitterness poisoned his relationship with their kids. There's no legit reason for this and anyone who witnessed the events firsthand would know that. But I'll cut you some slack, since you don't know what you're talking about. Merry Christmas.
~ Anne ~
Other SIDE???? Annoymous,
Other SIDE???? Annoymous, Do you think that the 'other side' is justified in playing these CRUEL games with thier own CHILDREN. As long as the Dad cheated ..or something along those lines...the mother is then free to inflict as much emotional pain as she possilby can on a defenseless child!!??
To F*$% up the 'cheater' and 'so what if the kid is collateral damage' ......as long as he hurts...mission accomplished? You don't really believe that...
We all know there is two sides to every story....but no matter what happens....that doesn't justify playing cruel, hurtful games with childrens lives.
You seem a little stuck on this 'cheating man thing'...it seems to seep into alot of your comments. Did this happen to you? I only ask because you seem....I can't find the right word..I don't know if 'bitter' is the right word...but you seem 'hypersensitive' or it strikes a nerve..or something....?
I know you don't owe me an explanation or anything....I realize you already consider me 'a morally challenged folk'....but I am curious.
It is sad...
It is sad that the (I like the word that you used) "collateral damage" seems to be the children. It is hard for people to get beyond their own hurt to see the other person in their former relationship as good. It is really horrible that the games that people play with each other's heads as adults may impact the children for life in some way. It is hard for everyone to understand...I am sure...because for everyone who is married to a great guy who does his best for his kids on this site, there are not so great guys who suck at parenting or who are absent from their children's lives by their own selfish choice. That is equally sad. Nobody can evaluate and understand someone's personal life situation but themselves.
Hold on a minute...
First of all, how is it irresponsible for men to have more than two children? That makes absolutely no sense. There are plenty of well-adjusted, healthy LARGE families in the world. The number of children that you have does not equate to your level of irresponsibility.
Secondly, I don't see anywhere where Anne brought up her man cheating on his ex wife. How does that even pertain to the discussion?
Thirdly, and most importantly, how does anything you've said justify someone using their children as a weapon against the other parent? I don't care how hurt or pissed you are as an ex, playing games and using your children as artillery against your ex is cruel and should never be tolerated or commended. No child deserves to be hurt as collateral damage secondary to their parent's "lack of respect" for the other parent. You can disrespect someone all you want, but hurting your own children in an effort to hurt their other parent will NEVER be right.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
"I think thats very
"I think thats very irresponsible and for men that cheat or leave for other women they should expect that the ex and kids don't want anymore contact."
Why would a man expect that his kids don't want any more contact because his marriage to their mother did not work out? If a woman leaves her husband, for whatever reason, does that mean her kids do automatically do not want contact with her?
Purposely keeping children away from their father is CHILD ABUSE. Period. Let me guess, you are abusing your children? SICKENING.
How's this one?
BM told SS that DH would be worth more to them dead than alive. She went on to do calculations from life insurance and Social Security to give him actual dollar amounts. SS repeated this word for word to all of the kids at the family camp WE took him to.
SS was promptly ostracized by all of the kids, including mine, (whose father IS actually dead) for the rest of the camp week.
What a heartless piece of work BM is!
Parental Alienation
*Telling SS that he can have a friend sleep over--only on nights when he is supposed to be with his father. (Naturally, the child then wants to stay home)
*Saying he can't visit because he has to go to a baby shower???
*Buying 10 yo rate M video games after I banned them from my home
*teaming up with BM #1 (yup, there's two)to plant wild ideas in child's head. (BM#1 is drug user, in/out of shelters, hasn't visited in four years, more on that another time) having SS tell 5 year old, "(I) she is not your mother. She won't let your real mother come to see you..."
*NOT telling DH why ss was ordered to go to extra counseling by school guidance counselor
and finally...
*telling SS that his last name has been changed to new husband's. Having him leave phone msg, "This is Johny Blue...", when his name is Johnny Red. SS even said to SS #2, "Dad is not my Dad anymore."
Pathetic, isn't she?
She's a prize.
We are afraid that if we take her to court for contempt, she will begin a barrage of police and CPS phone calls, false reports, etc. In fact, I just know that is the route she would go. Heck, she even wanted to know if I wore a bikini around the kids in the summer. (which I usually don't, but I bought one for the occasion.)
...and another question...
is there ANY way to deal with Parental Alienation other than going back to court?
DH and I are honestly worried that BM will go absolutely nuts if we take her back on contempt.
We both figure she will unload ruthlessly on SS. "The judge says you have to go, even though I don't want you to.." "Too bad you can't stay with me, I was going to take you to________" "What is that little bruise on your leg? Don't be afraid to tell me if ______hit you, because if they did, you wouldn't have to go there anymore, then we could be together..."
You get the picture. I am petrified of her, or rather the damage she knows she could inflict on everyone I love...
classic parental alienation......
If you read my blog you will see what has happened in our situation. We live it. The BM is nuts and has been ruthless in her attempts to alientate the girls against their dad, myself, and our son.... She has been successful with the oldest sd, but the yougest - bless her heart - she has remained immune.... somehow the yougest will listen to her mom but with she is with us has no problem with anyone. The oldest will throw you breadcrumbs of nice-ness but we walk on eggshells, she has carried her mothers anger....
Whenever we have fought for our rights for visitaion, the girls and everyone else (ex inlaws, grandparents, etc) have suffered tremendously... when we finally backed off for their sake, the girls were happier not having the mothers wrath on them, but my DH and I suffered... I dont know what the answer is... I would really be interested in what adult children from a situation like this would say about it, what their non custodial parent should do....
Parental Alienation 101
BM in my situation does some strange things. I don't know if some of it classifies as alienation.
Like everyone else here, I could go on and on with the ridiculous things she has done. It seems that the list gets longer every day. I really just wish that she would stop letting her anger run her life and see how much she's hurting SS when she does these things. We're trying so hard to make life easier for him and show him how much we love him, but it's so hard and discouraging when every time we turn around she's done something else or started another lie that we have to fix or explain.
I've tried so hard to look at things from her perspective and see what WE may have done that SHE could perceive as an attack and probable cause for this behavior...but honestly, I can't come up with anything. We only speak to her when she calls us, we only email her in response to emails she sends to us, we are polite and try to be understanding in all of our contact with her, we are non-threatening and non-assumptive when we do correspond with her, we don't talk about our relationship or future plans with her, we've never unnecessarily taken her to court or had our lawyers contact her, we pay child support on time plus extra to make up for arrears. I really don't see what she could have a problem with other than the fact that I exist and she's not married to BF anymore. Well, you know what, I may not like the color blue, but the sky will always be blue no matter how I feel about it, and I can't go around making everyone's life hell because of something that has nothing to do with me and I cannot change.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
My alienation has been going on for 11 yrs. Basically X Husband attacked me and the police made him leave our home. This was before the domestic abuse laws that are in place now. He went straight to the courthouse the following morning and had a PO on me, before I could even find a ride to get one on him. Basically I had to leave the premises. I didn't have money, transportation, etc... I took our daughter with me. After a couple of days I ran out of places to go. So I returned her to her father, so that she could at least have her own bed, etc... That was the WORSE mistake I have EVER made. He took our daughter across country and filed for divorce. He went as far as changing our locks and hand our keys over to the apartment managers. I managed to salvage a few things from the dumpster. I called his dad's, where he took her, repeatedly but they would tell me that he and her weren't there. After a few months, he contacted me. He let me talk to her, but we argued about him wanting me to come back to him. That was the last time I heard my daughter's voice until I found him this year. He had been moving from state to state all these years. But, once again he has cut me off from her.