Meaningless annoyance
I wanted to ask what are those little things that annoy you abut this kind of family life but really aren't that big of a deal.
For example when the kids are over it means I have to ware a shirt to bed. We have cats so our door is rarely fully shut so that's not an option. It's really no big deal in the larger picture but still a tiny annoyance.
Anyone got anything else? You know just the small stuff. Not the things that make us question if we really want to stay in these relationships.
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I have to wear a dressing
I have to wear a dressing gown all the time. With your own kids it is ok to nip downstairs in your nightie.
Exactly. That's why I say
Exactly. That's why I say it's a meaningless annoyance lol.
Wait is that your stepkid or
Wait is that your stepkid or just some random person on the street because really I feel that way about 100x a day.... maybe... no really I'm calm and nonviolent.
I hate having to wear a bra
I hate having to wear a bra even in my pj's.
i never wore clothes to bed
i never wore clothes to bed whether the kids were home or not! }:)
what annoyed me the MOST was when MY PERSONAL ITEMS were used. i ended up taking all my shower $#!t and putting it in a caddy stashed in my bedroom, along with my bathtowel. this got a bit better after we moved to a place where the master has it's own bathroom, but kaos would still badger dh to shower in MY EFFING SHOWER - nope, sorry kid.
the final straw was my personal pink comb. for the umpteenth time i saw it in his possession, i told him "keep your hands off of stuff that doesn't belong to you. you REALLY have no idea what it could be used on...." not two weeks later, i saw it in his room. i grabbed it, marched right up to him and asked what it was doing on his bed. he started with excuses, then i cut him off and very clearly informed him of that particular comb's function in my personal care. he never touched it again..... }:) }:) }:) }:) }:) }:) }:) }:)
oh yes. things I have had
oh yes. things I have had 'used' by skids:-
my hair tongs on her nit ridden hair
My suede boots.
A nice black tunic dress
re: SS
The hair conditioner kept disappearing. It got used up much quicker that I ever could use it (put your minds at work on that one :sick: )
My eyebrow tweezers - god knows what for.
Sticky tapes of various kinds.
Plastic bags, various weird other objects.
If he wants it he just takes it, never asks and never returns it. At the moment no one is admitting to the taking of the kitchen scissors.
* but I digress and sorry to hijack the op post.
ah, the disappearing
ah, the disappearing conditioner. and long, hot, steamy showers.... the joys of living with teenage boys - NOT.
for kaos, the item in question was a funny-shaped comb with a handle that i would use to guard my sensitive girlie bits from the clipper blades while trimming up the carpet. you should have seen his face when i told him }:)
I hated wearing a bra when SS
I hated wearing a bra when SS and his endless amount of friends were around.
That's why I wear the
That's why I wear the dressing gown/robe. I dont want jiggly bits being seen. The skids were always staring.
I guess the minor annoyance
I guess the minor annoyance was just the preponderance of extra stuff..mess... naturally created when there were an extra two people in the house.
Oh and the half drunk water bottles..
All you guys and your bras!
All you guys and your bras! My mother didn't even put a bra on when she first met SO.
In fact she yelled out the window "Do I need to put a bra on for this?"
Yeah ma. This is a bra-on occasion.
Didn't matter.
DH makes fun of me. He says I
DH makes fun of me. He says I should just let them be free!
Mine says, "Put those things
Mine says, "Put those things away, they're dangerous!"
I hate that SS27 doesn't
I hate that SS27 doesn't knock before he comes in. Actually, he does knock and then just comes right in anyway, pretty much negating the knock. DH gets all butthurt when I say anything about it, so I don't anymore, but one of these days SS is going to catch me in my underwear and I'm going to be pissed. I'll see what DH has to say about it then.
SS using my washer and dryer. He does it most of the time when I'm not home so it's not big deal but DH always dumps whatever is in the dryer of ours on the couch and it just sits there till I fold it (more of a DH problem I know, but if SS did not use the machines, my loads could stay in there as long as I want).
We have a long driveway that fits 3 cars behind each other and SS parks his at the top and rarely uses it because he has a motorcycle. But when he needs it or has to put it back in the driveway after using it, DH and I have to move our cars, and it's always just a bad coincidence that SS asks at the Mose inopportune times, it NEVER fails.
LOL!!! My SS has some sort
LOL!!! My SS has some sort of phobia about nudity. I have no idea why. When he was around 13 or so, he walked into mine and DH's bedroom. I had panties on and nothing else. Nudity doesn't bother me at all, so I just stood there in all my glory and asked him what he wanted. The look on his face was hilarious!! DH calmly walked to the door and told him to knock next time and then shut the door. Then we cracked up for the next hour replaying SS's face over and over again.
That all my food gets eaten
That all my food gets eaten on weekends when my SSs are with us, even things I bought specifically for myself..even more annoying when one of them decides they want to "try" something I bought for myself, tries it, realizes they don't like it, and then either leaves it sitting there half eaten or throws it out.
You'll have to hide your
You'll have to hide your snacks.
If I buy something that I
If I buy something that I know I want to eat, I do hide it - both from DH and from SSs! I've learned my lesson...
They no longer come over,
They no longer come over, and you'll see why. They analyze and count every photo in the house of any person; they scrutinize all your furnishings, they question your husband about both of these...why, why and why? They have issues with anything you own, anything you do, anything you cook, any present you give them, anything you say, anything you do not say, anyway you look, anyway your house looks, anything on your walls, or your get it--- anything. And, after their visit they brief DH on all they hurt feelings ad nauseum, and how they do not like anything, and anything-- about you. Every visit is predictable. It's ALL the little things that add up.
Not anymore.....No more of their hatred and jealousy in of my home. :-).
Princess walking around in
Princess walking around in her gstring and crop top..... funny enough only if there was visitors...
Eventually only SO's brother's would stop by, but that stopped as well... SO asked why and they simply said, we do not want to see your 15 year old daughter parading her good.... SO talked to her and she said, oh please they need to grow up we are family..
Messy not cleaned house,
SO always not finding his keys
The baby voice when Princess wants something...
Not knocking and simply walking into our room like it was hers
I can go on and on...
Submitted by wineisthecure on
Submitted by wineisthecure on Mon, 02/19/2018 - 7:39pm.
"I have to look at his smug little face and can't slap it"
Oh yes
I can identify!! When my SDs used to come over EOW (glory be for the "used to"!) they used to secrete filthy knickers and used sanitary pads in their room and I used to find them after they'd gone - lovely. :sick:
They used to leave all appliances, lights, TV, computer etc on in their room and go out. I used to go in there after they'd gone and turn everything off. SD21 tried to get me in trouble once with her Dad for turning off the computer while she was out, because she'd been in the middle of a game! I was unrepentant and said I would continue to do exactly the same. When she's paying the electricity bill, THEN she can leave everything on, not before.
Taking them to the doctors to
Taking them to the doctors to find out "someone" (wonder who....) has taken me off the approved list again... So DH has to call and say I'm not some crazy woman coming in with a sick kid... Though I don't even get that... The kid is sick, I have her medical card, and I'm willing to pay to get the kid healthy... So why won't you just look at her??? Same thing with check-outs. I suspiciously have a tendency to vanish off the approved list. Except at daycare... Where the daycare won't let BM take the kid due to past incidents...
Then simply stop taking skid
Then simply stop taking skid any where, either DH or BM can do it, simply call Dh and say, I'm removed from the list, I will bring her to you and you can deal with this... and you do it. Refuse to play care taker, and if DH gets angry, smile and say, you are angry at the wrong person, I did nothing wrong, call BM to deal with it
We're all trying to play nice
We're all trying to play nice right now. We're serving BM shortly. As we haven't heard a single word since Christmas from her. BM's BM even took them for a few days this weekend, BM didn't bother to show up and see them for even a few minutes. Positive. 2 months ZERO contact and only an hour before that ended with a text that says "I'm done with them, come get them" an hour early. Looks SUPER good for DH already.
The doctor was a special case... He normally handles that, she just got strep and DH had a test, and obviously BM isn't ever anywhere to be found, so I offered, then promptly got annoyed. And the check out was because he got stuck behind an accident and I had a meeting in 20, so only way I could grab her was if I ran and checked her out.
But I have backed down on some things, which has worked better for everyone. I get even a single whine from SD4 in the morning and she becomes his problem. Like this morning, where she threw a fit, and I made him deal with it and take her to school. Oops!
It's made me a much happier person.
The constant staring! SS8
The constant staring! SS8 will just sit and stare at you, it's creepy! Especially if DH and I stop to kiss or embrace and he's a few feet away just staring at us, ugh.
Also, SS has serious personal space issues and follows DH around everywhere and gets up in his face constantly. He does it so much it even annoys me! Especially when he's waiting outside the bathroom door for DH to come out, like give the guy some space already, geez. Luckily he doesn't do that with me.
Oh, and having to eat with him. I enjoy cooking family dinners and sitting at the dinner table about 3 or more times a week. Unfortunately at least 2 of those times SS is also there and his table manners are terrible and even worse I have "misophonia" and the smacking of the food literally drives me insane!
ew, the personal space thing
ew, the personal space thing is annoying AF. the boys used to jostle for the closest up-in-daddy's-face spot - i mean really, the whole world can hear you, you don't need to be 8 inches from his face to talk to him!
there were quite a few years that i refused to go out to eat with them due to their manners and smacking. i never sat at the table with them for meals at home or at the IL's. thank GOD they grew out of that!!!
during the night, kaos used to walk RIGHT PAST the bathroom (with a bright-ass night light) to our room, just to tell hubby "daddy i gotta pee". and apparently to him, sound does not travel through doors - talking through doors was impossible for him. as a child, he'd just walk right on in and stand next to dh's side of the bed before speaking. as a teen, he has to at minimum open the door to make eye contact while he speaks. *rme*
I haven't went to a
I haven't went to a restaurant with SS in a LONG time, but at home it's harder to avoid considering I like to cook and want to cook for my girls and DH.
I also have misophonia. There
I also have misophonia. There are days at work when I have to wear earplugs because two people nearby are horribly loud eaters. Crunching chips open-mouthed, slurping soup/chili. And the silverware clinking on a glass bowl. Aaaaaaaaaargh!!!
So... I suggest you get some earplugs.
Several months back our
Several months back our company restructured, I relocated to another building and lost my office and was assigned a cubicle, it's the worst! I have headphones in at least half the day!
And yep, I also wear earplugs at home sometimes! I buy them in bulk, lol.
Woman, I wear earplugs AND
Woman, I wear earplugs AND headphones. Unfortunately, I have "bionic" hearing and can still hear stuff when I play music over the headphones. Argh.
One thing I loathe... people who chew with their mouths OPEN. Because I WANT to see half-masticated scrambled eggs or green beans. :sick:
Yours is similar to mine. We
Yours is similar to mine. We always sleep with our door wide open for air circulation. Old house - doesn't get good air in every room.
When skids are over, we close the door and I always wake up sweaty. Boo.
Also hate changing TV habits and other rhythms of life when they're general. Can't think of a specific instance at this moment, but I know I will.
Also hate when my SD ignores me and thoughtlessly chases a feral cat into the crawlspace / into our walls.
DFTT - Same here! I have to
DFTT - Same here! I have to wear clothes to bed. I have been sleeping naked since a teen but the dog needs to get in and out of our room so we leave it cracked. Sometimes it's mostly closed and sometimes he pushes fully open.
Other one - SS15 using my bathroom products. Even after telling him he just thought well if its in the bathroom and/or shower its open to all. Unfortunately we only have one bathroom so those expensive scrubs, lotions, etc have to go in and out of the bathroom with me. I keep them hidden in my bedroom.
I wish my OSS would have
I wish my OSS would have bathed, period! LOL! Even when he showered, he'd come out with dry hair. The body wash in his shower went down about half an inch in 6 months. :sick:
We went out with YSD and SIL
We went out with YSD and SIL yesterday and they talked about farts and burping the whole time. My family never talks about stuff like that. I can never get used to this but oh well. Both YSD and SIL are lovely women, just not lady like. Very foreign for me
Being stared at all. The.
Being stared at all. The. Time. The skids would just stand there and stare. When I'd ask if they wanted something...they'd just STARE. Freakin' creepy as hell.
Also, YSS using the undersides of my couch cushions as his personal booger receptacle.
Those are kind of beyond minor annoyances, but still.