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OT - Melancholy Monday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Let's face it: Mondays are the longest day of the week. I'm feeling blue and blah, so let's have some fun with FAVORITES!!


Thing about each season:
Spring: the Jam Pot opens!
Summer: the fresh fruit selection
Fall: the smell
Winter: EVERTYHING - cold and snow are my life

Pie: Rhubarb

Food to AVOID: Beef liver

Color of ink for writing: Purple

Flower: Stargazer lilies and carnations

Thing(s) to wear when cold: Finlandia sweatpants, a tank top, a SISU sweatshirt, and fuzzy socks.


Ninji's picture

Thing about each season:
I live in FL
Winter - can enjoy the outside
The rest - can be lazy inside without feeling guilty because it's Africa hot outside

Pie: Chocolate Pecan

Food to AVOID: Raw onions

Color of ink for writing: Blue

Flower: I don't have one favorite but I do like live plants more than cut flowers.

Thing(s) to wear when cold: DH's Miami Hurricanes sweatshirt and PJ pants

advice.only2's picture

Thing about each season:
Spring: Two days out of the year that are perfect for sitting outside
Summer: I think we are near a vent to hell so it lasts from March-November/December
Fall: I love fall I want to live in fall weather!
Winter: I think we might get one or two days of cold.

Pie: Cherry

Food to AVOID: Grits (yes I've tried them)

Color of ink for writing: black, like my soul

Flower: carnations and daisy

Thing(s) to wear when cold: Leggings, cozy sweater and boots

momjeans's picture

Thing about each season:
Spring: Flowering trees - magnolia, dogwood, crepe myrtle
Summer: Sunshine! Soaking-up that sweet vitamin D
Fall: Baking, homemade soups
Winter: No bugs!

Pie: Chocolate pecan

Food to AVOID: Organ meat

Color of ink for writing: Black

Flower: dahlia, peony, English rose (I cannot pick just one - I love flowers!)

Thing(s) to wear when cold: At home... black stretch pants, oversized sweater, wool sock and Camper Wabi slippers.

queensway's picture

Things about each season:
Spring: watching trees bloom
Summer: picnics
Fall: color change, cool nights, Halloween
Winter: Christmas, snow and fire in the fireplace

Pie: Apple

Food to avoid: ??? I think I like everything. LOL

Color of ink for writing: black

Flower: Daisy

Things to wear when cold: My favorite old sweater. And a warm blanket to cuddle when sitting on the couch.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Queensway, I have an oversized old sweater I keep at our family place. I think it's a men's tall because it comes down over my butt. But it's soft and warm and cozy!

witch.hazel's picture

Spring: Birds singing, letting you know the winter is over!
Summer: Never having to be cold
Fall: the smell (second that)
Winter: The "Christmas spirit"- the holiday season. Rest of winter can go.

Pie: Cherry

Food to AVOID: Shallots

Color of ink for writing: Rainbow

Flower: blue bells

Thing(s) to wear when cold: over the knee boots, leggings, big warm sweater.

classyNJ's picture

Thing about each season:
Spring: My birthday!

Summer: Outside on the deck at night with SO and cocktail and light flowey skirts

Fall: Smells, leaves, walking thru the woods, bonfires, Halloween

Winter: Cooking.

Pie: Banana cream

Food to AVOID: Creamed spinach :sick:

Color of ink for writing: Black

Flower: Sunflower

Thing(s) to wear when cold: Leggings, t-shirt with sweatshirt over, wool socks

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Creamed spinach is DISGUSTING!! So is creamed corn. :sick:

AJanie's picture


Thing about each season:
Spring: Sun goes down later
Summer: Lounging around outside
Fall: Pumpkins, in general. Pumpkin coffee, candles, etc.
Winter: Copying another poster - no bugs. I generally dislike winter.

Pie: Apple

Food to AVOID: Tuna

Color of ink for writing: Red

Flower: Rose

Thing(s) to wear when cold: fleece pants and this worn out gray sweater I have.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

AJanie, do you eat pumpkin spice on everything? Pop tarts, oatmeal, steak rub... Wink

24 years as a SM's picture


Thing about each season:
Spring: blooming Cherry trees
Summer: Veggie garden, rafting
Fall: Fall leaf colors
Winter: reading a good book in front of the fireplace.

Pie: Peacan

Food to AVOID: Snails

Color of ink for writing: Purple

Flower: Jasmine & honeysuckle
Thing(s) to wear when cold: sweatshirt & sweatpants with fur-lined boots

mommadukes2015's picture

Thing about each season:
Spring: WARMTH. Mud.
Summer: More warmth. And bon fires.
Fall: Cool warmth. Colors, smells, pumpkins, apples, donuts, Halloween.
Winter: There are no ticks or mosquitos or horseflies.
Pie: Banana cream
Food to AVOID: OLIVES yucko.
Color of ink for writing: black
Flower: Dinner plate Dahlias
Thing(s) to wear when cold: SLANKET. I forget what it's called now, snuggie!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

SLANKET sounds like a nickname for "slut blanket" and I imagine BioHo kept one in her car to keep from getting grass/grass stains all over her clothes.... ~snicker~

mommadukes2015's picture

bahahhaha Slanket is a cuddle slut.

She's actually a blanket with sleeves. And a hoodie pocket for snackies.

mommadukes2015's picture

You know the little piece of fabric they sew on the front of hoodies? The one that you can get Chinese finger-trapped in if you try to stick both arms all the way through? (don't ask). Slanket has one of those.

The hoodie itself does go on your head, I would advise against trying to put your head in the pocket though. If you try, pics Blum 3

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Um, mommadukes, I am NOT gonna try and put my head in the pocket!! LOL

Cover1W's picture

Spring: The rain starts slowing down and longer days are certain. But allergies!
Summer: Sunshine! Warmth! Light till 10 pm! Outdoor stuff to do All Day!
Fall: The rain starts. Bummer.
Winter: 38 degrees and rain. And wind. And we hope for snow for a chance it's going to shut down all driving anywhere.

Pie: apple with a slice of cheddar and a cup of good coffee.

Food to AVOID: marshmallows. Is that a food? Otherwise, raw onion too - and it's everywhere!

Color of ink for writing: Blue

Flower: lilacs

Thing(s) to wear when cold: Smartwool! Head to toe. Buy on sale in off may clash but you'll be warm!

Simpleton21's picture

Spring: Everything is blooming and bright and beautiful and the cold weather is finally almost gone Smile

Summer: Stays light out longer and hiking with the kids!

Fall: The changing colors of the leaves and again hiking!

Winter: Not much I like about the dreaded winter...I guess the holidays are nice sometimes...snow days when I can actually stay home aren't bad!

Pie: Apple with the crumble topping or pumpkin with whip cream or buttercream...I actually won't turn down any pie

Food to AVOID: Fish!!!!!

Color of ink for writing: Blue

Flower: I don't have a favorite. I like the wild ones but don't know the names of them.

Thing(s) to wear when cold: pajama pants and warm socks!

bananaseedo's picture


Thing about each season:
Spring: Everything- planting season, flowers, life!
Summer: I'll agree with the fruits and grilling outdoors
Fall: Fav season of the year- minus the excess leaves making a mess ha!
Winter: I'm growing to like it...we can hike w/the dog w/out dying of heat and no ticks or fleas!

Pie: Apple

Food to AVOID: ANYTHING Garlic

Color of ink for writing: Green

Flower: Hydrangeas and Lillies

Thing(s) to wear when cold: Sweatpans, hoodies, anything SOFT warm and fuzzy....but easily removed (perimenopause hot flashes).

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture


Thing about each season:
Spring: The smell! And the rain!
Summer: Swimming!!!
Fall: Perfect running weather!
Winter: I miss the snow! Sad I have nothing good to say about winter here... It only snowed like twice... And they shut down all the roads and I almost got hit by other cars like 12 times day one.

Pie: apple!

Food to AVOID: Pineapple...

Color of ink for writing: Black (like my soul...)

Flower: Poppies! I think they’re pretty!

Thing(s) to wear when cold: sweats or these fleece leggings I have and my husband’s hoodies...

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture


Thing about each season:
Spring: opening all the windows and letting the fresh smell in
Summer: long days
Fall: sweaters and boots
Winter: cozy snow days

Pie: Apple with vanilla bean ice cream

Food to AVOID: Asparagus

Color of ink for writing: Black

Flower: Lilacs

Thing(s) to wear when cold: Fleece PJ pants, cabin socks, slippers, and a hoodie

Valkyrie's picture

Thing about each season:
Spring: new life, the daffodils and freesias bloom
Summer: the smell of salt water and tropical flowers, balmy nights, barbecues and pina coladas
Fall: whale migration starts
Winter: stargazing on the beach around a bonfire

Pie: key lime

Food to AVOID: 'manufactured meat' ie mystery meat comprised of pig butts and feet

Color of ink for writing: deep blue

Flower: orchids and frangipani

Thing(s) to wear when cold: fluffy hoodie, fuzzy socks, a snuggly blanky and a cat

thinkthrice's picture

Spring: tulips and daffodils, Easter
Summer: my garden
Fall: autumn colours, Thanksgiving
Winter: hot tubbing, Christmas
Pie: Lemon Meringue, Grape, Coconut cream
Food to AVOID: None. I like it all (except bologna)
Color of ink for writing: black
Flower: Hyacinth, Roses, Peonies, Poppies, Azalea
Thing(s) to wear when cold: hoodies, fleece pjs with vionic slippers.

Acratopotes's picture

WHat it was Monday already???

sorry have twins, yes they arrived on Sunday..... and they keep me busy, if they are not asleep they are pee-ing , eating my plants on the patio, chasing me around, eat so much I have to carry them to their basket, first have to wash those bloody long ears that's also in the porridge bowl...
get their toys together and when they do not see each other it's blue murder till they are together...

but they are so sweet sleeping.... one is always cuddling with the other one,

yeah I have 2 Bassets pup, brother and sister, since birth he was very protective of this one little female, and I took them both..