In Conjunction With Schnookie's Post on "Adulting"
Walked into the dollar store to pick up some bulk greeting cards and there, right before my eyes, were "Adulting" stickers!!! Had the caption of "Because Adulting is Hard!"
Some low lights were as follows:
1. I showered today
2. I shaved my legs today
3. I showed up for work today
4. I'm doing a good job of appearing as an adult
Etc. etc. You get the picture. I know this is supposed to be a gag but as they say, there's more truth in jest.
I supposed someone was going to capitalize on this at some point but just :barf: :barf: :barf:
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LOL I showered today, oh
LOL I showered today, oh wonderful here is your sticker. }:)
These were no doubt made for
These were no doubt made for Adult skids!
Do I get a sticker for each
Do I get a sticker for each thing I did? If so, gimme 4!!! Do I get a special prize when I have 10 stickers?
I literally have a "I can't
I literally have a "I can't adult today shirt." LMAO Unfortunately I still have to adult... Even when I have it on... Pity...
I didn't kill anyone today
AND I made it to work ON TIME. Do I get a sticker???
And speaking of adulting.
And speaking of adulting. SD19 posted on FB "I am unable to raise my grades myself so I'm putting them up for adoption" And of course the Girhippo thought that was hilarious... :barf:
you get sticker charts for
:jawdrop: you get sticker charts for adults now as well
LMAO. That's what I use for
LMAO. That's what I use for SD4 to keep her in bed!
What I really want is one of
What I really want is one of those adult coloring books with the cuss words!!!! Screw these stickers and cards!
ProbablyAlready...great job on not being a serial killer
I have one of those. It's
I have one of those. It's AMAZING.
I must get one now!
I must get one now!
Thanks It's been a close
It's been a close call a few times...
I want one! I look at them all the time and then talk myself down because I don't want to spend the money when I have bills. LMAO
They're great. Message me
They're great.
Message me your address and I'll send you one
you can download some for
you can download some for free from the internet as well lol.....
I will be doing a google
I will be doing a google search for them now! Thanks! Or I can just get myself one on Amazon I suppose. I am like ProbablyAlready and don't normally buy myself stuff. But since I was just accused of always putting SD last yesterday maybe I should make that true! }:)
If you get yourself one I'll
If you get yourself one I'll get one too!!!
If I may some of this seems
If I may some of this seems to be tied not to being an adult but to someone suffering from major depression. I find it offensive that people are JOKING about the struggles that truly ill people deal with on a daily bases. I have worked with people so sick they haven't showered in weeks, their hair so matted shaving it off completely was almost the only option. Going to work has become a dream since getting out of bed and getting dressed truly is a success.
This idea that basic life skills are a success for someone who can brag about it is a joke.
Depression can be caused by a
Depression can be caused by a lack of purpose (unemployment) or brought on by sheer boredom causing one to start focusing inwardly to an extreme. A spoiled child becomes a spoiled adult who is NEVER happy, NEVER pleased and therefore becomes depressed.
It can also be caused by
It can also be caused by chemical imbalance, sudden loss, and trauma.
Even if it is caused by lack of purpose / boredom the impact is still depression and should be acknowledged.
Depression isn't just sadness. It's not just I need to do something. It's a medical condition that is downplayed and flat out ignored. I don't care WHY someone became depressed they still deserve help to get out of it. Telling them they have no right because they were a spoiled child does nothing to help a person overcome depression and can only make it worse. You add to the feelings of worthlessness and guilt. Telling someone to snap out of it and go play isn't going to make clinical depression go away.
On top of it if they are a spoiled child then they are not to blame for the parents failure to raise them better. So their need for a sticker isn't on them but on the parents and society who raised / trained them that way.
Don't blame the kid who got the participation trophy for thinking that's good enough. Blame the team that gave it to them so that they never experienced inadequacy. We fail to actually raise children then blame them for the short comings. We fail our children when we don't tell them no and let them experience failure.
TINY example. As a adult I messed up and missed paying personal property taxes. Not my fault. No one in my whole life had told me what they were. I talked to my mom and she felt badish and actually reminded me for the next 2 years. I didn't blame her exactly because it wasn't just on her. It was my parents, the school, and general society who ignored the need to educate me on what personal property taxes were, when they are due, and when to pay them.
I don't know...I used to be a
I don't know...I used to be a big believer in the chemical imbalance thing, and I still think there's some truth to it...but I've read several well-researched articles lately saying that there's never been any solid scientific evidence for that theory, it was just heavily pushed in the eighties to sell drugs. Newer research is showing that chemical imbalance (of the over 40 factors that can contribute to depression) is one of the absolute lowest contributing factors. Objectively, exercise and changing sleep schedules does more to alleviate depression for the majority of sufferers than meds.
I think why someone became depressed is important precisely because it informs treatment.
And I work on the front line
And I work on the front line at an inpatient hospital for psychiatric care. I work with both axes I and II diagnoses. Most people dealing with depression don’t need to be told “go for a run” or “get some sleep” because they already know that. That’s one of the horrible things about this mental illness. You know you have no reason to be upset. No one else needs to tell you because you’re already beating yourself up with it. Depression isn’t just sadness that you can snap out of despite the way people present it. Depression is clinical long term episodes with major impacts on quality of life.
There are TON’s of research articles out there. I work with doctors who are writing some of them. I’ve worked with doctors who refused to hand out medication like candy and expect their clients to do the work. The thing is depression is a different beast. Medication isn’t going to solve it alone but medication makes its impact less. No medication is a cure all but you wouldn’t tell someone with a broken leg to go without a cast. Medication to me is like a cast. You can use it and allow yourself to head or you can slam your arm against concrete and complain when the vibrations hurt. Medication must be used correct.
Yes knowing the cause helps because with medication on board you can then treat the cause. No not everyone needs medication but then again this idea that people who are depressed are just spoiled adults who were spoiled children doesn’t improve the likelihood of getting better. Why try when people don’t support and just think you’re worthless anyways. Why take medication when people stigmatize it so much that people fear losing their jobs if their employers find out.
Yes exercise and sleep are important factors but I work with people who are in “prefect” health because they’ve fought for it. The face that monster every single day and they’ve won. I’ve lost those people too because when they went home their family told them they were less because of the medication they were on. I’ve seen a man who was twice my size cower in a corner because his depression told him he was worthless and the damage he had done to himself was shocking.
Chemical imbalances do exist. Maybe part of the issue now is we have people putting on these “I’ve adulted” stickers going to doctors expecting a magic fix that’s going to make it all easy. Maybe the issue is that as a society we have little to no understanding of what actually depression is. How many times to people say they are depressed over minor things or when they feel sad for a few moments? Life isn’t easy. It’s not magic rainbows and unicorns like parents are raising children to believe but that doesn’t down play true depression.