The unruly step daughters
:sick: I am so beside myself the past couple of days. Of course this has happened numerous times in the past. I had an issue with the youngest step daughter show is almost 19 years old. She has always lived with her mother but for the past year has been living with us as she is going to college full time. She has always had some issues with being over sensitive and has outbursts where I am always getting told that I will "never be her mother" or she cant stand me Im a bitch etc..... Each time this happens her dad always says to both of us "you guys knock it off" and puts me at the same level as the daughter. I think in doing this he has taught both girls that treating me like this is okay.
2 nights ago we were having a nice conversation about financial items and she got really defensive while telling her story. I told her she should try to not take things personally and she blew up at me and told me to F off B.I cant stand being around you she stormed out the door. This was the last straw for me and I opened that back door and told her that she had just crossed my boundary and that if she was going to speak to me like that she could find another place to live. I have quite honestly been dealing with this crap for over 10 years and I am sick and tired or dealing with the drama. life is too short.
As far as the daughter, she ended up over at her moms and then 2 hours later called her dad to tell him she was coming over to pack her stuff. He said whatever you want to do, ok do it. so 15 minutes later she was back at the house. I could see my husband wanted to go see her in her room so I told him he could...Next thing you know I am hearing the conversation between the 2 of them
She told him how much she disliked me from the start and now could not stand me. He asked her if she was going back to her moms and she said that she would rather live in her car. and the next thing I knew he was coddling her and telling her that she was welcome to just stay in our house..... :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
I was pissed to say the least. he never came and had a discussion with me to what should happen and the next thing I knew, she was going to get her bag to come home. Did I miss the boat here? Am I not a partner to this man? These are things I asked him and we of course got into a big fight.
I finally just went to bed sick to my stomach. He now had just put me into the bullpen with something that i had just told him broke my heart because both girls had always made hateful statements to me for years and this shit doesn't go away.....
Since , it is day 2 and I have not said shit to her.....I dont even know where to start....I need to set the boundaries with her and if she cant abide by them then she needs to move out. I asked my husband what his dad would have done had he said those words to him mom and he said he would have kicked my I think he gets it, but there is still the issue of the daughter....
Anyone have any suggestions on how I handle her? I am kind of done being the look the other way person......
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I was probably rambling cause
I was probably rambling cause there are so many other events I could list I cant count them all....I am sure now that I have found this site there will be a novel before I am done.
Whoa, I would be livid with
Whoa, I would be livid with your DH...he successfully reduced your role as his wife to equal that of his children and cemented it in place by overruling your demand that SD move out by letting her stay.
You are worried about boundaries for SD but the bigger question is why is she still there, especially after the way she talked to you? She may be an ass but you have a real DH problem on your hands...
How nice for your SD and DH.
How nice for your SD and DH. She can treat you like crap, your DH puts you at the same level as her, and then you have no say what goes on in your home. Awesome, I am sure this was what you were hoping for when you married him.
First your DH needs a huge kick. You need to let him know that you have been mistreated and sworn at too many times to count. It ends now. Either she apologizes or leaves. You also need to tell him you have equal authority. DH needs to apologize to you for diminishing what went down and made a unilateral decision about SD staying.
SD is playing daddy...."Sm is mean Id rather live in my car than go back to moms" my response would be "go live in your car". But of course DH soaked it right up and coddled the princess. So typical. I don't think I could ever live with a princess in my home. You need to get a stronger voice.
His comment to me is that he
His comment to me is that he doesnt want to be in the middle of the situation between the SD and myself. The issue is that there is no middle. She is disrespectful and at this point feels she has won the fight because Daddy told her she could stay. Trust me I have a voice ( a loud one) but at this point I am just sitting back to see what happens. I am in agreement, its time for princess to go be on her own.
I would tell DH either we are
I would tell DH either we are both contributing adults to this household and he daren't undermine me ever again. Or I am a paid servant and expect the going rate for a maid and bed partner which is according to my research $500 a day. He cannot have it both ways. The sad thing is his daughter is going to come up against people who pass comment on her for the rest of her life and blowing up and name calling and stomping out will get her arse fired/ evicted over and over again.
So he is welcome to leave with his daughter but her crap remarks are done in this home. She has to leave because she pushed you too far with her attitude and behavior you expect from a 5 yr old and not an adult. She has to leave today. The alternative is you leave and never ever come back. He may want to remember who married him and who will be there in sickness and in health because sure as eggs his daughter never made him such a promise.
If he doesn't deal with the situation by tomorrow morning, check into a motel. He has allowed this to continue too long. I have no respect for anyone who treats me like on of their kids. Well, except for my parents and even then they know I am the better daughter }:)
You are absolutely correct,
You are absolutely correct, shame on me for not stepping in that night to stop her in her tracks. I totally regret that now. I was more angry with him for putting words in my mouth like" she said you can stay" unfortunately this has happened before (not to this extreme), but my husband and I have spoke about it the past couple of days and he is in complete agreement that she needs to apologize to me. and after apologizing, we will be discussing her being here and the boundaries that are going to be set in the way she treats and talks to me....
she will also know that there will not be another time she is out for good.
And if she refuses to apologize then she will be out of this house.
DH will be pissed but that is just too bad. thanks so much
Your third paragraph would be
Your third paragraph would be spot on if this was the first time... but OP stated
"has outbursts where I am always getting told that I will "never be her mother" or she cant stand me Im a bitch etc"
So eff that. A coerced apology from someone who "always" says this kind of stuff is NOT okay. OP should stick to her original thought... SD has to go. If she's going to college full-time maybe she should live on campus, or go part-time and rent a room somewhere. No way would I allow ANY adult, including my own child or mama, to stay in my home while saying that they can't stand me or I'm a b!tch.
Your husband has allowed this, but you need to put an end to it. Be strong.
" we were having a nice
" we were having a nice conversation about financial items and she got really defensive while telling her story. I told her she should try to not take things personally and she blew up at me and told me to F off B.I cant stand being around you she stormed out the door."
What is a "nice financial conversation" with an eighteen year old barely adult? Especially when the conversation ends with you telling SD she shouldn't take things so personally and all h*ll breaks out?
I'm curious more than anything by asking. Lots of 18yr old females (well, males too) have the financial sense of a gnat. Does SD work part time, pay some token of rent, have some bills such as her phone, car insurance? Or just living at home with Dad and SM who are footing it all?
Besides the apology, I would think there should be some ground rules on not just respectful attitude and behavior, but also participating in a share of her expenses. If nothing else, it may help to 'teach' her some respect for how easy and lucky she is. Life is funny that way. One finds they don't get to have their cake and eat it too. Once SD hit adulthood living at home became a privilege. Something that is sometimes hard for our new found adults to comprehend. Their mouths tend to get bigger than their bitches, because ,well, they are all grown up and don't want to be told what to do or how to do it... yet there they are still living the child's life of living at home, driving vehicles parents either paid for or helped provide, phones at their fingertips which are provided and paid for by a parent, a fridge full of food (sometimes a cook to make dinner for them too).
Just something to think about. Perhaps your SD already does work and help pay for some of her expenses. But if not, it's time she did so. Along with any apology must come the realization that young adults must start acting like young adults. Not only in being respectful, but so too in acting responsible.
Wow, Im having flashbacks to
Wow, Im having flashbacks to the last few years, when Winona SD18 would lash out at me. She would say all types of super not nice things to me, and when I came back with honesty she would go ballistic on me. Of course, SO hear everything she said, and she would lie about what she said, but the veil was off, especially after this one big incident where she was verbally aggressive.
Once, after an argument when she was told she needed to apologize for being disrespectful, or she was not going with us to a music concert, she texted me this full-on diatribe starting with "sorry, not sorry..." like that Demi Lovato song. And included a screen cap of her contact name for me which was "crazy b!tch".
Winona also had "high sensitivities", and felt like she could treat all of us in any manner she wished. And felt like she could take anything she wanted from the refrigerator, and borrow anything she wanted from her younger sister. So I wasn't the only one she took from, and treated badly.
Luckily, SO realized that SHE was the problem. She has moved out to somewhere a few towns over, is working and is supposedly going to junior college. But the point is, her and her drama is out of our lives.
So now I just have Munchkin SD11 to worry about!!! Her personality is very different, but when she gets upset with me, what I do differently is I give her space, and then talk to her directly, instead of involving SO. I learned with the eldest, that if I involve SO, it will not go well for me. Whenever I have any sort of conflict, it is taken care of by me, and only me.
I don't get why your SD has been allowed to do this, for so long. He is enabling her to be disabled, not at all doing her any favors, she needs to take responsibility for her actions and experience repercussions.
Now is the time for you to draw the hard line and stand by it. Do not back down. In the heat of the argument you had, you weren't on top of it, but you'll need to prepare yourself for the next time she decides to go off. Have her apologize, sure, but take it with a grain of salt. It WILL happen again, she WILL go off on you again, be prepared and stand strong. No exceptions, she GOES.
I think after ten years, i
I think after ten years, i would be done with that mess. I left for about the same kind of treatment. Took my kids and left.
I did not read all the
I did not read all the comments, but this is what you can do Hun,
Work on your DH, he's the problem in your relationship not the SD, why do I say this, cause he allows it all. You simply tell DH... SD has 3 months to find alternative accommodation, you will not put up with her disrespect any longer, and if he does not like it he can find accommodations with her. He has 3 months to sort out his brat, if she starts acting her age and not her shoe size, and shows some respect, she can stay.
She needs to help with house chores, and she needs to respect you or she's out, they have 3 months to resolve this.
Then stick to it, ignore her, you treat her like a stranger renting a room from you, nothing more... and you keep on working on DH, make it clear he will never make a decision alone again as long as his married to you and if the decision impacts you as well..