OT - Tone-up Tuesday
Dexatrim, Raspberry Ketones, 5-hour Energy Drink, Slimfast, Green Tea Extract, Fen-Fen, 3-Day Diet, Atkins, Green Coffee Extract, Grapefruit Diet... Many of us have tried some type of diet pill or fad diet in hopes of jumpstarting our weight loss or finding the magical solution to taking off the pounds.
Countless diet pills contain ma huang, ephedra (now banned), yerba mate, Bitter Orange (synephrine), octopamine, ephedrine, or some other "upper" to boost your metabolism... and those ingredients are BAD for people with heart conditions because they speed up your heart rate and take a toll on your already-delicate ticker.
Energy drinks and other supplements are overloaded with vitamins - especially Vitamin B. Who needs 3849% of the recommended amount of Vitamin B every 5 hours??? That's NUTS. Too much V-B (different varieties) can lead to nerve toxicity, nausea, jaundice, and liver toxicity. And people drink MULTIPLE doses of this Every.Freaking.Day. :jawdrop:
Whey, soy, pea, egg, whey, rice, casein, hemp... There are countless Protein Powders available. Weight gain, weight loss, muscle mass, meal replacement... You name it, there's a protein powder for it. I don't know WHAT they do to those protein powders - the majority of them taste like cardboard mixed with rancid oil, sawdust, pool chemicals, and dirt. Blech!!
As a Christmas gift to myself - and because there was a special - I decided to try THRIVE. A friend of mine lost 70 pounds within 16 months AND had lots of energy. She was going through chemo at the time, so I thought, "Why not?" This is a combination of things you do in the morning: multi-vitamins, a patch, and protein powder to mix as a shake. Since my doctor is always on me to get more Vitamin D, I decided to mix the protein powder with milk. It did NOT disappoint as it tasted like putrid festering swamp creature ass. Yummy!! I ended up dumping in some cinnamon and a few drops of almond extract to make it tolerable.
Well, color me Blue and call me Gloomy! Not only did I NOT have any more energy (I felt even MORE tired), I GAINED 10 POUNDS. What.The.F*ck.?!?!?! I drank that craptastic protein shake (with 10oz of skim milk) for breakfast, had a sensible and healthy lunch, snacked on a piece of fruit (apple, orange, banana, etc...), and ate a sensible and healthy dinner. I cut out ALL sweets (the fruit was enough) except for an occasional WintOgreen Lifesaver, and cut waaaaaaaaaay down on alcohol (only 1 glass of wine a WEEK). How in the HE!! did I GAIN 10 pounds??? At this point, I'm thinking the Hot Wing, Popcorn, and Light Beer diet may be the way to go.
What diet fad did YOU try? Did it work? Was it an epic failure, like mine?
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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I tried the P90X or something
I tried the P90X or something to that effect. It's two protein shakes and then a "sensible" dinner. I lost probably 5-10 lbs., but I started getting light headed and almost passing out when I would try and exercise. I ended up dumping it and just trying to eat healthier.
Now all I do is follow a healthy diet and try to run 3 miles and do some weight work each day. I haven't really been focusing on weight loss but more on just feeling healthier overall.
I'm okay with a protein shake
I'm okay with a protein shake for breakfast. It gets me my much-needed Vitamin D and I'm not starving by lunch time. I also drink the occasional Atkins shake when I know the time between lunch and dinner will be tooooo long. But 2 shakes a day as meal replacements? Nope. No way.
I have done Slim Fast, and it
I have done Slim Fast, and it worked...while I followed it. The minute I went back to eating real food (which upped my calorie intake), I started gaining it all back. It was good when I was in college because it made it easy for me to eat on the go, but definitely not sustainable.
I have done low carb, which wasn't bad, but same result as before. Not eating breads and sugars meant fewer calories, so reincorporating them just made me regain the weight. I try to be smarter now about my carbs, and going through this taught me a lot about the carbs I do eat. Overall, not a bad diet, but too difficult for me.
Did juice cleansing. Tasty, but expensive and ineffective.
Have used green coffee extract. Didn't do a single darn thing.
I am finding that increasing my veggie intake and cutting out "white" carbs, while incorporating ~180 minutes of exercise (weight training and cardio) is helping me maintain my weight but lose inches. I'm okay with that for right now.
If you're looking for a decent breakfast smoothie, I recommend 1 cup spinach, 1/2-3/4 cup milk (any), 1/2 cup Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla Greek yogurt, and 1/2-1 cup frozen berries. I drink that most mornings and I get a significant fiber and protein boost. Using whole milk will give you fat. This is NOT low calorie, but given that I am trying to gain muscle and have been working out a lot more, I'm focusing less on calories and more on the nutritional benefits of my food.
I couldn't drink whole milk
I couldn't drink whole milk if you paid me $1000 dollars an ounce. I literally GAG. Skim milk is the only milk I can drink.
You know, I never did understand extracting all of the juice from fruits and veggies and leaving behind the fiberous stuff. People juice CELERY. Huh???
I have been trying to eat healthier. More veggies (as fresh as possible), lean cuts of meat, and limited processed foods. I don't always succeed, but I definitely know WHAT to eat. Why do those freakin' carbs (pasta, bread) have to taste sooooooo good??
I buy low carb and/or
I buy low carb and/or sugar-free bread and tortillas. Pro is less carbs. Con is that it tastes dull, but that can also be a pro because I won't eat too much. Also, there isn't much variety in flavor, so you're basically buying it to serve a purpose (e.g. Hold your taco together), but with enough delicious toppings, you'll hardly notice.
They make chickpea pasta now, specifically macaroni noodles. There is a bit of an off taste, but I think as macaroni and cheese or in a pasta bake with lots of sauce, veggie, meats, and some cheese (that's how I've made it), the taste difference is negligible. It's expensive for a box, but it's filling with a crap top of protein and fiber.
I know there are recipes for baked goods using nut flours that cut out a lot of carbs, but I have never tried any of them. Plus, nut flours are EXPENSIVE. But, if you bake a lot and can't give it up, it might be a useful tool in helping you cut back.
I've been eating zoodles
I've been eating zoodles (zucchini spiralized into noodles) instead of pasta. In fact, I haven't had actual pasta noodles in... 5 -6 months. Daaaaaaaaaaang!!! That is amazing for me!
Nut flour...yeah, too pricey. I BUY the baked goods. I'm not cooking! LOL
I have a friend who makes me
I have a friend who makes me nauseous with her daily thrive Facebook pep talk. "Just spend $400" and your life will change
Only $400... uh-huh!
Only $400... uh-huh! Typically, this stuff costs at LEAST $100 a month. I don't spend $3-4 a day on breakfast.
Glad to see your results on
Glad to see your results on Thrive weren't "magical". I have some friends that do that on facebook and I am a bit skeptical of all that magic patch hype.
What I did a few years ago that DID work? I did a beachbody program T25 that was my exercise component (plus some dog walking). I also made an effort to eat cleaner which at one point did include drinking one Shakeology shake a day (mixed with frozen banana and almond milk and was pretty good that way.. not too swampy).
My breakfast was usually a 3/1 egg white scramble (three egg whites one full egg) with frozen spinach, onion, chopped ham (just a little), tomato and just a sprinkle of mozzerella cheese and some hot sauce.
Lunch would be baked skinless chicken with vegetable or a mini pizza I made from scratch.
Dinner would be another small meal.
Snacks of fresh berries and raw almonds.
I did lose a ton of weight... which I have since gained back due to a totally stress filled 2 years with financial and health issues in the family.
I need to get back on track... but find myself sort of paralyzed and stuck in a bad eating mode. I honestly think I am addicted to carbs and that when I eat them I just want more.. but can't make myself stop. I hate me sometimes.
I need to be healthy but it's almost like I won't let myself!
"Magical", my substantial
"Magical", my substantial hiney. I think the patch may have worked for her because she was so low-energy from the chemo. Then again, there are those who have positive reactions to placebos...
I definitely know HOW to eat healthy, including portion sizes. I've been so stressed the last... 5+ years, that I know my anxiety/depression is sabotaging my efforts AND immobilizing me. It's so annoying when people say "just break that big task into smaller tasks and YOU CAN DO IT!!!". Beeyotch, if I could do that, the "task" would have been completed 2 years ago and I would not be curled up in a corner with my thumb near my mouth, eyes glazed, rocking back and forth and craving pancakes!
I am where you are now.
I am where you are now. Another problem I have is my dear husband. One of the ways he "shows love" is to treat me to good food..so he cooks and he cooks too much with too much fat. I try to keep portioned down, but I am a pretty polar person. I can't moderate very well.
He also wants to spend time with me which means I can't get in exercise unless I wake at 5 am and I am not a good morning person...
I have even toyed with one of those medical weightloss places but damnit... I was able to be health and fit just 3 years ago..why can't I do it now? I think I eat when I get anxious and I literally can sleep eat when I am overly stressed.
It sucks because people see a heavy person (esp a woman) and there is so much judgement about how she must be lazy and just stuff her face all day. I literally eat nothing compared to my DH.. but gain weight. Winter is horrible too because it's dark and I can't walk like I want to.
Like you, I know what to do, but mentally it's like I have a death wish.
I hear you on ALL of that,
I hear you on ALL of that, ESMOD. It doesn't help that my BFF is an enabler. Go ahead and eat that pizza! Let's have a cocktail (or 4)! Why exercise when we can sit here and have a b!tchfest!
I've already immobilized myself in more ways than one and now I have someone putting a damper on the slightest bit of effectiveness that has squirmed its way up from the depths of my overstressed, morbid mind. Sigh...
I have never been into fad
I have never been into fad diets. Its really simple IMO calories in and calories out. Healthy diet tons of fruit veggies and protein. Plus exercise. Not crazy Olympic work outs but walking, and light hand weights. Its simple and works for me. Plus after 8pm there are no calories in wine and chocolate. Just consume in moderation
Dovina, you want to do a
Dovina, you want to do a Freaky Friday with me and swap willpowers?
Aniki sounds like a plan!
Aniki sounds like a plan!
This is a fairly interesting article. While it may be true that there is a calories in/out comparison.. I don't think that is all in equal footing for all people.
I think the "fad" diets are sometimes just dire calorie restrictions but some exclude certain food items because they can trigger food issues (like cutting carbs)
and all food isn't equally nutritious..so eating "healthy" and eating fewer calories isn't always the same thing.
Even drinking diet drinks has been shown to somehow change our brain in such a way that we can sometimes crave sweets even more... it's just weird
I generally eat healthy foods
I generally eat healthy foods that are on the lower calorie spectrum. Of course this differs for all. Also to lose weight some people just naturally have a higher or lower metabolism.
Diet sodas are silent killers. Artificial sweetners have been known to link with brain cancer, I remember reading an article on that a while back. Turned me off of sweetners.
If you read the article I
If you read the article I attached.. it gives a really interesting and depressing picture of what it's like for people who "diet" and why people who don't have to diet have a hard time understanding why we just don't get "how simple" it is.
I sure hope you didn't take
I sure hope you didn't take offence to my comment. I was just saying that amount of calories in and out balance weight loss IMO. That's what I meant as simple. Again, as I stated that was my experience. I certainly was not discounting how weight loss is a real struggle for so many. The article is an eye opener, thank you.
When my DH was active
When my DH was active Military, they initially put him in Fat Camp, saying he weighed too much for his height. At the time, they were basing this on a preconceived ideal of how much a person should weigh based on height. Period. My DH has large bones and is SOLID. And he was STARVING. When the Military Doctor found out, he damn near had a COW and insisted that DH's weight was perfect for his frame and bone structure. OMG, the man had less than 2% body fat, was built like a brick sh!thouse, and they were saying he was fat!!
I had the same problem when I was bodybuilding. I also have a large frame and big bones. No waif here! At the peak of my bodybuilding days, I was wearing a size 8, had 3-4% body fat, and was cut like a diamond. I had a work physical (by the nurse). When I visited the doctor to review my results, he had a notation on there about my EXTREME OBESITY. I was absolutely LIVID, stood up, stripped down to my skivvies, and flexed. He sat there with his eyes mouth hanging open and stammered, "I-I-I-I'll get this corrected immediately, Miss Aniki."
Height is not the only factor when determining the correct weight for someone. Someone who is 6' tall with a delicate bone structure will be overweight when carrying the same weight as someone who is 6' tall with a large bone structure.
No offense taken . But just
No offense taken
. But just wanted to really highlight that while it may be a simple equation, it may be next to impossible for people to achieve that balance due to a number of factors including genetics etc...
While I know it's the balance, it's not the same balance for everyone so in the end it really gets complicated for people trying to find that balance.
That's a good article,
That's a good article, ESMOD!
I don't care about calories. I care about type, portions, and how food is processing (try to avoid premade, chemical-laden, preprocessed stuff).
I tried the Atkins diet- lost
I tried the Atkins diet- lost a lot of weight quick, but got it all back when I stopped.
In high school we used to take those little "mini thins" that are illegal now. They did take your appetite right out.
Lost a lot of weight when prescribed adderall. But, I got really into the loss of appetite and would take extra just to keep from being hungry. Quit when I realized it was becoming a problem.
I bought a weight loss shake called lean shake 25 because I saw someone else drinking it- vanilla was so good, chocolate was awful...but I was still hungry, so not working as a meal replacement.
Then I bought Almased shake powder. Drank it once, it was ok....still have the entire expensive can left. Just too boring.
I am fat as H*ll right now. It feels like I eat barely anything- most nights I have a couple eggs after skipping breakfast and lunch, but I do snack and am on insulin...don't think anything will work but going to the gym daily.
Witch, I'm okay with the
Witch, I'm okay with the shake powder as long as I can alter the flavor with spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, etc).
My biggest problem (IMO) is my serious lack of willpower. If you present me with a bowl of steel cut oats and a chocolate éclair, I will take that chocolate éclair Every.Single.Time. I need someone who will follow me around 24/7 and smack the crappy foods out of my hand...
I'm on my first day of my
I'm on my first day of my custom diet. Mineral drops added to water (80 oz a day) Chia and Flax seed (for the first three days then it goes to avocado/coconut oil)
Coffee with lactose free milk
4 oz of Protein of my choice for lunch and then again for dinner
All the non-forbidden vegetables I can eat (usually in one cup servings)
Optional two fruits a day
A probiotic
Eating stops 3 hours before bedtime.
I actually semi-started yesterday--didn't get much sleep; not sure if that was the excitement of the new diet, my mother's illness or the new "routine"
Thinkthrice, what are the
Thinkthrice, what are the Mineral drops??
Maybe I should eat 2 pounds of celery every day. That might keep me too full to eat caca foods...
magnesium and potassium
magnesium and potassium
I am on a permanent diet It
I am on a permanent diet
It boils down to what I eat and what I dont eat.
Aniki, I would bet that it is the fruit that added to your weight gain. Yes, fruit is healthy but the fructose in fruit is not metabolised the same way as glucose. Therefore calories aren't equal when it comes to sugars. High fructose equals more fat... Its just the way the body uses sugars. I am happy to load the kids with fruit. At my age (39) it is not so forgiving.
I had a pretty normal vegetarian diet about 5 years ago. My BMI was around 22.5. When I cut the amount of fruit I was eating and any added sugar in things like coffee and tea (nothing else), my BMI has dropped and stabilised at around 21 for the last 5 years.
I eat lots of veggies (obviously) and quite a bit of high fat food: butter, olive oil, avocado, nuts. I dont eat any low fat stuff or use artificial sweeteners. I normally only drink sparkling water with lunch or dinner unless it is a special dinner where I drink wine or champers. I have coffee with full fat milk with breakfast.
I also cook nearly all our meals and I eat "clean". No processed food at all. Maybe once every two weeks where we will go out for burgers or junk food with the kids. Otherwise we will go for sushi or Asian options which are far healthier. Otherwise there is no processed stuff in the house - unless it is for the kids and then I have read the nutritional labels.
Recently I have had to be careful with what I eat. I have been quite stressed out and have been binging on chocolate and cake. I stopped last week and actually got sugar "shakes" one day with withdrawal! For you ladies in the US, All I can say is read the food labels and stay away from things with High Fructose Corn Syrup. That is FAT central generator and helps you eat your way to diabetes, heart disease and other metabolic problems. The stuff is sweet, cheap and nasty!! Very bad for your overall health.
I think I have tried every
I think I have tried every "diet" out there, I lost a lot of weight on Atkins, but of course when I started eating carbs again I gained it all back and then some, I also lost weight on Weight Watchers, again when I was counting points it was great, but it got time consuming and expensive, and I thought I could do it without counting, again I gained it all back.
Yesterday I joined the gym, I've joined before and I can't say I had the best luck, but I am optimistic, and much more dedicated this time. I am going to focus on cardio for these next two weeks, then I am meeting with a personal trainer to customize a program specific to my needs.
My food choices are more of a struggle, I can not eat meat, all of the sudden, about 4 months ago, when I ate pork, beef, or chicken I would get violently ill. I eat a lot of veggies, beans, and cheese, but I also eat pasta and rice just to help me stay satisfied. It has been a real struggle.
I would really like to loose about 65 lbs, I would be much more healthy. This extra weight is affecting my health. I am always tired, my knees and feet hurt, and I snore (or that's what I've been told).
I'm open to any suggestions.
Coco, my biggest problem is
Coco, my biggest problem is that I need to be more active. And my biggest obstacle is my lack of willpower. I'm so mentally exhausted (stress/anxiety/depression) that it's preventing me from doing ANYTHING other than sitting on my arse trying to distress. While I stuff cookies/bread into my mouth.
I'm right there with you
I'm right there with you Aniki! My motivation level is at a zero. I'm hoping exercise will not only help me loose weight, but will also help with my mental health.
My wife and I started the
My wife and I started the health journey together at the end of March of 17. Her goal was to lose 55Lbs and mine was to lose 123Lbs.
Since then together we have lost 125. I have lost 70 and she has lost 55.
I have about 6-8mos to go to my goal and DW is at hers. The big difference for me is ... this time we are doing it together. We are doing a low carb Keto program which has been something I have done on and off for decades as a blood glucose normalization process. What makes it work this time is that instead of battling me on it my bride has joined me.
She used to complain about how she couldn't do it, she didn't feel good eating low carb, etc, etc, etc... Now that she has made the commitment she is amazed at how good she feels.
Our core program is Ideal Protein. We do IP because it is medically supervised and my Endo office has an IP team. So, it is integrated into my diabetes management process.
I recommend IP whole heartedly. SO does my svelte supermodel bride.
That's the really puzzling
That's the really puzzling thing. I also KNOW I feel better when I am in better shape and eating healthy and at a lower weight.. but something in my brain just undermines my ability to make the changes I know I need to.
Brain science is strange.
My emotions revolve around
My emotions revolve around food. Stressed, depressed, happy, bored... I have serious food issues, including the fact that I'm a recovering bulimic. I say recovering because, probably similar to an alcoholic, it is a constant battle to stay on the wagon and NOT purge. I can even pinpoint the exact moment my food issues began. However, I have not been able to resolve them. I very much wanted to seek counseling with a therapist who specializes in food-related issues. Unfortunately, the only therapist who has the qualifications is almost 2 hours away and charges $150 an hour. ~gulp~
Rags, I've been wondering how
Rags, I've been wondering how you and your bride were doing. Congratulations on your success!!
We both feel so much better.
We both feel so much better. I just need to get back to work so that I can be far more structured in my eating. Hanging out with my dad all day every day is not conducive to being diligent in my way of eating. I love dad... but... he is extremely fit and eats constantly to feed his bodies furnace.
Unlike his eldest son... sadly.
As for my bride... she is now transitioning to adding regular work outs to her day. She is full tilt in alignment with the philosophy that "nothing tastes as good as being fit and healthy feels" her litmus test of success is "I AM A SINGLE DIGIT SIZE!" No complaints from me. Let me tell ya.
I just have to stay the course and meet my goal so I can be her arm candy again too.
I admire your willpower! I
I admire your willpower! I was probably in line for pizza or doughnuts when willpower was being handed out...
OMG One of my co-workers
OMG One of my co-workers (works for a different dept but I support IT-wise) is this guy (50 something married male) who is skinny as a RAIL and eats practically NOTHING but junk!!!!
His secretary is on the opposite end of the spectrum. I can imagine how awful it must be watching him eat his daily breakfast of donuts and ding-dongs yet he probably is 130 lbs soaking wet at 5' 8"
He did it again this morning. I was over at their office doing stuff with his tablet and immediately picked up a giant pink frosted donut and devoured it in front of all of us!!!
Big ol' poopie head!!
Big ol' poopie head!!
Since my gallbladder was
Since my gallbladder was taken out in August m I have lost 23 pounds. Try that ! Lol

WTF, WTF! Do you think if I
WTF, WTF! Do you think if I place mine in another dimension I can skip the cutting?
YEARS ago they had a pill
YEARS ago they had a pill named Chroma Slim with Biotrol. It was easy to get a our local grocery store. $9.00 and change.
Caffeine free. OMG that stuff worked great. I kid you not. I used this after my first bio and slimed down to size 6. NO JOKE.
It seemed to suck OUT all the carbs.
After searching and searching I STILL cant find it.
I wish I could. Although I can google it with success it is never available. WAHHHH
Goodluck, it looks like it
Goodluck, it looks like it was discontinued. But I found a website that has it for sale...
Why do they always
Why do they always discontinue the stuff that works?
HEY has anyone tried
HEY has anyone tried Alli?
Just saw a TV commercial..
I haven't but had a friend
I haven't but had a friend that did. She said you basically couldn't eat anything fatty b/c you would get oily poohs! She quit taking it b/c working out and eating healthy were more effective.
Pfffft. If you can't - and
Pfffft. If you can't - and DON'T - eat anything fatty, you wouldn't need the darn pills! LOL
Though it may sound somewhat
Though it may sound somewhat trendy and magic diet of the moment on the surface... Ideal Protein is a medically supervised version of a basic low carb, low fat, high fiber, high protein diet. It is basically an engineered foods version of a paleo diet program. Arguably the nutrition system most in alignment with the evolution of the human species. We evolved as hunter/gatherers with much of our food intake from meat (hunting) and the rest from seasonally available grains, fruits, tubers, etc.... Once we figured out how to grow wheat, potatoes and corn.... we got fluffy.
Now for the 30 second diet statement according to me. No rice, corn, potatoes or wheat based products. Lots of lean meats and as many leafy green vegetables as you can get down.... and a ton of water (80oz/day). Our coach indicates that the two biggest success factors for those on IP other than compliance with the eating structure is .... those that eat as much salad as possible each day and those that meet or exceed the water requirements.
Read the food labels for anything that you buy. If it has significant net carbs... don't eat it. By net carbs.... take the carb total and subtract the fiber and sugar alcohols from the total. Simple. By significant I use 5g or less as my target. Make sure to be cognizant and diligent about serving sizes.
Once you make the shift neither my wife nor I have found it to be difficult. There is more food than you can comfortably eat in a day and in a few short days the stuff you used think tasted great .... won't.
In the interest of full disclosure the IP foods are spendy. We average about $80-$120 per person per week on top of the approved food purchases we make at the grocery store (~$50-$70/wk per person). However, there are several IP alternative foods communities out there that can help guide someone to more affordable alternatives. My wife has reached her goal and has decided to stay on the program with me because it is easy for her to maintain her goal. Because I am a Type-1 diabetic I am on what is called the Alternative Phase 1 Plan which has some additional food requirements (Dairy, Fruit, Legumes) to aid in lowering the risks of low blood glucose levels. Since she reached goal and transitioned through Phase 2 and Phase 3 my wife has rejoined me in Phase 1-Alternative because it has worked so well and we have made the lifestyle and way of eating changes already.
Thank you for all of that
Thank you for all of that info!!!
I used to be one of those
I used to be one of those naturally skinny, eat anything, annoying girls....but it all caught up! LOL! I really didn't struggle so much with weight until after my 2nd child at age 34
Even when I was skinny though I still thought I was fat (ugh, I only wish I was that "fat" now). Anyways, I have tried many different approaches to get this extra weight off. I am even in the "obese" range now so my dr. prescribed me adipex. Basically an upper and you can only take it for 3 months and have to be off of it for 6 months before they will prescribe it again. I was so excited to get this "magical pill". So many women I know lost 20, 30+ pounds on this magical pill....not me...I lost 7 freaking lbs :? I really thought I would lose so much more than that...especially since it completely demolished my appetite. I would eat once a day and not that much and still only lost 7lbs! Gah! Now I am off of it b/c I had my 3 months worth. I actually feel better without it. I sleep again and feel less anxious. It was basically just a speed pill!
I have also tried Advocare and spent way to much money to not really lose anything and drink nasty shakes that taste like dirt and earth. I have researched basically every diet possible because I am so unhappy with my weight gain and generally the one thing I have noticed that almost ALL diets agree on - eat REAL food, no processed foods, no added unnatural sugars...and be active! Now, even knowing all this I still can't motivate myself to actually do this!
Last Friday my son started hip hop and they had parent participation night. Great way to meet all the new parents, fat, sweaty, out of breath! Ugh, so I'm back to trying to exercise again. What usually makes me fall off the wagon is not seeing instant results (like I did when I was 25
) and the soreness after what seem to be "beginner" exercises! I don't understand how my muscle can stay sore for 3 days after a 45 minute beginner class! Plus I know I exercised those muscles last year...why do we have to go through that pain again!??! LOL
Hip hop is NOT for me. I'd
Hip hop is NOT for me. I'd rather jitterbug at home with my oversized teddybear...
Seriously, dancing is great exercise. I used to dance at home. I should get out my old music and put mousetraps on the couch, loveseat, and recliners...
Thank you Aniki
Thank you Aniki
No prob. Hope you can still
No prob. Hope you can still get some.
I never tried any diet
I never tried any diet pills.... I will read the pamphlet and instructions and they all say....
Exercise moderate daily for the pills to work - well well... if you do that you do not need the pills cause it's the activeness that causes weight loss, not the pills..... and this go for any crash diet as well...
Nah I'm 40+, my days of being a sexy skinny woman are over, I give a shit
Love greens and beans with
Love greens and beans with kale!! (Italian style with garlic) Also love southern style collards!