OT - Tone-up Tuesday
2017 is coming to a close and, for many of us, we have 2 more big eating/drinking days. Some will be going to multiple holiday celebrations and facing even MORE tasty tidbits, which can lead to overindulgence (but it tastes so gooooood!!! or it's soooo pretty!!).
Survival Tips:
1. DO NOT ARRIVE HUNGRY. Have a snack before you go to the party - a protein/carb combo will help keep you full. Try whole wheat toast with almond/cashew/peanut butter and strawberry slices.
2. CHOOSE A SMALL PLATE. If possible, choose a small plate for your tasty tidbits. I don't know about you, but the LAST thing this fat chick wants to do is have a plate heaped with food (unless it's veggies and NO fattening dip). A small plate keeps my portions small and I tend to select my favorite things - not everyday filler caca.
3. EAT WHAT YOU LOVE. Go with QUALITY over quantity and don't waste your time nibbling on things you can have any ol' day of the week. Save your calories for SPECIAL foods that are a rare treat.
4. EAT SLOWLY. Take your time and savor your food. Let the taste fill your mouth. Feel the texture on your tongue. Chew slowly. Let chocolate MELT in your mouth. Make the experience memorable. After all, you selected food you love. Don't you want to enjoy it?
5. CHOOSE A RED PLATE. Research published in the journal APPETITE found that people eat less when eating food on a red plate. The authors suggest that the color red may work as a subtle stop signal (like a red traffic light) which may guide us to reducing our intake. How 'bout that?!
6. WATCH THE DRINKS. Fruit punches and eggnog are full of calories and sugar. Have a mixed drink of hard liquor and club soda or tonic water (squeeze in a lime, lemon, or orange for a flavor boost). Also, be sure to drink plenty of water or seltzer water to stay hydrated and (hopefully) avoid a hangover.
7. DROP THE GUILT. If we don't give our bodies the foods we crave (in reasonable amounts), we many very well end up gorging on a HUGE portion to try and compensate and just feel worse than we did before. If you DO overeat, don't be too hard on yourself. It's the holidays and tomorrow IS another day!!
Happy holidays, STalkers!!!
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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If all else fails... Double
If all else fails... Double your running and weight lifting...
That's probably what I'll have to do. I love food too much.... LMAO
Running?? Bahahahahaaaaaaaa!!! I should just spend more time vigorously making snow angels...
Daily, I race my dog (and
Daily, I race my dog (and sometimes DH's if he gets off his lazy a$$), and every person at the gym... I may have a mildly competitive streak. LMAO
I typed dogs first
Another quick tip: Add in
Another quick tip:
Add in some additional activity throughout the day. Take the long way around he parking lot, add a lap in at the grocery store, take the stairs, and add in an extra day of frisky business with the spouse. Every little bit counts, and while it may not keep it all off, it can help cushion the blow so-to-speak.
Also, drink PLENTY of water, especially those of you in colder climates. You may not realize you're dehydrated because of the cold, or you may be reaching for some calorie-bomb warm drinks when your thirsty. Keep the water flowing like it's summertime!
Here's a scary tidbit that was shared with me by our wellness folks: The average American gains 7 to 13 POUNDS at the holidays. Little things can help keep that in check.
Do NOT make that lap past the
Do NOT make that lap past the bakery section...
Sorry Aniki but I will NOT
Sorry Aniki but I will NOT follow any of these. LOL
Except the water - I always have a bottle of water near me.
I have two more holidays to eat, drink, and be so effing merry before I have to get back to healthy eating and drop the pounds prior to my nuptials.
Enjoy the holidays and all the fatness that comes with it!!!
Christmas is magical,
Christmas is magical, therefore those calories are magical and don't count! Don't ruin my Christmas unicorn of calories not counting that day
Honestly I've learned that my body is in good shape, but you can tell I like wine and nachos...so I'm okay with that.
Advice.only, I WISH!!!
Advice.only, I WISH!!!
If its a step day, just gorge
If its a step day, just gorge til you feel no more. That's why god made New Years resolutions.
On Christmas, I will be
On Christmas, I will be drinking slvo-bevs of some sort...