All I want for Christmas...
... is for it to be OVER.
Our 'family' Christmas (translation: the skids coming over) conflicts with the time of MY family Christmas so the only people I will see on Christmas day aside from DH are the farking skids. :sick:
DH is too broke to buy anything for the skids and I'm not buying them one bloody thing (although I'd LOVE to make RED tampon angels for them....snicker).
We're still serving food, but I doubt the greedy shi'theads will be happy with Christmas being only about spending time with DH and NOT getting $$$. And since I have absolutely NOTHING to say to any of them (especially the twatwaffley SDs), I will be bored silly. Sigh...
What are your plans for Skidmas, er, Christmas?
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I just want it to be over,
I just want it to be over, too. DH wants to get SD the mini Nintendo and we are going my parent's house. My aunt and uncle should be coming from out of town so the visit will be nice.
My coworker gave me some awesome recipes for dessert so that'll be my task this year while my dad makes his Xmas prime rib feast. He and my aunt dominate the kitchen!
I love dogs, can I come over
I love dogs, can I come over for Christmas? LOL
Come on over there's always
Come on over there's always more than enough food! I'm making coconut poke cake and candied pecans and dad's prime rib is to die for!!
I wish it was over too. Just
I wish it was over too. Just don't have it in me this year but I'm going thru the motions.
Cookie day is this Sunday. I used to love it. This year? Not so much.
Tonight is my office Christmas party which SO and I will have fun at. No SS15!
Christmas afternoon we are going to my sisters. My mom purchased a seafood tray with lobster, crab claws and shrimp
She also bought a sub and veggie tray.
When we get home from my sisters the tree and all decorations come down and are put back in the attic!! Cannot wait.
Classy, I don't have it in
Classy, I don't have it in me, either. Somehow, I became the spearhead on decorating at work and I would much rather smack the Egos in the back of their fat heads. Don't like it? Then YOU do it YOUR facking way or STFU.
In the beginning, I enjoyed putting up the tree, wrapping gifts, and cooking/baking for Christmas. The skids and their rudeness has turned it into Stress-mas and I no longer look forward to it.
We don't even have any decorations up this year. Fine by me.
I would love to go see my
I would love to go see my family but get this if I go I have to bring Stepbrat with me! Um hello! on the grounds that he can't be left alone because he is incompetent, helpless, trouble maker, etc and etc. But on the biggest grounds that dad doesn't even like him and just tolerates him. For Christmas I wish for that brat to go to his mother. Yeah right!
THIS! DH and I have often
DH and I have often split up for the holidays when he wants to see his family (who I don't care for) or Medusa's family (I won't spend any time around Medusa's dad, he's a racist ass).
Is this not an option for you??
I've become more civil with her family since they realized BM was crazy and apologized and now are genuinely working with DH and I to make sure they see the Skids (without BM's involvement... They saw she was bad for them... Which is nice... Because BM doesn't make an effort so no one else does on her behalf either) But regardless Christmas is a no go. We'll be with DH's family... I'll Skype mine, and we'll call it a day!
They have no contact with her
They have no contact with her and I actually really like her SM and two half sisters. I used to have no problem with Medusa's dad, until he decided to bring out the N word two years ago at Christmas to describe one of Karate Kid's friends.
I told him in no uncertain terms that I didn't want to hear that kind of language because it was wholly inappropriate, not to mention hurtful to KK. He defended his words, I turned to DH and told him I was leaving and he could come with me or find another way to get home (the skids were staying the night). He and KK came with me and BV stayed the night with her grandparents.
I haven't set foot in his house again and have no intention to do so.
WOB, no, it's not an option.
WOB, no, it's not an option. As good a driver as I am in bad weather, I'm not driving that far. Especially since my SIL is a total beeyotch and makes everyone feel like they're infringing. Well, everyone except my other SIL...
(No subject)
Exactly, WOB. If Dad isn't
Exactly, WOB. If Dad isn't going to be there... well... it's kind of a lose-lose situation, IMHO.
Drink coffee spiked with Di Saronno. LOTS of Di Saronno.
Drink red wine and keep the bottle next to my chair so I don't have to get up.
Fill a bigass cup with an entire bottle of Evan Williams eggnog.
Fill my flask with Wild Turkey and surreptitiously sip it.
Yep. My crystal ball predicts alcohol.
I vote for the Wild Turkey
I vote for the Wild Turkey filled flask!
Duly noted, WOB!
Duly noted, WOB!
I vote for the Wild Turkey
I vote for the Wild Turkey filled flask!
You only get one vote, WOB!
You only get one vote, WOB!
Hereiam, I thought that meant
Hereiam, I thought that meant I could get a second flask!!
We're doing presents at
We're doing presents at 5Am... MIL talked DH into it... Because she has to work at 7. Blech. But so far, not a single word from BM! So that's been good....
We'll probably just open presents and then set the Skids free to play. I'm hoping weather will be nice so DH can try out the cornhole boards I made him!
5am?? Ish.
5am?? Ish.
Right?... I was planning on
Right?... I was planning on sleeping in until the Skids woke up at least... And then possibly teling them to go lay down for another hour... Now we'll be getting the grumpy and sleepy things up so they can rip paper off for MIL....
Woman, I hope you're going to
Woman, I hope you're going to let your DH be responsible for setting the alarm and getting the grumpsters out of bed. Not YOUR responsibility. If everyone oversleeps, tough gazongas.
We have never seen SD26 on
We have never seen SD26 on Christmas.
This year, we will not see her before or after Christmas, either, as she is not speaking to DH.
She has never cared about seeing DH for the holiday, just about getting gifts, but we stopped buying for her as of last Christmas. She brought that up during their current disagreement, too (greedy B).
DH and I are going to spend a nice, quiet day at home, just the two of us. We will have an assortment of hors d'oeuvres, some wine, play some games (Wii bowling), and sing karaoke (he DJs, I sing).
No family drama, from either side!
26 and still bitching about
26 and still bitching about presents?
Eeee gads!!!
She is 26, going on 16, and
She is 26, going on 16, and an immature 16, at that.
Your SD26 sounds like my
Your SD26 sounds like my SD21. Great. Something to look forward to.
Hereiam, that sounds
Hereiam, that sounds awesome!!
My plan was to endure DH's
My plan was to endure DH's family Christmas Eve and then "invite" people to our house on Christmas Day. DH can't pick up Skids until 10am on Christmas Day, so I figured I would FaceTime in the morning with my entire extended family who will be at my parents' house. In my plan, I was going to participate virtually in my family's Yankee Swap gift exchange. My parents live in a different time zone, so the timing would have worked if we invited others all over around 1pm. I also figured DH and I would have time to open presents just SSs and us, since this it the first real Christmas where we'd have our own home to have our own family Christmas time without other hangers on.
Before I could even launch my plan, MIL texts to tell us that SIL's mother (yes, that same SIL who doesn't speak to me) is hosting dinner on Christmas Day at 2pm and we're all invited. Wonderful. MIL then tells us that DH should just bring SKids over to her house in the morning, so we can all have breakfast there and open presents together. In response to this, I ask DH where we'll open our presents with SKids (which will be our presents to them, not as if they buy us anything). He says, "we'll just take them to my mother's". I remind him that it's important for us to spend family time together and suggest that if he wants to be a "family" with his mother and SSs, that's fine. I'll just stay home. (Before I arrived, MIL took on the role of second mother to SKids, so establishing our own family unit that doesn't include MIL has been a challenge). I also tell MIL that I was planning to FaceTime with my family in the morning, but will be able to join them in the afternoon. MIL says, you can just FaceTime here, I'd love to FaceTime with your family, too. Wonderful, again. I think well, at least DH and I can spend Christmas Eve together, just us...but now, MIL also says, "I'll be making dinner for you, DH's sister, and maybe aunt and uncle, because they have no other plans." Again, wanted to spend my entire holiday with all of you and miss doing anything with my family.
As further context, I decided not to go home this Christmas, even though I didn't go home last Christmas, because my DH has Skids every Christmas Day. I thought, well, maybe I should spend the holiday with my husband. Last year was a drama fest because MIL decided that she was going to step in and help BM and take the kids for the second week of Christmas break. This was after she discovered that DH was not going to do that, because after BM refused to budge on giving him more parenting time, he decided he'd follow the CO, in which she has the entire Christmas break (which she demanded during the divorce process, but now has deemed "totally unfair" that she has to "sacrifice" by having the kids for the entire break). MIL blamed me for DH not taking the kids all break and also put DH squarely in the middle of being the go between with BM, which of course led to drama and ended badly with both BM and MIL mad at DH. Then MIL made a big deal about why didn't we get DH's adult sister a ticket to join us at the movies, so I took DH's sister and SSs to the movies while DH stayed home. All that sort of put a damper on the holiday. This year, all of my plans are pushed aside for DH's family, who can't ever plan anything consistently and I get to go to Christmas dinner at ice queen SIL's mother's house. How fun. Of course, I have spoken at length with ice queen SIL's mother, even though I have only spoken with her daughter once.
I think next year, I'll just go home and my husband and I will celebrate our own Christmas either before or after...or not at all, depending on the level of push back I get from him.
Dang, strugglingSM, nothing
Dang, strugglingSM, nothing like MIL the Dictator telling everyone how they will enjoy Christmas.
Yes, MIL always loves to set
Yes, MIL always loves to set the vision, while expecting others to pick up the details.
For our wedding rehearsal dinner, MIL had this vision of a catered affair at a "historic home" (she was upset that no one in my family lived in a regal enough home to serve as a backdrop for her vision), serving food and wine from where we live, which is 2500 miles from where my family lives and where the wedding was. She tasked me with finding this location and I had to tell her that there were many to be had, but it would be several thousand dollars to reserve them for the dinner. MIL is insanely cheap, so this wouldn't work. DH and I then selected a restaurant to host the dinner. MIL waited forever to put down her deposit, leaving my mother to get nervous and start to micromanage. Then MIL wasn't sure she liked the choices (because I think she thought they were too expensive, but wouldn't say anything). She then got annoyed with me not figuring out all of the details, so in addition to planning my wedding, I also had to plan my rehearsal dinner and try to make MIL happy and as if she could achieve her vision in order to properly impress my parents (who don't need to be impressed).
Then at the dinner, she tried to orchestrate lots of awkward - go around the table and share embarrassing stories about DH and I...which morphed into what advice you'd give to DH and I. My bridesmaids found it exceedingly awkward. Also, DH and I were seated (at MIL's request) down at the far end of the table, next to DH's aunt and her husband and his very conservative uncle. Meaning, that I was stuck making small talk and entertaining the old folks, while listening to my bridesmaids all laughing and having fun at the other end of the table. In the end, DH's family drank many expensive cocktails, which I'm sure riled up MIL who was stuck paying for them, but my friends didn't drunk much, my dad drank two Miller Lites, and my mom maybe had one glass of wine.
Always a fun and no stress time, trying to enjoy family time with MIL (ha ha, not quite!).
DH and I leave the country,
DH and I leave the country, so we are a 6 hour flight away from the Xmas nonsense. I assume that DH will skype them and chat, but no gifts or meals from us are in their future (all 3 SK’s are adults, ranging in age from 22 to 27 and never remember birthdays or Christmas for DH or me). Too bad BM joined a religion when she met her current husband that does not celebrate any religious holidays or birthdays, but that is their problem.
My dream would be for DH and
My dream would be for DH and I to travel alone on Christmas...but of course, he'll insist that we spend holidays with his family, who is so dysfunctional that they make holidays miserable, but of course, he thinks they are all wonderful and 'very close', so that's a losing battle for me.
I wish my DH would get it in
I wish my DH would get it in his head that SD24 is a freaking ADULT, lives with Baby Daddy and their 2 kids, and doesn't NEED DH to give her more money. ~eye roll~
Just to add, I send gifts to
Just to add, I send gifts to my family via amazon and I asked DH if he would like to do the same for his kids. He declined....hmmmm.
Since SS has moved out, I
Since SS has moved out, I have actually started to get into the spirit a little. Yesterday, I bought a 6 1/2 foot tree and put it up.
Christmas eve we got to my mom's and exchange presents. No plans have been made with skids. I assume they will just show up on Christmas Day wondering where their gifts are. That's on DH. If he wants to give them something, great. All they want is cash.
I'd love to see my Dad and SM
I'd love to see my Dad and SM for Christmas, but they're in Florida. They are the only ones I would TRULY like to see.
I can see my parent's house
I can see my parent's house from mine so I see them all the time.
I wish you could see yours.
My family home is not that
My family home is not that far from me. However, my SM has a home in Florida, so she and Dad split their time between homes. I do miss being able to stop by and see him any/every day.
Next year you should just
Next year you should just plan a trip to FL. I'd go there for sure if I had family there.
Just Dad and SM. No other
Just Dad and SM. No other family. They live in a retirement community, which has a big shindig for Christmas: dinner, dance, etc. Repeat on New Years.
Man. I'd love to go cut a
I'd love to go cut a rug with some old fogies on Christmas and/or New Year's. I'm not joking at all...that sounds totally awesome
Maybe I'm weird. We had an older (85 when we met him) friend who lived at a retirement community until last year when he passed away at 89. We went and did dinner and an activity with him there about once a month or so...and brought him out to see us occasionally as well. I really enjoyed the activities at the retirement village he was at! The food was good, too...and he was so proud of it. Like he made it himself
I'd give my eyeteeth for my
I'd give my eyeteeth for my darling Mr. P to still be alive and I'd happily spend Christmas day in the bedroom cuddling him, while DH spent it with the farking skids.
Skidmas.....rofl, love it!
Skidmas.....rofl, love it!
So, I made plans with my family who are about 2 hours away to get together the day after xmas back in October. So that leaves xmas day to do our thing then go over to dysfunctional in-laws house. DH usually gets SS xmas day and we live roughly 45 min away. DH works xmas eve so it would make sense to pick up SS when he's off at 630am (hopefully) then his normal visitation are his days off, mon,tue,wed.....
I was hoping there was no way SS would want to come to my families xmas...
So last week we get his basketball schedule. He's got practice the day after xmas (when we're supposed to do xmas with my family and a tournament the next 2 days after that. WTF. He was also scheduled like that for thxgiving break.
Not sure if DH asked his parents to keep SS16 or if SS16 is going to stay with BM. But it's messed up regardless. I'm prepared to go take dd16 months to my families house without them if sh!t hits the fan. I'm so pissed.
This is just typical though. It's exhausting.
Mine is shaking out to be
Mine is shaking out to be surprisingly awesome!
Neither of the 2 older skids are able to get off work Christmas Eve / Christmas we'll see YSD only on Christmas morning. We'll spend Christmas Eve and the rest of Christmas Day with my family. Woot! That rarely happens.
We're going to DH's parents the 29-30th, and all skids will meet us there...his parents now live closer to the two older ones than we do, so it's a good meet-up point.
We've talked and will meet up with them for brunch or something the morning of the 29th to give them the gifts from us, then head to DH's parents.
DH has gone surprisingly low-key on the skid gifts this year...despite having some extra money. Instead, he came to me to talk about putting his extra toward paying down some credit card debt and putting some $$ into our house. Such a jaw-dropping and pleasant surprise. Could my DH finally be growing up?
Since he's had money to contribute to the household for most months this year, including the last 3, I've put more away into savings/investments this year than I've been able to in the past...5 years. And I've done some nice stuff for my own family. It feels great to finally be able to do what I want a bit more and enjoy the fruits of my labor more rather than feeling like it's all for nothing. It seems that, as the skids have aged out, DH really has gotten good about making them launch / sink or swim a bit. I feel so grateful for that. I'm not saying he/we never do anything for's just far less than I expected, and far less than we used to do with child support PLUS a lot of extras. Now we just do nice things when/if we feel like great to finally have more control.
YSD ages out in 6 months...literally exactly 6 months from Christmas Day you have to be there for their Christmas? The whole time? Could you spend an hour or two to be polite and then go see your family?
TwoOfUs, there's no way I'll
TwoOfUs, there's no way I'll make that drive. It's about an hour in GOOD weather. Now add lots of snow...
Luckily no gift grab for my
Luckily no gift grab for my bf's princess daughter and her mini-me offspring because they are punishing him. We actually cancelled Christmas this year because I'm not up to it health-wise and we're sort of strapped for cash.
If only...
If only...