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It's been very quiet in step-land lately...

Salems Lot's picture

It's been very quiet in step-land lately, ever since SO has been directly dealing with the skids.
Almost too quiet.....
It's like waiting for a bomb to drop...


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Whenever things are quiet I always feel like its about to be doomsday... And normally something does end up blowing up...

Salems Lot's picture

It's like the calm before the storm.....

BM lays low for a while. Sometimes weeks, sometimes months, sometimes a year or 2, then BOOM, she comes at you with something completely unexpected. False accusations, demands for large sums of money, interfering with the kids and SO's relationships. Majority of the time it back fires on her, but it still causes chaos in our lives.

Makes me wonder what's up.....

Aniki-Moderator's picture

If BioHo was ever up to GOOD and not trying to put one over on others or get things for her nasty 'ho self, I'd keel over.

StepUltimate's picture

I totally relate to this feeling... grew up with it having an alcoholic rager dad (even when he was happy you knew that could all go bad in a heartbeat) and have it again with SS17... but planning to treat myself well and detach from whatev SS17 is up to.