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The Evil Stepmother (I Hate Disney)

MamaSunFlora365's picture

Ever since I was a little girl most of the stepmothers have been 3 things...young, beautiful, and evil. Looking in the mirror I see so far I'm 2 of the 3. It just sucks that if you're nice and fun the kids treat you like crap, but as soon as you grow a spine they roll their eyes and talk crap under their breaths. They'd rather their Father be around like all you do is lock them away in their rooms and force them to clean the house like Cinderella


Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

We have active conversations about this in our home. At the same time stepmothers are villainized, stepfathers are seen as the most amazing things in the world.

Sure there are outliers but it comes up all over the place. The last talk we had was because SO's daughter had picked up this random book to read. The thing was suppose to be about a goldfish and ended up being that she had an evil stepmom and the goldfish was supposed to grant wishes and make it better but didn't. It still ended with the evil stepmom going away. Like WTH?

That same night they watched Aristocats where Tom O'Malley the Alley Cat steps in, saves the day, and becomes daddy cat to the 3 kittens.

The movie didn't exactly call him a stepdad but the image is clear and it was the first time I saw it. A guy coming in is the hero while the women is a home wrecker.

DaizyDuke's picture

OMG that whole "bonus dad" crap! DH's cousin (I'll call him Bob) was dating a (psycho) gal that works in the same school district as me. She has 2 daughters who are both heavily involved in dance. So they dated a little over a year, Psycho was always posting pictures of Bob with the girls at dance competitions, helping them with their make-up, sporting his shirt that they got him for Father's Day that said "Bonus Dad", and on and on. They moved into his house, he travelled to all their dance competitions, I'm quite certain, he paid some large chunks of change for all of this and really did play the role of "dad" (he's a nice guys and loved her and honestly would probably have done anything for her) to those girls. It disgusted me that Psycho would put all this "Bonus Dad" crap all over FB, when the girls HAVE a dad, who is very involved in their lives! And the kicker????? On September 30th she posted pics of Bob doing the one gals makeup at a competition and the box that he built her for one of her routines and raved about how wonderful he was... and then we find out on October 2, she was cheating on him. Then when she got busted, she had the nerve to go on FB and say that the relationship was already over and that it was "toxic" LMAO!

And then of course, the pictures start flying of her and new guy (who I am also friends with) by October 20th or so... and now HE's the bestest Bonus Dad everrrrr and she's so happy. They both look like freaking idiots. BARF. I HATE women like this.

I love dogs's picture

Wow, the nerve of some women. Do you know if the BM cheated on old BF with new "bonus dad" BF?

Also, great comparison of Disney movies, DFTT!

DaizyDuke's picture

I don't think so, I think she cheated on the ex husband with someone else... THEN Bob came along. Poor Bob, he really is a very nice guy. Guess we should be happy he dodged her psycho bullet. Although the guy she cheated on Bob with, who she is with now, is a nice guy with a daughter of his own.... so let's drag some more kids through your psycho games. Ugh. Sad

I love dogs's picture

Yes good for Bob! Some days I wish DH dodged BM's crazy but SD's an overall good kid. As for the new guy, he's only been with her for a month. The crazy is bound to show itself soon..

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Literally daily I wish DH had dodged BM's crazy. lol I love my Skids, but dang that woman puts everyone and their dog and their cat through the ringer. I also think BM should be sterile though, lol.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I don't mind the bonus dad stuff what I hate is the big show every single time there's a new man.

She meets some guy and within a week is introducing them to the kids. Posting all these pictures of what fun they had and how amazing this guy is then less than a month later the guys gone.

She moved in with one guy so he lasted a big longer. She's posting pictures and stuff about how amazing he is with the kids. How hurt he was losing his last step children but he's so good about not trying to be a dad which would piss of BD.

The same night of the Disney movie after the talk we had about stepparents the oldest tells me "I'm going to have a step dad." WOW that was quick. Divorce isn't even done, you've been with the guy maybe 5 months, and your already telling the kids this? Then not a week later she calls SO crying about how the guy just left and what would he do if I ever did that.

Thing is SO doesn't care who she is with. He recently found out she's sleeping around again. With one guy but sleeping with others with his permission. SO talked to her for a moment while the kids where in the car closed up with me. She at first tried to deny it. All he asked was "don't introduce them to the kids." We're just tired of them being yanked around so much. She sits there and says "oh this time is different." Look at the track record women. SLOW DOWN.

The thing that angered me the most though seems petty but we had taken the kids somewhere. On the way out my SO was walking ahead of me with both children holding his hands. I took a picture of them. I love that picture. Not 2 weeks later she does the exact same thing with some new random guy who wasn't around 3 weeks. First time they met the guy. It took almost a year for me to be in a picture with the kids because we didn't want to push things. We never forced them to be close to me and here she's shoving the kids on every other guy so she can get those super sappy sweet pictures to plaster everywhere.

Ninji's picture

My skids BM has had at least 20 guys LIVING with her and skids in the last 8 years. She broke it off with her last husband in June sometime and had the new guy moved in within 2 weeks. They are now engaged, the only problem is they are both still married. I just don't understand how she keep meeting so many guys that are willing to move in with a women with 4 kids so quickly. When she cheated on DH she moved the new guy in the very next day after DH moved out.

She must be trolling the homeless shelter looking for these desperate men.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

"Must be trolling the homeless shelter looking for these desperate men."

I literally just laughed at work and got a weird look from a coworker that was passing by. lol

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

To be blunt some guys do stupid crap when sex is offered. They may also have this delusional idea that the kids wont impact their relationship or life in general.

Many may like the idea of shacking up with a woman with kids because they think it would be fun to play daddy till it gets hard. Or they think they'ed have more control because she's desperate and NEEDS them to survive.

Don't get me wrong I think cohabitation is GREAT when all factors are considered. It reduces cost and effort to maintain a home. You split responsibilities and have shared benefits. For SO he gets a partner who is willing and wanting to help him raise the kids. I get someone who helps me maintain the living standard I want and supports me emotionally. There's a lot more but some of the basic there for you.

But when kids are involved it needs to be stable. Its fine for an adult to jump around from place to place but when your responsible for their well being bringing in a new person every month is extremely harmful and risky.

jadewolf0325's picture

I am sure being a SM is just as bad as being a SD. I don't want to detract from the crap SM's go through, but around every corner I'm reminded that I'm not the bio. Bio is always number one, does everything better, has more money, blah blah blah.

secret's picture

lol, my own mother calls me Lady Tremaine... she said I'm cruel for making my kids take on so much household responsibilities.

yeah, cuz 10-15 minutes a day is wayyyyy too much. *rolls eyes*

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I wouldn't say the kids BEG to do chores BUTTTTTTTTT the oldest jumps at the chance because they get an allowance now.

I'll just ask "little one will you do the laundry" if he says no "oldest will you do the laundry" and up she goes.
I normally have her unload the dishwasher so we can keep it even and try to match to their abilities but we're not even at the point of forcing.

Little one has been upset before because oldest has more money then him but we just remind him "you said no to the chores maybe next time."

Also same here it's takes the kids less than 15 minutes to do the things we ask.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Well you know, in those 15 minutes they could break a nail or a drop of sweat or something. That's basically child cruelty right there.

Acratopotes's picture

Well I agree lol.... Aergia once said she's her Daddy's princess and should be treated as such.....

I decided there and then, seeing we are living in a fairy tale I will fulfill the roll of the wicked SM and start giving her chores...
hey I only made her fair tale dream come true Wink