SS17 Out Partying NOW
SS17 over an hour pas curfew. He's with loser friends in the next City over, hanging out 8n the Ghetto. Google South Sacramento if you're curious. t curfew, DH sleeping.
I'm 4 glasses of wine in (starting @ 7:00pm @ dinner with 3 friends, it's 12:08am now & I'm @ home) & SS17 is 9ut past his 10:30+ 1/2 hour extra curfew. He knows DH is asleep. Alllll I can do is go to bed & count DOWN until this little f*cker is gone. He's supposed to graduate ib June 2018; lets see if that actually happens. Right now I'm just praying hr's nust doing pot, not meth, crank, heroin, oxycontin, ot whatev. His dad has fo be @ work @ 6:00am, and had given SS an exta 1/2 hour to be home. Now it's 12:15am tbe next f*ccking day, and assh*le SS17 has been in the sorzt parts of the nearby city, doing (StepUltimate can only guess what) and hardworking DH is sound asleep. What a f*cking manipalative *sshole SS1u is, and probably drug addict, too.
Wait- I'm supposed to iverlook the bad behavioe & try to train him out of it? Been thete, done that. Counting the f*ck DOWN until he's out on his own, pling fhis sh8t elsewhere.
Gos, grant me the serenity to accept fhe things I cannor change' coursge to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
Now it's 12:22 am.
- StepUltimate's blog
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Sorry for the typo's. I'm
Sorry for the typo's. I'm emotional; sick of the dedication my SS has to sabotaging his own life. What an a**. Playing his dad's trust like a cheap video game. Zero respect, and I'm counting down until he graduates, then moves out (only gets to stay if there's employment or joining the military, both of which I'm not holding my breath for). Thanks for listening or reading.
-StepUltimate, feeling not so ultimate
2:45am DH wakes up worried
2:45am DH wakes up worried about where SS is. Tries calling, straight to voice mail. DH asks for my belp finding SS, saying he's going to go drive around trying to find him & call in sick to work (shift starts @ 6:00am). I go to SS17'a room & sure enough, he's passed out in bed. DH just glad he's home safe, says SS isn't allowed to go anywhere tomorrow (f*cking great; what did I do to deserve THAT?) and that there will be punishment/consequences.
Whatever. I'm just glad DH has assured me SS will be OUT this summer if he's not enrolled full-time at junior college or accepted by the military (pretty sure our all-volunteer military isn't in the market for a lying disrespectful *sshole with no skills who can't run a mile or pass the ASFAB, but what do I know). DH woke SS up asking when he got home (LIE: 9:30, followed by another lie, "I fell asleep @ Kenny's & came home late," another lie necause GPS shows you were elsewhere. DH now back asleep.
I cannot WAIT for SS to turn 18, graduate, and take his shit-show elsewhere. Can. Not. Wait.
Why not take SSs lifeline
Why not take SSs lifeline (his phone) and take the battery out of it. Then lock it in the trunk of your car. No idea why his phone isn't working. Maybe he dropped it last night....
You will get to the stage where you won't care. SS will crash and burn just like my OSS. It will break DHs heart but as I told my DH "I told you." only once. My OSS ended up in trouble with the courts and spent about 2 yrs working his way through drug court. He really turned his life around though. Works full time, in college part time. A great father although his ex gf dumped him the minute she finished with school herself. It would have sent a person with less resolve into a tailspin. But he has held it together and is doing a wonderful job managing his life.
And frankly, why do people think it is OK to dump their loser kids with no skills off to the military? Like it is the Govts job to retrain your kid because you failed? No, the military will not have a place for a POS loser teen. McDonalds or Goodwill may be a better place to start. Or buy him a ticket to Alaska for fun. Then cancel his return ticket.
Thank you. I am trying not to
Thank you. I am trying not to care & haven't spoken to SS today, who is in his room telling friends via phone he's "on restriction because he fell asleep at a friends house & came home an hour or two late" as if that's what happened. He's a dedicated liar with his heels dug in on this one. Seriously considering going elsewhere tonight because I don't want to hear & see DH get lied to again; on the other hand, I want SS17 to be as uncomfortable here as possible when he's acting like this so I should stay.
DH did tell SS by phone this morning that he's a liar, and that he knows he's lying. Last night really scared DH because SS was in a really bad area of a City that is known for crime, drugs & prostitution. It's no joke. But lately & again this morning, DH is finally seeing that SS is 100% okay with lying, and will say whatever he thinks you want to hear to con/manipulate.
So I stayed out of it. DH
So I stayed out of it. DH gave SS one day of restriction (yesterday/Saturday) for coming home late... ZERO punishment for lying. SS was in his room all day/evening yesterday, coming out only to eat & go to the bathroom. Now it's Sunday morning, and he's playing xbox & probably waiting for his friends to wake up so they can go get high. Whatev.
DH told me SS is a liar and he sees that now. I'd been afraid DH would triangulate & blame the tracking app like last time (which I haven't recovered from - never saw my DH lie to himself before but he literally couldn't face it that his own son is fully 100% okay lying to his face - it was denial) and hubby apologized profusely for having done that, because this time I stayed out of it & he tracked SS on his own phone (we both have the tracking app) and saw it all for himself, and was the only one SS lied to because I stayed out of it. DH saw how SS is committed to being a liar and also how much his belief of liar SS over the GPS tracking hurt me. So even though Friday night sucked, it actually helped DH clearly see how committed SS17 is to lying, using, and doing/not doing whatever the f*ck he wants to be doing. So DH plans to hand-hold & take SS to sign up for and show up for the 40 hours of Community Service required for graduation. He (DH) has realized graduation is racing towards SS and that SS Will. Not. Do. Anything toward completing those hours on his own. And because we're in marriage counseling and the counselor advised that DH must require respect in our home, but apparently DH is deer-in-headlights clueless on what to do about the lying so I fully expect that to continue.
To be continued...
Why are you waiting up for
Why are you waiting up for him?? Not your kid and not your problem, simply lock up the house and go to bed...