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He went

frustrationalways's picture

Dh went to the dedication of his dd's book at the school library today. They had the local newspaper come out and take pictures of her and they even had cake for her, isn't that sweet. He knows how much I don't support this and why but he is choosing to. He had better not expect any support from me!!! I can't stand that little bitch and I will continue to destroy ant copies of that book she brings into my house.


IDontCare3117's picture

Maybe I'm missing something here. I don't understand why your local newspaper would come out to do a story about your SD and a book her BM paid to have published. Maybe it's some section where people can submit their own stories, and brag on themselves? I could get it if the book had been "officially" published by a real book publisher, but it seems weird to me anything but a school newspaper would be interested in this.

DaizyDuke's picture

I know the newspaper where I live will send a reporter if you call and tell them what is going on.. so my guess is BM probably called and gave misleading information (like didn't bother to mention she PAID to get it published)and they did a story on it.

what I still can't fathom is how a 13 year old managed to write a book, much less 3 sentences, that had proper grammar and spelling and without an editor was able to "publish" anything intelligible?? :?

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

THIS!!! Good God, what horrible content to publish. And the school library's going to have this for students to read? Is that right? :O

frustrationalways's picture

I believe bm donated some books for the library. I know she donated some to the county library where her book is on display with her picture and a display board calling her a local writer.

IDontCare3117's picture

That's ridiculous. If all it takes be a "writer" is the financial means to get a book "published", then guess how many people could consider themselves authors?

ESMOD's picture

It's called vanity publishing and I think there are a lot of people that DO consider themselves

I actually had an article published in a regional online magazine.. so guess I'm one too. (no pay for me.. but I didn't have to pay.)

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

Call the newspaper, inform them the book's premise is murdering her own sibling and it is a fancy form of bullying.

DaniellaR's picture

Everyone suggested all of that in a previous post. At this point I am not sure why OP is allowing her child to be bullied. I am also not sure why she is with a man that is encouraging it.

frustrationalways's picture

How dare you suggest I am allowing it. If it were up to me I'd spank her ass raw and tell her if she EVER thought of writing about my son again she will be sorry!! I don't get to teach her to behave since her mo0ther would have no issue having me arrested!

Disneyfan's picture


What's the point of burning books when your child still has to live with the author?

frustrationalways's picture

I took everyones advice!!! I called the school and met with the librarian, principal and even the superintendent. I Have emailed with my school board rep and I am waiting for her to get back to me. I have called the news stations and the newspaper and no one is interested in helping me.

Disneyfan's picture

So why are you still with this man? You want the book removed but you won't remove you son from the environment.

Why force your son to live in a home with someone who hates him so much that she is writing books about killing him?

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

Can you go to the police and file charges against SD for harassment? Can you get a restraining order with a copy of the book as proof she has intent to hurt your son? I mean, if she's really using his real name as the guy who gets murdered, you should have a case. Go get a lawyer to lend some weight to your correspondence with these people. There HAS to be some legal precedence about issues like this.