OT - Technology
Do you ever wonder if all of the technology we use to make life "more convenient" is actually a secret way to track where we are and what we do? What if...
FitBits: Who's moving and how often. People who are not using FitBits (or similar technology) or who are not "up to standard" on them, pay higher insurance premiums and are considered high risk.
Kindles: What material you are reading. Does it meet government approval? Perhaps it's controversial to what Big Brother wants you to believe. Also, the more time you spend reading, the less active you are (unless you're on a stationary bike).
Smart phones: Yeah, everyone knows it pinpoints exactly where we are. Maybe your internet history and personal info (social media accounts, emails, bank/purchase info) is all going into a computer file.
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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The Amazon Echos have really
The Amazon Echos have really got me thinking that's for sure! BS7 really wants one, and while I'm not a huge conspiracy theorist, this one is really questionable to me??! :?
People in the 60's :GAH!! the government can wire tap your home!!!
People today: Hey wire tap! (Alexa) can cats eat pancakes?
Friends of ours have Alexa.
Friends of ours have Alexa. It's CREEPY!!! Who KNOWS what's really in that thing?? But now it's in their home, controlling all kinds of stuff. DH and I said No Way In HE!! would we ever have that.
I think it's marketing to not
I think it's marketing to not just big brother. My ds wants one of those amazon talking things that follows your commands. I think it's Alexa or something like that. I told him no way we are monitored enough.
Luckily I am technologically
Luckily I am technologically impaired. Great so I will tracked that I go on Step Talk and comment how I loath my SD.
Seriously though, it is quite scary at times when you think about it.
I believe that technology has
I believe that technology has many more pro's than con's. Always remember that any thing you put on your computer can be seen by many people. These people who post naked pics and then cry when someone see's them, well you did this to yourself. And people can hack and that is scary. But I don't think it is a secret, I think that this is how it is in 2017.
I think some people can be
I think some people can be ignorant as to how the data they put out there is tracked.
People don't tend to read the fine print/ disclosure notices about how collected data is used.... people click Accept/Agree and post their life away....then are surprised when they get personalized marketing etc...
I personally don't care if the government knows what I do, where I go, etc... I have nothing to hide. There is a creepy factor, though, at the thought of always "being watched", for sure.
Yeah absolutely. I feel
Yeah absolutely. I feel people don't fully comprehend the consequences of all this data collection, etc. Sure we say "do it - I have nothing to hide." Well - who's to say that's true? Maybe we have nothing to hide....until they decide that visiting certain sites should be outlawed, or posting certain things in a blog is illegal, or having an opinion that's apart from the masses is not allowed - then you might have "something to hide."
The danger with any data collection, is that infinite amounts of it are at the hands of the few - Google, Apple, Amazon - that's a lot of power - and with that power they have a lot of ability to use it in whatever way they see fit.
Already Google filters what information you receive via it's search engine - so they're controlling information. They do this by controlling what you are exposed to, ergo control what opinions you form because people form opinions based on what they know. Of course you can go to other sites for information...use other search engines...but Google has the most data, is the largest, and has the (seemingly) best algorithms...so most people default to it, unwittingly.
Data is gathered in your car - when you apply your breaks or not - it's stored in some box and used during insurance claims, etc.
Data is stored from your smartphone re: where you go and when, what websites you visit, who you interact with (phone, emails, texts), and of course what you and your family/friends look like via pictures.
As you mentioned, currently, we have the option to give information to our insurance companies re: our blood pressure, weight, cholesterol, etc...so insurance companies incentivize folks to give them that data - by reducing one's annual payments or what not. But soon, that option may not be there. It could be a requirement...and then you'll see your insurance rise if you're overweight, or perhaps not exercising enough, or a smoker...and where will they pull that data from? Oh, your phone, your apple watch, your fit-bit, your Amazon echo or Alexis or whatever it's called now...and then will you be cool with it?
I know it's the way of the world and the direction we're all headed in - but I think it's something to be aware of and to think a lot about.