I beat the hell out of sd
Saturday night my best friend had a poker tournament at her house. I went, I played and I lost. I was first out and my best friend was out second. After drinking for a while we wanted tacos so one of the other losers, sober, drove us to Taco Bell. Sd and her friends were there. She came up and asked me how sd was and I told her to go f@ck a donkey and never speak in my direction again. It felt wonderful. Sd couldn't handle the rejection and started bumping into me and I ignored the shoulder checks like a good person till I got outside and she did it one last time. It took 3 people to pull me off of her and she lost a front tooth when i put her face into the curb, she also needed stitches on her pretty face, right on her cheek where it will scar. I was arrested for assault and public drunkenness. Sd was arrested for assault. I have a lawyer and he thinks we can get the assault charges dropped since there is video of sd harassing me and bumping me multiple times. It was worth every second of community service I will do! Sd thought she was big and bad and I couldn't touch her because she is a child. I loved teaching her 19 isn't a child anymore.
- Fatamy's blog
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I'm old enough to know better
I'm old enough to know better and I was to drunk to care. Sd destroyed my family and my dd was sexually assaulted in her care.
Where was your DD during all
Where was your DD during all of this?
Considering you just went through divorce and custody case, I'm not sure kicking the young lady's butt was in your best interest. If I were Dad I'd be talking to my own lawyer and having second thoughts on how safe you are to be around his youngest daughter. He might not 'win' in court, but it sure would be worth the loss to watch you have to defend yourself with yet another lawyer and why a full grown *ss woman is raging drunk in public, drinking and driving and beating on people. Provoked or not.
My lovely ex hasn't seen dd
My lovely ex hasn't seen dd since the week after the divorce was final. His choice not mine and dd was visiting family out of state.
If the bumping irritated her,
If the bumping irritated her, she should have called the police. Then again, perhaps she thought she'd be arrested for being drunk.
I've had people 'bump' me. More than once. I told the bouncer or called the cops. I certainly never lost my sh!t, and was so enraged and intent on beating the living crap out of someone that it took 3, count 'em, THREE, people to pull me off.
Fatamy got bumped several times. SD lost a tooth and needed facial stitches.
Fatamy may have 'won the battle', but there's a good chance she will 'lose the war' when it goes to court.
I know they were not
I know they were not accidental. I never said they were not. OP should have called the police. IMHO, SD was being a beeyotch and probably didn't intend for it to get more physical than those bumps and some words between them. But OP has been fiending for a physical fight.
And don't be too sure that OP has any damage to her. I got slapped across the mouth by a man. In public. He had been stalking me. His ring cut the he!! out of my mouth. I launched out of my chair and had him on the floor before you could say 'dang!'. I did a LOT more damage to him, but he went to jail because he violated a Restraining Order.
Diane, I certainly hope he
Diane, I certainly hope he does. This 'behavior' is BS, at best. If SD was beating the He!! out of FA, and FA was defending herself, that would be a different story. Beating up someone and causing the damage that FA did because SD BUMPED her a few times is a total crock of shite.
He hasn't made any effort to
He hasn't made any effort to see dd since the first week after the divorce was final and he isn't paying child support so I doubt he takes me to court.
Seriously? She bumped you and
Seriously? She bumped you and you felt that knocking out her tooth and beating her up was justified?? You could have and SHOULD HAVE called the police. Justice would be that you end up paying for her hospital bills. Sickening.
When does school start up in
When does school start up in your district?
Well, something upon which we
Well, something upon which we agree

....congrats? :?
If this is for real, her arse
If this is for real, her arse deserves fines and jail time.
The key word is 'NORMAL'....
The key word is 'NORMAL'....
Anotherstep, how about 1.5
Anotherstep, how about 1.5 million dollars up front?
oh wow.... are you friends
oh wow.... are you friends with an Expert?
Hopefully, the OP's prize
Hopefully, the OP's prize will be losing custody of her daughter.
I agree that OP needs
I agree that OP needs therapy. Maybe AA as well.
Deriding a user's post is
Deriding a user's post is against the terms of service. Specifically, number 8 in the list provided under License and Site access...
"Step Talk grants you a limited, revocable, and nonexclusive license to access and make use of this site. This license does not include the right to make any derivative use of this site or its contents;"
A user's posts are considered content.
Just FYI.
To whom is this PSA
To whom is this PSA addressed?
"derivative use of this site
"derivative use of this site or its contents" does not mean what you think it means.
Deriding and derivative are
Deriding and derivative are not the same thing.
typo on the first word...
typo on the first word... deriving.
I'm aware of the difference between the 2.
Deriving someone's post... by imitating them and turning them into satire.... for example... is making derivative use of the OP's post
(or maybe deriving FROM the post. Whatever.)
No you are still wrong. To
No you are still wrong. To make fun of or imitate or turn into satire = derisive.
Derivative is using something that comes from the site elsewhere -
(typically of an artist or work of art) imitative of the work of another person, and usually disapproved of for that reason.
"an artist who is not in the slightest bit derivative"
synonyms: imitative, unoriginal, uninventive, unimaginative, uninspired; More
something that is based on another source.
"a derivative of the system was chosen for the Marine Corps’ V-22 tilt rotor aircraft"
You clearly do not know the difference between the two.
From Merriam-Webster:
Definition of DERISIVE
expressing or causing contemptuous ridicule or scorn
expressing or causing derision •derisive laughter
Definition of DERIVATIVE
1 linguistics
a word formed from another word or base
a word formed by derivation •“pointy,” “pointed,” and other derivatives of “point”
something derived
•… the sonata form (itself a derivative of opera) … — Kingsley Martin
•the name “Mia” is a derivative of “Maria”
3 mathematics
the limit of the ratio of the change in a function to the corresponding change in its independent variable as the latter change approaches zero
4 chemistry
a chemical substance related structurally to another substance and theoretically derivable from it
a substance that can be made from another substance •Petroleum is a derivative of coal tar. •soybean derivatives
a contract or security (see security 3) that derives its value from that of an underlying asset (such as another security) or from the value of a rate (as of interest or currency exchange) or index (see 1index 2d) of asset value (such as a stock index)
Meh, so is appointing
Meh, so is appointing yourself site police.
The admin. has purposely asked us not to play site police. If there is a problem contact blah blah blah.
I didn't see it - where was
I didn't see it - where was it posted?
lol, I wish admin would
lol, I wish admin would actually enforce their TOS with people like you.
I thought this was about
I thought this was about winning at poker and SD losing at poker!
"Derivative use" means
"Derivative use" means violating copy rights such as for example publishing anonymous posts from here in a book for personal gain or copy and post them somewhere with no permission would be "derivative use". Commenting that somethung isn't believable is not "derivative use".
Well, using 'such as' and
Well, using 'such as' and 'for example' together isn't exactly great grammar either!