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Violence in my home

Cecilia's picture

My oldest stepson has a violent temper and we never know what is going to set him off. Last Friday was one of those times. The violence is escalating. It used to be bruises, welts, and my husband has had bruised ribs in the past. This time my husband has torn ligaments and a broken thumb. I hurt my back when I was thrown to the floor. He also put me in a choke hold, I thought he was going to kill me.


Cecilia's picture

We did call the cops but I have called before and husband called them off. This time they came and my husband actually let the cops transport him to the hospital. He was going to see if they would hold him, try to figure out what his problem is. Nothing we have done over the last 10 years has done any good. My ss is 17 and the psychiatrist he has been seeing for years says that his anger is something he can control. He suggested that we have him arrested for assault. It took a decade for my husband to even let cops transport him to a hospital.

Cecilia's picture

We did call the cops but I have called before and husband called them off. This time they came and my husband actually let the cops transport him to the hospital. He was going to see if they would hold him, try to figure out what his problem is. Nothing we have done over the last 10 years has done any good. My ss is 17 and the psychiatrist he has been seeing for years says that his anger is something he can control. He suggested that we have him arrested for assault. It took a decade for my husband to even let cops transport him to a hospital.

TwelveLongYrs79's picture

If he's been seeing the same psychologist for years and no improvement? He needs a new therapist! This isn't a child having a tantrum anymore...this is practically a grown man trying to kill you or your spouse. And he should be arrested. Maybe he'd get either the treatment he needs or a wake up call.

TwelveLongYrs79's picture

First, your SH tells he you he's not in love with you a month his son is choking the s$&t out of you?
Why. Are. You. Still. There....? Call the cops and GO.

Indigo's picture

1-800-799-SAFE(7233) Domestic abuse hotline, nationwide, 24/7.

Stop the excuses and the "yeah, but's ..." Reach out for help "IN REAL LIFE," not a bunch of strangers on the internet.

Your 'man' admits he doesn't love you and wants you gone ... violence against you is tolerated and you permit it. No one calls the cops or gets a restraining order.

WTF. What drugs are you on that numbs you out to this level of helplessness?

DaizyDuke's picture

So if he's 17 and you say he's your "oldest" step son, I'm assuming that means there is another younger child in the home? This is so very wrong and this kid needs to go in-patient somewhere, be it a RTF, BSU, somewhere other than your home. And if your husband won't do it, I'd call CPS my damn self.

Cecilia's picture

My youngest step son is 14 and he has been hurt too. We all have been hurt over the years. I'm afraid that one day he will seriously hurt someone or he will mess with wrong person and get hurt himself. I can't abandon my youngest SS, I am the only mother he has. When my husband divorced his first wife he got into a rebound relationship and she got pregnant. When we got married social services placed him with us permanently and she just faded away. She had every opportunity to visit him but she never does. He can't lose another mother.