Well we found out what the "backpack" money was for.. and oh dear god
So we just got SD down last night when BM texts DH asking "What does Azithromycin treat?" (DH is a medic). DH is confused and asked "It treats a lot of things...Why would the doc prescribe an antibiotic for our son if you don't know what it is treating. What did the doc say is wrong with son?" She says its not for son its for her.
Dh is still confused and answered "well it can treat respiratory and sinus infections and the like, but why would you get a prescription for something you didn't find out what the cause is" BM then asks.... wait for it.... "Can it cure an STD?" *Cue uncontrollable fit of giggles from me*
DH replies "that depends on the STD. What did the doc say you have?"
She then states that she didn't go to the doctor (cause she doesn't have insurance) but she bought some azithromycin from a friend to try and treat it. ** Cue even more fits of deep hiccuping laughter from me*
OHHHHHH so that's what she needed the "backpack" money for.... DH is now laughing as well and he tries to get her to say what she THINKS she has. She is hesitant to say say but he ends up telling her that without a doctor's diagnosis, it could be a number of STD's that the antibiotic WONT cure. She should get seen asap.
she tells him that her new Boy Toy found out that he (unknowingly)had the clap.. and she doesn't know if she has it now.
DH says "Thats disgusting and Probably so. Go to the doctor and get PRESCRIBED meds now"
OH my dear lord, I don't think I have ever laughed so hard before. And also... ew just ew...
- danielsj2's blog
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She can't understand words
She can't understand words containing over one syllable.. so I'm sure she was confused.
I am tempted to send the money now.. with a note attached "Hope it's curable for your sake"
no do not send the money -
no do not send the money - send a card saying.. get well soon tell your BF to pay or share his meds lol
True--He who dealt it.. pays
True--He who dealt it.. pays for it lol
Oh I am sure it was spelled
Oh I am sure it was spelled all wonky.. luckily we are fluent in BM speak and can figure out what she means.. most of the time. And yep you're right I don't think any of us would ever do this... but then again we are smarter than to whore around and catch nasty things too. lol
I wouldn't even contact you
I wouldn't even contact you if I had an STD, and we all know how much I love you!!
nope - the ONLY person who would ever know if I had an STD would be my doctor!!
^^^^I literally spat out my
^^^^I literally spat out my coffee!
HAHAH right? And if it's not
HAHAH right? And if it's not curable.. it's like the gift that keeps on giving.
I don't believe "Thou shall
I don't believe "Thou shall not wish herpes upon another" is a cardinal sin... I think we're covered LMAO
My DH's nephew got it when he
My DH's nephew got it when he was working out of town. Said he got it from using the port a potty. Ummmm yeahhhhh.
Knowing her she probably
Knowing her she probably started a GoFundMe.
the clap????? Seriously?
the clap????? Seriously?
I can't make this clap.. I
I can't make this clap.. I mean crap.. up.... bahahhahaha
OMG I would have to print out
OMG I would have to print out that little text exchange and keep in in a scrap book where I could look at it and read it every time I get blue or depressed.
That is CLASSIC!!!
I made him screenshot it...
I made him screenshot it... it's too priceless not to cherish
this text will go down in
this text will go down in STalk history as it takes its rightful place alongside the one I got from the Beast known as Medusa "quite mailing me thigns you qucaking whore" when she received the first mailing from us containing the skids' report cards - which the Judge ordered DH to do.
I still have that text..
I'm starting to wonder if
I'm starting to wonder if there is a special course BM's take to obtain this degree of stupidity.. it can't be all coincidence--they have to all be taking the same lessons on retarded behavior.
Ive always been a huge
Ive always been a huge advocate of "if auto correct can't figure out what the hell you're trying to say--use a different word idiot"
Great idea-- and all proceeds
Great idea-- and all proceeds can go to a special STalk retreat fund!! Some good should come out of all this insanity!
A couple months after I
A couple months after I changed my number I got the bestest random text EVAH!!
It included a picture.
I got a picture of a mouth. The text read... I bruised my lips giving you a blow job last night xo chrissy.
Oh how I laughed and laughed!! After awhile, I texted her back. Chrissy, looks like you did a really good job with that! However, I think you've sent this to the wrong person. I am a woman and wasn't with you last night.
We actually had a text conversation. She was pretty mortified. I still have that and lmao every time I see it.
What is wrong with people
What is wrong with people putting everything in text messages? So incredibly stupid. And then sending it to the wrong person!
I rarely use my cell phone, much less text everybody my personal business.
I don't get it.
My DH got a new phone # last
My DH got a new phone # last year and it was some random local Ghetto WEED HO's digits!! He started getting the most thug-literate texts (usually at night) from her peeps looking for their hook-up. Hubby is an alpha-male truck-driving warrior and blasted back some hilarious feedback... scared'em off because they all went silent after a few rounds of descriptive threats & hubby's offer to "meet & discuss." Wise choice on their part, and very entertaining for us.
Yep me too. Although its
Yep me too. Although its hilarious for karma sake... it's also gross.
Why on Earth would she be
Why on Earth would she be asking her ex about this? What a loon. I get that he's a medic but talking to him about her STD is just weird.
So, she thinks that just taking any 'ol antibiotic will work? What a dumb ass.
Well I always knew she wasn't
Well I always knew she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.. but this takes the cake lol
This is really funny! Talk
This is really funny! Talk about trashy....hey it give you and DH more fuel if there are any issues come up in the future.
Oh I agree.. I think I am
Oh I agree.. I think I am just really wanting to see if she sticks with her Boy Toy through all this. Pure anthropological curiosity of course.
To be fair, BM2 tells my DH
To be fair, BM2 tells my DH the most mundane and non-important, non-to-do-with-SS14 ALL. THE TIME. All the freaking time. Just today, in fact, she told him a boat load of information that no ex of 10+ years should know. None of her exes should know. But her and DH had a child together so DH is forever in the loop of holy crap please stop telling me this stuff. He never responds...she still keeps sending.
I am so glad that texting was
I am so glad that texting was not a thing back when SD was a minor. When BM would start talking to DH about her personal life, he just hung up on her.
Yes she called DH back in
Yes she called DH back in February I think screaming and crying hysterically that her car was leaking oil....the whole conversation happened to be on Bluetooth in the car so I got to hear all of it... DH and I just stare at each other with the same "she's gone insane" look.
Then she starts to cry HARDER and LOUDER when DH asked "Why are you calling to tell me this? That's not my problem unless you are trying to ask if I can get the kids since your car is broken and you can't make it. But if its not that request.. those questions/venting should be directed to your boyfriend, not me"
Oh for f*cks sake, has this
Oh for f*cks sake, has this woman never heard of GOOGLE?? I always shake my head when people ask me questions that are somewhat embarrassing when they can just as easily find the answer on the interwebs.
And we ALL knew the money was for her. Although, I assumed drugs... but that's just because BM here is an addict. So...
I am assuming so... it's too
I am assuming so... it's too coincidental of a time line to not line up perfectly for that. I really don't think she gets the whole "whatever I say to my ex will most def be communicated to his actual wife" concept. Like really? You think this stuff is just between the two of you? Oh no honey, your idiotic texts are laughed about by the two of us as we sip our beers when the kids go to bed.
What I really wanna know is if she got confirmation said pills are actually antibiotics... I could of sold her a bottle of Tylenol for 50 bucks no problem if that's how she would have asked heheh