Does your school district...
Allow participation in school plays or extracurricular activities after a student has flipped off teachers, received repeated referrals and detentions, skipped classes chronically and failed to turn in class work and homework assignments all the while crater failing academically?
Regardless of the school policy, as an experienced parent of successfully raised children I would not have allowed my child to get involved in the school play knowing that my child has disrespected authority and was failing academically. But then again I was never a BFF parent.
I'm not surprised as the Girhippo has often fought against reasonable school policy such as no participation in extracurriculars if failing.
Just received a notice in the mail that budding juvenile delinquent YSS (14.5) will be receiving a participation trophy and recognition for being in the school play.
- thinkthrice's blog
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Well thank you for that GUBM
Well thank you for that GUBM comment; I would expect nothing less. Methinks thou doth protest too much.

Good point however bad
Good point however bad behaviour shouldn't be rewarded. The same thing happened with "athletic" SD (18.5) and sports. To this day, SD has quit all sports for the last 4 years. Her truancy and poor grades remain. OSS (20.5), who showed the most promise and wasn't BFF/free ranged to the extent the younger two were, was indulged in special rock star camps. He just barely graduated by the skin of his teeth.
All of the high schools SD
All of the high schools SD has attended are like that - she's been failing academically since 9th grade and behavior problems have been escalating. That's prevented her from doing any clubs or other social activities. I don't think she's even allowed to go to dances.
SD has significant problems with depression and no real friends. Getting her more involved in school clubs is one suggestion we have had over and over to get her to have at least some social interaction with other kids outside of school, but it's not possible. She's not allowed. So it's been a doubled edged sword. Her social isolation is not helping her depression improve, part of her behavior problems is caused by the depression and the cycle keeps repeating and building.
Even at the school for troubled teens DH sent her to, the kids started out having to earn every single privilege. They started with nothing and had to even earn everything. SD didn't care and ended up just giving up as usual. She doesn't bother earning privileges.
I'm not sure how common SD's reaction is. I can understand the concept, but I'm not exactly sure preventing kids from being involved in activities at school doesn't send them down the wrong path.
SD hates going to school and doesn't feel there's any point to it. Anything that would make school more positive for her would be helpful.
They give participation
They give participation trophies for being in school plays now? Wtf??
yep. the skid's school
yep. the skid's school district has one of the highest "special needs" student population. I'd say a 3.7 GPA HS diploma is equivalent to a 70's 3rd grade education.
I don't buy that theory
I don't buy that theory either. Proven fact that those kids that excel in EC activities usually were excelling academically before EC was introduced. In my day, kids had a healthy respect and fear of disobeying their parents and teachers. If you hated school, you were told to simply suck it up.
We used to have ORPHANS that
We used to have ORPHANS that excelled academically without any special accomodation or incentives.
The "it's all biodad's fault
The "it's all biodad's fault so let's accept and excuse kid's rotten behaviour" crowd is out in full force tonight
OP are you serious? "Just
OP are you serious? "Just received a notice in the mail that budding juvenile delinquent YSS (14.5) will be receiving a participation trophy and recognition for being in the school play".
IF my own bio did what your yss14 did, I would be sure to yank him/her out of that activity.
Don't you think schools have found themselves tight against their own walls out of fear of bs from parents.
No snowflake left behind.
YEARS ago behaving like that would have sent us to reform school and our parents would have closed the blinds from utter embarrassment.
There is no shame disgusting thinktrice. Sorry about this.