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Summer Summer Time... Summer Time! POLL

zerostepdrama's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live?

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer?

Lake or Ocean?

What do you not like about summer?

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid?

Do you camp in the summer?

What do you have planned for this summer?

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer?

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini?


Salems Lot's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live? WARM and SUNNY

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer? FISHING

Lake or Ocean? LAKE

What do you not like about summer? HUMIDITY

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid? CAMPING

Do you camp in the summer? NOT SINCE I WAS A KID

What do you have planned for this summer? NOT MUCH

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer? NOT LIKELY. DON'T COME AROUND ANYMORE

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini? NOT SINCE I WAS 21 WHEN I HAD A BODY BUILT LIKE A BRICK SHIT HOUSE.

WalkOnBy's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live? Warm and sunny and we have lots and lots of lakes!!

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer? relax and read on my deck

Lake or Ocean? Lake

What do you not like about summer? the humidity

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid? going "up north" to a rented cabin for two weeks

Do you camp in the summer? I don't camp ever - lol

What do you have planned for this summer? the arrival of my granddaughter and moving Thing1 to Chicago

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer? the skids are ALWAYS around

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini? I am trying to learn how to be

Ninji's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live? It's like Hell. Especially in Aug.

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer? Swim!

Lake or Ocean? Ocean. You will be eaten in a lake around here.

What do you not like about summer? The Heat; my God, the Heat!

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid? Smashing lightning bugs on my fingers to make glowing "rings"

Do you camp in the summer? Nope

What do you have planned for this summer? Nothing. Too broke

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer? More than last summer but less than this school year because we have SS full time now.

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini? Swimsuit, I'm fat.

Tuff Noogies's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live? hot and humid.

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer? playing with the smoker with dh

Lake or Ocean? both!

What do you not like about summer? the suffocating heat

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid? motorcycle rides with my father

Do you camp in the summer? we have in the past, now we have too many furbabies so last time i had to stay home.

What do you have planned for this summer? absolutely nothing

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer? it'll probably be about the same

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini? sure.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live?

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer?
Go boating or swimming

Lake or Ocean?
Lake Superior

What do you not like about summer?
Heat and bugs

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid?
Family vacations

Do you camp in the summer?
Not in years

What do you have planned for this summer?

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer?
Thankfully, NO

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini?
I wear a one-piece. If plastic surgery was free and painless and risk-free, I'd have an inner thigh lift.

zerostepdrama's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live?

Hot, Humid

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer?

Lay in my hammock, outdoor parties, swimming

Lake or Ocean?


What do you not like about summer?

I pretty much like everything... I guess maybe the bugs?

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid?

Long days... the days felt so long and were filled with us neighborhood kids doing so much fun stuff.

Do you camp in the summer?


What do you have planned for this summer?

Camping, swim park, amusement park, outdoor concert

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer?

They shouldn't...

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini?

Depends... I need to lose 10lbs. It's my beer belly!

--figureditout--'s picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live? Hot, humid, hurricanes occasionally.

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer? Firepit sitting with the boys.

Lake or Ocean? Ocean...actually, Gulf of Mexico. Too many gators in our lakes.

What do you not like about summer? Trashy tourists.

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid? Going to Elephant Butte...

Do you camp in the summer? Never!

What do you have planned for this summer? Working, but my schedule is nice; no nights or weekends.

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer? Nope. Haven't heard from the she-spawn in 2 years. The other spawn is moving back home to UT with his boyfriend...don't think that will go over well.

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini? Yes. I am a big girl, but it's all good. I don't wear a swimsuit to look like a model, I wear it to be functional on the beach.

Peridwen's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live? Hot & Muggy

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer? Camping, trail-riding, fishing, card games by firelight

Lake or Ocean? Lake - 100%

What do you not like about summer? Going from AC to heat and back makes me sick.

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid? Show jumping competitions, Central Ontario Fly-In fishing camp, sprinklers, family fun!

Do you camp in the summer? Yep

What do you have planned for this summer? 1 week of camping. That's it. Sad New promotion means most vacations are off the table until next year.

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer? Nope - same schedule.

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini? Swimsuit yes, bikini no. But I'm not a lounge-at-the-poolside kinda girl, I'm a CANNONBALL girl and bikinis are unreliable.

Cover1W's picture

* What is the weather like in the summer where you live?
It can be in the 80s/90s and then it's miserable b/c no one has A/C unless your workplace has it. BUT I love it. It's three months (well, maybe 2.5) of nice, sunny mostly, weather and people are outdoors all the time. It's also light very early and doesn't get dark till 10:00 pm.

* What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer?
Swim! Go to beach! Ride Bike! Outdoor eating! Grilling! Open windows and summer breezes! Paddleboarding! Kayak!

* Lake or Ocean?
Semi-Ocean - inland ocean.

* What do you not like about summer?
Fruit flies in the house. Extended time with SDs home and chaos.
This year though I've sworn (and told DH too) that if everyone but me is off messing around all day and I'm the only one away from the house 12 hrs per day 5 days per week, there's no way in hell I'm cooking or cleaning like I normally do.

* What are favorite summer time memories as a kid?
Swimming at neighbor's pool, horses, bikes, going off with the neighborhood kids ALL DAY doing adventures.

* Do you camp in the summer?
No. We don't have the camping gear. SDs would complain. No way ever.

* What do you have planned for this summer?
Not much. Paying bills. DH and I have a little excursion planned but that's it.

* Will the skids be around more now that it is summer?

* Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini?
Tankini or a sexy tank. Yes. How else to swim?

Ninji's picture

It gets light too early. I leave my house for work at 6:10am and it's already getting light out. Makes me feel like I'm running late. Smile

Cover1W's picture

Yeah, it starts getting light out about 5:00 AM now.
DH and I both wear eye covers (lots of windows in our bedroom) - plus the cats LOVE the early hours for trying to find out why I'm not up yet.

Tuff Noogies's picture

when i was growing up, most people didn't have a/c. in fact, i never had a/c until i moved south! we used windows and fans.

moving_on_again's picture

This freaks me out. When we are booking an AirBnB and they mention they have AC, I think, how do people live without it!

I live in the midwest and every place has it. It's way too humid in the summer to not.

WalkOnBy's picture

I am in Michigan and we didn't have central air growing up. My parents had a window unit in their bedroom, but the rest of just sweated it out like whores in church.

Thing1 moves to Chicago next month. Rented a beautiful apartment in a lovely greystone - nope, no central air. He'll learn Smile

Cover1W's picture

Because it's not hot enough 10 months out of the year to use it. And it usually cools off at night. It's really just uncomfortable for about 2 or 3 weeks in the summer.

Not humid.

Pacific Northwest.

moving_on_again's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live? can get up past 100 but usually more like mid 70s to mid 90s.

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer? Visit somewhere new every year.

Lake or Ocean? I like both.

What do you not like about summer? When it's unbearable hot and humid and you have no escape.

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid? Camping with my best friend and her family.

Do you camp in the summer? Yes.

What do you have planned for this summer? Trip to Colorado and a couple weekend camping trips.

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer? Doubtfully, although we have seen more of MSD since she moved out of BM's. But it's mostly to do stuff like buy her a phone (which I am ok with but I told SO I wanted to skip the shopping portion of that endeavor).

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini? Not totally but not totally not. My skin just isn't tight anymore no matter what I do. But I have a lot of cute cover ups.

momjeans's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live?
- Hot, humid, and rainy. (I currently live in the south.)

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer?
- Hiking at all the local waterfalls, cookouts, hammock naps.

Lake or Ocean?
- Ocean (pacific), preferably near an inlet for the little ones to play in.

What do you not like about summer?
- All the bugs.

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid?
- Camping in the redwoods, days spent at the beach, riding my bike and playing with my friends until sundown.

Do you camp in the summer?
- Not that often, unfortunately.

What do you have planned for this summer?
- I'm visiting a friend in Brooklyn, for a week, next month - sans DH and little ones.

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer?
- Yup, but skid is kept busy with day camps and overnights with her grandparents. I'm disengaged to the max.

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini?
- Mostly, yes.

Thumper's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live? Hot and Humid

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer? Travel when off from work.

Lake or Ocean? Ocean of course a Lake is gross. Husband and I hate lakes and love the ocean. Those who love the Lake seem to have a wonderful time.

What do you not like about summer?
When school supplies are out in early July Sad And when the kids have to go back to school. YES you read that right.. Sad

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid? The smell of summer, fresh laid and racked black top. ,, swimming in the pool. Riding bikes, running outside at 9am back for lunch, OUT again until dinner, OUT again until dark. Catching Fireflies. Getting excited about where the parents were taking us on vacation. Awwww good times.

Do you camp in the summer? Not in a tent if that is what your asking. OHhhh never ever in a tent.

What do you have planned for this summer? Little bit of everything. Summer is most of the year for us. We consider ourselves fortunate.

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer? No they are adults.

** I never understood the theory behind a Non-custodial having all of summer and I do mean all summer. Custodial should get a feel of real parenting all day long just not dinner to bedtime during the school year. Must be super nice to be paid as a phantom parent. I am hearing more and more noncustodial tossing in the summer towels. One told me (not dh)I cant afford it, if I have to pay the x full support all summer long then I will keep seeing them eow. His x called him a dickhead. She was furious and said IT"S not fair and he ruined her summer. She never worked since the divorce.

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini? I guess.

momjeans's picture

"** I never understood the theory behind a Non-custodial having all of summer and I do mean all summer. Custodial should get a feel of real parenting all day long just not dinner to bedtime during the school year. Must be super nice to be paid as a phantom parent. I am hearing more and more noncustodial tossing in the summer towels. One told me (not dh)I cant afford it, if I have to pay the x full support all summer long then I will keep seeing them eow. His x called him a dickhead. She was furious and said IT"S not fair and he ruined her summer. She never worked since the divorce."

Nailed it.

BM puts skid on a plane the very next day after school gets out for summer break. She doesn't want skid back until 2 or 3 days before school starts back up again. Screw band camp for skid. Screw skid hanging-out with her school friends over the summer. Screw if it goes over the court ordered 8 weeks - which it does and is a downright battle royale every.freaking.year to get her to abide by the CO.

It wouldn't be so insulting and infuriating if BM didn't already pawn skid off on her mom and her siblings, and have skid in after school care as much as humanly possible. Mom in the noun sense, not verb.

Disneyfan's picture

"** I never understood the theory behind a Non-custodial having all of summer and I do mean all summer. Custodial should get a feel of real parenting all day long just not dinner to bedtime during the school year. Must be super nice to be paid as a phantom parent. I am hearing more and more noncustodial tossing in the summer towels"

"Summer parents" shoud get a feel of real parenting day in and day out. Having a kid all summer is easy and fun. A week or two of that time you're on vacation. Toss in another week or two if the kid gets shipped off to sleep away camp and the NCP hasn't had to do any brunt work of parenting.

Even if the kid goes to day camp or day care, the summer parent still has it easy. Summer parent doesn't have to:

Make sure homework is done each night
School clothes are picked out and ironed each night
The kid is ready for hid/her upcoming test.
Kid is in bed on time.
Kid makes it to his/her activities on time.
Make sure hat science project is completed.
Juggle work schedule to attend parent/teacher conferences/class play or trips.
Juggle work, school,activities and medical appointments.

There's a reason why parents who have their kids year round look forward to summer. Summer is when we get to finally slow downand recharge.

Summer and school vacation parents have it easy because they are not tasked with the day to day, hard (but rewarding) responsibilities of parenting.

Disneyfan's picture

Who the heck doesn't iron kids(or adult clothing? I ironed my son's clothes until he was old enough to do so on his own.
My mom and dad would have flipped if my sister and I left out of the house without ironing our clothes. It drives me insane to see kids come to school wearing wrinkled clothing.

And summer in my house(as both a kid and a parent) was a time to revamp. That meant spending summer nights hanging outside with friends~riding bikes, playing various street games, sitting on the stoops singing, talking and waiting for the ice cream truck to come down the block.

Even with summer camp and summer jobs, we didn't not stick to the school year schedule. As a kid and teen I was never in bed before 11 during the summer. We were still up and at camp or summer jobs by 9am.

My son had the same carefree summers that I had.

At the end of the day, what is normal for one, my seem odd to someone else. (Ironing vs not ironing)

Livingoutloud's picture

weather like in the summer where you live?
Usually hot and sunny but sometimes cooler

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer?
My favorite thing is to travel. Short trips or longer vacations

Lake or Ocean?
Sea but I live by the lakes now

What do you not like about summer?
Heat if it's hot summer

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid?
Travel, we travelled a lot as a family and I try to travel now as much as possible. Also the sea. I grew up by the sea. Memory of salty water, waves, smell of it etc

Do you camp in the summer?
Nope. Hate camping

What do you have planned for this summer?
Two vacations: one for our anniversary and the other just random. Day trips. Take a class for license renewal.

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer?
We will see SGD more, potentially babysit a bit. My skids are adults

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini?
Yes. Not bikini though. I usually wear a shirt swim skirt with longer tankini type of top

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

What is the weather like in the summer where you live?

Summer here is usually in the 70s-80s, with a couple hot, humid weeks in the 90s around August. So far this year (though it's not technically summer), it's done nothing but rain. Clouds and rain going on 9 weeks now. So depressing.

What is your favorite thing(s) to do in the summer?

Sit outside in the evenings as the world starts to cool and the night critters are chirping and singing. Vacation in the Poconos.

Lake or Ocean?

I'll take either, but I prefer the ocean. I don't swim in either one, though.

What do you not like about summer?

There is nothing I don't like about summer! Hazy, hot and humid- bring it on! Long days- absolutely! Fall is depressing, when the days start to get short and I have to break out the happy lights.

What are favorite summer time memories as a kid?

Being able to stay outside with the big kids sometimes after it was dark to play Capture the Flag. Sparklers and a bonfire on the Fourth of July. Going to the drive-in to see Star Wars.

Do you camp in the summer?

No. A lot of people I know adore it, but nope, I'll take a comfy bed, thank you! That being said, I've never camped in a camper. I'm sure I'd be down for that.

What do you have planned for this summer?

Two weeks in Ireland (starting next week!) and a week in the Poconos in August.

Will the skids be around more now that it is summer?

The skids haven't been around at all since they PASed out, so no.

Are you comfortable wearing a swimsuit/bikini?

A bikini? Not anymore. I wear a tankini, and I'm mostly comfortable in that. I hate my thighs and my stomach and no matter how healthy I eat or how much I exercise, I can't get them to shrink. I love seeing big women at the pool or the beach rocking a bikini, fat rolls and all, like they just don't care. I'd love to have that kind of confidence! They look good, too!